Page 20 of New Year's Steve

This ought to be good.

Meg: Harry works in maintenance. There are probably spiders in his hair from all those cobwebs in the basement.

Me: I have cobwebs in MY basement (if you catch my drift) so really I can’t judge him for that.

Meg: You are SO GROSS sometimes!

Me: Hey, it’s not all sunshine and roses up in accounting, we can’t all run around in ugly holiday sweaters and Santa tights and still grab an eligible bachelor.

Meg: My sweaters are NOT UGLY. Take that back!!!

Me: Sorry, sorry. Let’s circle back around and talk about me again. I know that’s selfish but I have this date tonight and I’m having all these feelings about Harry…

Meg: You are OVERthinking this. Has Harry asked for your number? No. Has he asked you on a date? No. So what you need to do is go out with Steve tonight, have fun, let loose, be carefree. Hopefully he makes you laugh.

Me: He makes me laugh in our messages. I think I’ve really built this up in my head so meeting Harry has thrown me off my game.

Meg: Your GAME??? OMG. Stop it right now, you have no game. Your big move is having a man change your light bulb, WHICH BY THE WAY, you could have done yourself.

Me: Okay but I didn’t have a key to the supply room and even with a ladder I’m kind of short, so technically I couldn’t have…

Meg: THE POINT IS: Stop overthinking. Have fun. And for the love of god, do NOT forget to report back to me in the morning. I’ll keep my phone near the bed in case you’re doing the walk of shame at dawn and need moral support.

Me: I have never — nor will I ever! — do the walk of shame!

Meg: Just call me in the morning.

Meg: And don’t get murdered.

I roll my eyes, tossing the phone onto my desk with a frown. Overthinking? Yeah, she’s right, I probably do that — but I hate admitting when she’s right.

I need to focus.

I’m so close to being done I can almost taste the yummy appetizers I’m going to eat tonight at dinner.

So what I need is to get my mind off of Harry — whom I’ve barely met — and refocus my energy on the man I’ve been dreaming of meeting for weeks.


We were entering Pen Pal territory — that’s an online dating term for when two people message so long without actually planning to go on an actual date, you become Pen Pals. Letters back and forth, no real time interaction. No video chats, no phone calls.

Honestly, I was days away from telling him, “Steve, this has been wonderful but it seems like all you want to do is message back and forth and not meet in person.” Then low and behold, he invited me to be his date for New Year’s.

Settling back into my chair, I’m pleasantly surprised when I look down at my clock a few minutes later to see that actually, a solid hour has passed and I’m on the verge of finalizing everything.

But what is taking Harry so long to return with that ladder?

As if my thoughts have summoned him, he shows up on cue, carrying the ladder like it weighs next to nothing. Good lord, the sleeve of his shirt is straining his biceps again.

Is there nothing wrong with this man?


“Sorry for taking so long,” he says with a smile as he gently places the ladder on the floor and opens it. I push backwards in my chair and I roll out of his way. “I got sidetracked fixing that tampon machine in the ladies’ restroom — the one I overheard you complaining about before…”


“Turns out someone had stuffed a drink token in it from a casino; guess they were hoping for a big pay-out.” He laughs at his corny joke. “Luckily I hadn’t returned this to the supply closet.” He taps the side of the ladder before climbing it.

And now he’s considerate, too? How come a man like Harry isn’t on LoveSwept? He’s probably one of those obnoxiously awesome people who prefers to build relationships in real life instead of getting sucked into it online. Could he be any more perfect?

Regardless, in no time flat, I feel warm air floating across my desk.

“Holy shit, you did it!” With the way I squeal in delight, you’d think I’d never felt indoor heating before, my hair gently blowing in the new breeze. Ahhh…

Harry quickly replaces the vent cover and climbs down. Snaps his fingers. “Easy fix. Just remember, if it gets too cold in the summer, you’ll just need to call and have it closed again. That’s what maintenance is there for.”

“When I can reach someone,” I grumble.

“What was that?”

“Nothing,” I say quickly. I don’t want to make an issue of how long it took to get this done. No reason for this hottie to take the fall for his boss’s failings.