Page 42 of Tricked

She had suffered enough. She just had to pass one last test, and then he would forgive her.

“Hey,” he said, placing a steadying hand on her shoulder. “Are you sorry, Callie? Do you promise never, ever to raise your hand to your Master again?”

Tears filled her big, dark eyes. “Yes, Sir,” she croaked. “So, so sorry.” She dropped to her knees and wrapped her arms around his legs.

Moved by her sincerity, he lifted her gently into his arms. He carried her upstairs to the kitchen and placed her carefully onto a chair at the table. He brought her a large glass of cold water. As she drank it down, he wet a dish towel with cool water. Returning to her, he gently sponged her face, neck and arms. She sat passively as he washed her, her eyes fixed on his face.

Next, he sliced some pineapple, mango and banana into a bowl and set it before her. As she ate the fruit, he prepared a cheese and cracker platter, and brought that to her as well.

She ate everything he gave her, and drank a second glass of water. She was going to have a belly ache later, but he was glad to see her eating. He needed to fatten her up a little so she’d be saleable. He wouldn’t get top dollar for some scrawny bitch. She needed a little meat back on those bones.

It was a shame he had to get rid of her soon. He was becoming rather attached to her. It had been very hard to spend the last twenty-four hours and change without her.

No, he admonished himself. Don’t be stupid. A smart gambler knows when to get up from the table. This is a short-term game. Another week or two, max. Then you sell her, and you move on. Who knows, maybe you’ll do it again with a new, unsuspecting girl…

Buoyed by the thought, he helped Callie to the bathroom and ran a bath for her. He would let her rest tonight. Tomorrow, they would start fresh. He had bought a nose clip at a shop down by the beach. That should help her when he took her back out to the pool for another lesson in underwater blowjobs…Chapter 15“What will you do for me, cunt?”

“Anything, Sir.”

Though Callie automatically parroted the expected response, she was immediately filled with trepidation. Whenever they played the “what will you do for me” game, each time the stakes got higher. She did want to please him. It was so much safer to please than to disappoint him, no matter how outrageous his demands became. But she was afraid one day he would go too far. What if she dared to refuse?

She would be returned to the punishment closet—to the hard concrete, the gnawing hunger, the claustrophobically tiny, dark space, the unrelenting nightmares…


“Anything, Sir,” she repeated more fervently.

A mean grin lifted his lips, his eyes glittering. “Now’s your chance to prove it. Let’s go out back.”

Outside! How Callie cherished the occasional times when he took her into the fresh air, even though it inevitably came at a price. The blue sky, the sunshine, the salty tang of the nearby ocean and the distant sound of traffic were reminders that there was still life beyond the confines of her luxurious prison. A world still existed out there, if only she could find a way to return to it.

He took her out to the back of the property, where the landscape crew had left a large pile of dirt, along with some squares of grass sod they would presumably be placing on their next visit. The sod was neatly stacked against the side of a shed. A hose was coiled nearby, attached to a nearby spigot.

As Callie stood passively by, Damon uncoiled the hose and turned on the spigot. The hose was capped with a nozzle that kept the water from spraying until the trigger was depressed. Though the day was warm, Callie wrapped her arms around her torso, certain that cold water would soon be directed at her.

Instead, he kicked at the pile of dirt with his sneaker until he spread it into a loose rectangle over the ground. Then he aimed the hose at the dirt and pressed the trigger. He kept up a steady stream of water until the dirt turned into mud.

He set down the hose and pointed. “Lie, facedown, in the mud.”

Callie took an involuntary step back, hugging herself tighter. No way was she going to do that.

As he glared at her, she came back to her senses. The only way out was through. Just do what he wants, and then it’ll be over. At least mud doesn’t hurt.

She forced herself to drop her arms as she approached the mud patch. She dared a glance at Damon, who was regarding her with an, “I dare you to refuse, bitch,” expression. His cock was already tenting his shorts. He slipped a hand into the elastic waistband and licked his lips as he watched her.