Jada agreed. She said goodbye to Mr. Forest, who sped away.

Jada figured she knew where to find Ms. Kitty: the kitchen, probably perched on her new window platform chilling out while guarding her vintage kill.

Although she felt sort of bad that Ms. Kitty had stolen the cap, Jada had been trying to think of an excuse to get out of that jacuzzi as soon as Agatha slid into it. Excuse granted.

Good Ms. Kitty. Jada would see to it that her furry friend got lots of treats for her work this night.

Chapter Five

IAN STOOD ON THE WIDE porch and surveyed the grounds and lake. It was another beautiful morning, and Ian had his plans in place. While it was odd not to be at the office on a Monday, he found he liked it in a guilty pleasure kind of way.

Earlier, he’d sent Jada an old-fashioned note, hand-written on stationary. It was a silly, romantic gesture that he hoped pleased her as much as it pleased him.

He’d requested that she accompany him on what he hoped would be a delightful excursion. She’d replied on the heavy stationary that was provided in all the bedrooms of the house. She wrote that she’d be honored. He had the note tucked away in his jacket pocket.

He checked his watch. Ten minutes to go. Perhaps she’d be early. No, she’d be right on time, he was certain.

His phone vibrated. He sighed and pulled it out. He’d shut off everything and everyone but top level estate staff in hopes of not being interrupted during his time with Jada. Sure enough. It was Lydia, head of security. He answered.

“Sorry to disturb you, Sir, but you have a visitor requesting entry at the south gate,” Lydia said in professional, clipped tones.

“Who is it?”

“Trey Russell. He said he’s been trying to contact you, but hasn’t been successful.”

What was Trey doing out here? “Fine, Lydia. Let him in.”

“Yes, Sir.” And she signed off.

Ian checked his phone for missed messages and calls. There were several from Trey. Great. One more person to add to the slew already crowding up time that would be better spent with Jada.

He heard footsteps and turned to see Sullivan stepping outside.

“You’ll never guess who’s here,” Ian said.

“Trey,” Sullivan answered.

“How’d you know?”

“He texted me that he was outside. Said he wants to talk to both of us about something. One guess what that something is.”

“Sasha,” Ian said, trying not to feel exasperated. “He’s seen the stories and is worried about her, isn’t he?”


“I should have called him, I suppose. I didn’t think about it.”

“You’ve had other things on your mind.”

Ian knew Sullivan was right, and then some. He’d thought about little but Jada since he’d met her. “How long do you think this will take?”

“I don’t know. I hope not long. I’ve already had five calls from Germany today about the Reinhardt deal. Our team has lost ground in negotiations regarding the split. They need your guidance. Also, Cathy called and said there’s a new strike in Costa Rica that could affect—”

“Never mind,” Ian said. “The day’s shot. I get it. I don’t know why I tried to plan anything. I should have known better. There’s a reason why we work holidays.”

“Too bad it’s not Memorial Day everywhere in the world, eh? So what did you have planned?”

“Not much. Horseback riding with Jada.”

“Why don’t you go ahead?” Sullivan asked. “I can manage some of this myself, especially Trey. And it’s not the end of the world if we give up a tenth of a share too much to Reinhardt.”

“Say that to our shareholders,” Ian said. “No, it’s okay. I’m sure Jada will understand.”

And he knew that Jada would, because she was level-headed about business, unlike most of the other women he’d dated, who lost their minds if he had to cancel a date because duty called.

He sent a quick text to Jack Forest asking him to come to the porch. Before too long, Ian heard the low grumbling of a car approaching. He spotted one of Trey’s favorite sports cars clearing the tree line in the distance. At the same time, Mr. Forest arrived.

Ian asked Jack to get a room ready for Trey, and if he’d mind escorting Jada and her sister on a horseback tour of the property. Jack was more than pleased to do both, and rushed away to prepare.

Trey rolled up in the growly, black Bugatti. He opened the door and unfolded himself from the low interior, all six-feet-plus of him. He stretched and groaned.

“You sure that car’s worth the neck and back pain?” Ian joked.

“Are you kidding? Look at it,” Trey replied.

Ian and Sullivan did. It was a beautiful machine, capable of reaching speeds no sane person would attempt off a race track. Both men nodded. Yeah, it was worth it.

They shook hands and clapped one another on the back.

“Why haven’t you returned my calls?” Trey asked. “Afraid I was after you for jilting my little sister?”

“In his defense,” Sullivan interjected, “Ian’s been a little sidetracked. He’s a newlywed now.”

“So I hear. What the hell is all this about? We need to sit down and have a talk. I want to know everything.” Trey glowered at Ian.

“It’s not my fault,” Ian said. “I didn’t do it.”

“So who did?”

“I think I know. Come on. We’ll go inside and talk about it.”

They headed to the door and met Jada on her way out.

“Oh,” Jada said. “Hi.”


drank her in. She looked as fresh and lovely as ever, charming in snug jeans and a pale blue shirt with sleeves rolled up to her elbows. As usual, she wore little makeup. She didn’t need it, not with her glowing, coffee skin and big dark eyes.

He introduced her to Trey with more than a little pride, which made absolutely no sense, but it was there all the same. Jada and Trey shook hands then Ian took Jada aside.

“I’m sorry,” Ian told her, “but things have come up. Business. I’m going to have to bow out of the horseback ride.”

Her pretty smile slid off her face and was exchanged with an expression of sympathy. “I’m sorry to hear that. I understand, though. You must have a million responsibilities. I can’t imagine how you do it.”

He wanted to kiss her, but held back, not wanting to make her uncomfortable in front of Sullivan and Trey. “I’ve asked Mr. Forest to invite your sister to go with you. He’ll escort you both, if that works for you. He’s a great guide, and knows more than anyone about the property.”

“Sounds good.”

“I hope not too good.”

She grinned again. “Of course not. Are you jealous of Mr. Forest?”

“Damned straight I am. He gets to go with you and I don’t.”

“You have nothing to worry about. Marina will be our chaperone. She’ll make sure I don’t lose my head and take advantage of Mr. Forest in the shrubbery.”

Ian laughed. “Remind me to thank Marina later.”

“Speaking of my sister,” she said, and cocked her head toward the front door.

Mr. Forest and Marina stepped onto the porch. Marina looked pretty in jeans and a button-down shirt. Ian and Jada joined her, introducing her to Trey.

Ian noticed Trey perk up the instant he spotted Marina. Ian couldn’t blame him. She was the second-most beautiful woman at the lake cabin.

Reluctantly, Ian, Trey and Sullivan left the two women behind and headed to Ian’s office. Once they settled into the overstuffed leather chairs, Trey began to interrogate Ian.

“I spoke to Sasha earlier and she tells me she’s fine, which is a good thing,” Trey said. “What I want to know is, who the hell is behind this mess?”