Page 20 of Tricked

Of course, he’d been promptly found out. Squirt had been spirited away, and his older brothers later told him they’d drowned the pathetic runt in the river that ran behind their house, with their father’s blessing.

Damon still had a small scar on his left hip from the beating he’d received with his father’s belt for that particular “stunt.”

Once he’d moved out of the house, he could have gotten his own dog. By then he hadn’t wanted the responsibility. But a little puppy roleplay would be fun. Callie already had the leash and collar. Now, she just needed a little training.

He got to his feet and retrieved the leash, which he reattached to her choke collar. “Up you go,” he said, giving her a tug.

The girl stumbled and swayed as she got to her feet, her eyes going unfocused a moment. It occurred to him she hadn’t had anything to eat since dinner the night before. The poor thing was probably faint with hunger.

Which was a good thing, as a hungry puppy would do anything for her food.

He allowed her to remain on her feet as he led her down the spiral staircase to the first floor. Then he pointed to the ground. “When I say ‘puppy play,’ you are to drop to your hands and knees and crawl. You may only respond with yips, like a real puppy.”

She gawked at him, a stupid expression on her face. “I’m sorry,” she finally said. “What?”

Annoyed, he jerked hard on the leash, yanking her down to her knees. Her hands flew to the tightened collar, her face turning red. Crouching beside her, he slapped her hands away, but let the chain loosen so she could breathe.

“I said,” he repeated, speaking slowly so the stupid girl could get it, “while you’re my puppy, you will crawl on your hands and knees like a dog. When I ask you a question, you will respond with a yip or a bark to show you understand. Got that?”

Two spots of red had appeared on her cheeks. He could feel anger radiating off her in waves. Was he going to need to swat her nose? But then her expression changed, her eyes skittering away from his as her face went blank. After a second, she gave a small yipping sound.

Delighted, Damon laughed and patted her head. “That’s it, little bitch. Good dog.”

Getting to his feet, he pulled the naked puppy along, generously going slowly enough for her to keep up as she crawled along behind him to the kitchen. Once there, he looped the end of the leash around one of the chair legs at the kitchen table and commanded, “Stay.”

Her face still blank, the girl sat back on her heels and wrapped her arms across her chest.

“No,” he directed with a shake of his head. “Dogs don’t cover themselves. When I tell you to stay, you hold your hands like this.” He demonstrated, holding up his hands like a puppy’s paws lifted in the air when they were waiting for a treat.

She hesitated a fraction of a second, anger again flashing in those big brown eyes.

Irritated, he raised a hand as if to strike her. That got her attention, causing her to do as he’d said. She released her hold on herself and held up her arms, bent at the elbows, her hands flopping over like little paws.

Amused, he gave a curt nod. “Stay right there,” he reminded her. “I’ll get your kibble, little bitch.”

He grabbed a bowl from the cabinet, along with a box of cereal from the pantry and a carton of milk from the fridge. Maybe he’d get some actual dog kibble and make her eat it. But for now, he poured Cheerios into the bowl and added a little milk. Returning to the girl, he set the bowl in front of her.

“Thank me with a yip,” he commanded. “And then you may eat the cereal, but only with your mouth, like a real dog.”

Her eyes were now fixed on the bowl. She swallowed hard, drew in a breath as if girding herself, and managed a pathetic little yip. She glanced up at him, her mouth working as if she were about to speak.

“What? You’re aren’t hungry?” He shrugged and bent down as if he were going to take the bowl away.

“No,” she blurted. “I am. Please, I—”

“Bad dog,” he shouted. “Little bitches don’t speak. Didn’t I just say that?” Reaching down, he gave one nipple a savage twist.

Callie gasped and winced, her hand fluttering up to cover the reddened nipple as tears filled her eyes, one spilling over onto her cheek.

Poor little puppy. He was being too hard on her. He was probably moving too fast. Clearly, despite her college degree, the girl wasn’t too bright.

He patted her head. “I forgive you. This time. Now, eat your kibble before I take it away. Remember, no hands.”