Page 24 of Tricked

Heart hammering, she flipped up the lock, gripped the handle and pulled. To her astonished delight, it slid noiselessly open on a well-oiled track. The moist, warm night air brushed her skin, beckoning like a promise. Barely breathing, she slipped out into the night.

As she stepped forward, she was suddenly blinded by the flash of blazing floodlights. She froze, rooted by terror to the spot, her makeshift poncho falling to the ground. She heard the whooshing sound of another sliding glass door. Then she felt a heavy hand clamp down on her shoulder, strong fingers digging into her muscles.

“Going somewhere?”Chapter 8Callie let out a piercing scream. Damon clapped a firm hand over her mouth and jerked her backward into the bedroom.

Always a light sleeper, those motion detector floodlights had alerted him. Still, he’d been an idiot. He should have known better than to tie her down to a portable cot. He’d make sure to do better going forward. Not that she could have gotten very far. The property’s perimeter was surrounded by a high privacy fence, the electronic gates at the front and back secured. Though she’d made it outside, there was no way a naked girl could get off the property by herself.

Nevertheless, he couldn’t have her running outside willy nilly. There was the weekly landscape crew to consider, after all. He made a mental note to buy some of those sliding door locks that needed a key to open. Meanwhile, keeping one hand on the girl, he slid the door closed. Turning to her, he backhanded her hard across the face and then threw her face down onto the bed.

He straddled her hips and grabbed one wrist, pinning her arm high up against her back. Leaning over her, he hissed, “You’re a very, very bad girl, Callie. Here’s what’s going to happen now. I’m going to take you up to the dungeon. You’re going to crawl into the punishment cage and spend the rest of the night there, pondering your stupidity. In the morning, you’ll get what’s coming to you.”

She whimpered.

He kept his hold on her. “I’m going to teach you what happens to slave girls who try to escape.” He jerked her wrist, wrenching her arm higher up her back until she cried out.

“Got that, cunt?”

“Yes, sir” she wailed. “Please, you’re hurting me!”

An unwelcome memory from when he was twelve slithered into his brain before he could censor it. He’d been showing off in front of a group of girls on the deck of the pool of their parents’ country club. One of his older brothers had come up behind him, jerked his wrist up behind his back and pinned him against a wall while the other yanked down his bathing suit in front of the girls.

He shoved the memory away. They had no hold over him—not anymore. Imagine their faces if they could see him now. They were both saddled with bossy bitches for wives who controlled their every move. They’d shit themselves with envy that he’d had the balls to do what they could only dream about.

He released Callie’s wrist and climbed off the bed. Pulling her upright, he frog-marched her out of the room and to the spiral staircase. His hand firmly on the back of her neck, he guided her upstairs and thrust her into the room.

She stumbled a little and whirled to face him as he flicked on the lights. “Please,” she begged in a hoarse voice. Her left cheek was still red from where he’d slapped her. “You have to let me go. This is crazy. You can’t possibly get away with this for long. I—”

He slapped her again, this time on the other cheek. That shut her up.

“You’re already in a lot of trouble, cunt. If you don’t want to make it way worse, I strongly suggest you keep your goddamn mouth shut.” He reached for her shoulders, forcing her down onto the carpet. “Get on your hands and knees and crawl to the punishment cage. Go on. Now.”

In spite of his anger at her attempted escape, and his annoyance at having been wakened in the middle of the night, Damon couldn’t deny how turned on he was. What a fucking rush it was to say and do exactly what he’d fantasized about since forever. What man in his shoes—with a naked, defenseless, gorgeous girl at his complete disposal to do with whatever the fuck he wanted—wouldn’t do the same?

He stroked his cock, which was rapidly elongating as he watched the girl crawl to the punishment cage. Her head hung down, her cute ass and pretty tits swaying. He strode past her and opened the cage door. “Turn around and scoot in backward, so you’re facing me,” he instructed.

She lifted her head, her eyes pleading. “Please,” she said in a small, wavering voice. “Don’t do this.”