Page 37 of Tricked

She looked away. Sunlight dappled over the surface as the water rippled in a circle around them. It felt cool and pleasant against her welted, bruised skin. In a way, the peaceful, idyllic scene was like a slap in the face. It was hard to reconcile the heavenly surroundings with the hell of her situation.

Damon let go of her neck and moved toward the side of the pool. He rested his back against it as he spread his arms out wide on either side. “Hopefully, you’re reasonably adept with breath control. You’ll want to be careful not to take in water while you’re sucking my cock. From what I understand, the most important thing is the seal. You need to create a tight ring with your lips around the shaft, and enough suction so the seal doesn’t break. It may take a few tries to get the hang of it.”

As he spoke, he reached under the water for his cock, which he fisted in his hand. “If the seal breaks, you’ll get a mouthful of water. If that happens, tap at my thigh and I’ll pull you up. But a warning—if I think you’re screwing up on purpose to get out of this, you’ll pay the price. We clear on that?”

“Yes, Sir.” She tried to keep her voice calm and respectful, refusing to let the panic his words created take her over. She couldn’t imagine how she’d manage to keep the water from pouring into her nose, mouth and lungs as she tried to suck his huge cock underwater.

“Get over here in front of me,” he directed. He let go of his shaft, now fully erect and bobbing between them. “You can easily hold your breath for a minute or so. Longer once you get used to it. I’ll let you up when I think you need a breath. Now”—he clapped his hands together—“let’s get this party started.”

He put his hands firmly on her shoulders and looked her in the eye. “Take a deep breath.”

Fear bubbled inside Callie. What if he drowned her, inadvertently or otherwise? “Please,” she blurted. “I’m not sure I can do this. What if I choke?”

“Don’t worry,” he said expansively, a big smile on his stupid, handsome face. “I’ve seen this done on porn sites and I did a little reading up on it yesterday while you were in the cage. It’s perfectly doable. Just remember the seal.” He rubbed his hands eagerly together. “Now. Take a deep breath, and, one… two…”

Panicked, Callie took a huge breath and held it.


As Damon pushed her under the water, she was plunged into the wet silence. Bubbles tickled her nostrils. She kept her eyes squeezed tightly shut as the head of his cock tapped against her lips. Heeding his warning about proper suction, she desperately tried to suck his shaft into her mouth without drowning herself in the process.

It didn’t work. Her mouth and nose flooded with the chlorinated water. Panicked, she tapped frantically on his thigh.

To her relief, he pulled her immediately up out of the water. Gasping and sputtering, she whipped the wet hair from her face, her heart pounding, her sinuses burning.

He laughed, shaking his head. “I told you it would take a little practice. You ready to try it again? You do want to please me, don’t you, Callie?”

As murderous rage threatened to rear its head inside her, she forced herself to keep her eye on the bigger goal. Let him think he’s won. Let him think you’ve drunk the Kool-Aid.

“Yes, Sir,” she managed hoarsely. “I do. I truly do.”

He smiled. “That’s my girl. Now. Take another deep breath, and…”

He placed his hands on her shoulders. “One… two…”

Callie sucked in another bushel of air. There was no way out of this. The sooner she figured out how to do this, the sooner it would be over.


This time, she somehow managed to suck in the shaft without taking too much water. As he eased it down her throat, he placed a heavy hand on top of her head, keeping her down. Still, the buoyancy of the water threatened to lift her up, pulling her away from her tenuous hold.

Desperate to keep his cock in her mouth, she gripped his thighs, holding tight as he moved in and out of her throat. At least he was doing all the work. All she had to focus on was keeping the suction going.

The pressure began to build in her chest, her lungs burning. Yet he continued to thrust, his cock wedged deep in her throat.

Just get through it. Just get through it…

It was no use. She had to get some air. Her limbs were leaden, but somehow, she found the wherewithal to tap at his thigh.

To her relief, his hand fell away from her head. She floated up, breaking the water with an audible, grateful gulp of air as she whipped the hair from her face.