Page 16 of Tricked

The tiny bit of rational brain still functioning beneath her fight-or-flight automatic physiological reaction to the situation wanted to yell, “Of course I’m dry, you fucking dickhead! I fucking hate you!”

That same rational brain, however, knew better than to give voice to the thought. Instead, she gasped, “You’re hurting me! Stop! Please, stop!” Her heart was beating so hard it felt like it was going to fly out of her chest.

To her relief, he pulled back with an angry snort. He raised himself on his arms above her and glared down at her.

Then, as if he’d flipped some kind of emotional switch, his expression softened, all trace of anger and irritation gone. He shook his head, a small smile lifting his lips. His thickly-lashed, deep blue eyes radiated kind sincerity. “I’m being too hard on you, poor thing,” he said in a gentle, soothing voice. “The knockout drugs aren’t completely out of your system yet. You haven’t had a chance to adjust to your new situation yet. I need to cut you some slack.”

This abrupt juxtaposition from anger to kind concern was somehow more terrifying than if he’d stayed mad. Beneath the veneer of Damon’s charm there lurked something dark and dangerous. He appeared able to turn on charm like it was water from a faucet, and to turn it off just as quickly.

She’d allowed herself to be fooled by the extremely handsome, well-dressed man who’d been such a gentleman at the restaurant. She’d never questioned how odd “Diana’s” sudden failure to show actually was. Nevertheless, his kindness now, however insincere, brought tears of relief to her eyes.

But, instead of climbing off her, he sidled down until he was between her legs, his head just above her denuded sex. “Just relax,” he soothed, his hands on her thighs, pushing them wider. He lowered his head and she felt the soft, wet touch of his tongue on her sex. Instinctively, she tried to close her legs, but he easily held them apart.

His tongue slid along her labia and circled her clit. In spite of her terror and fury, she couldn’t deny the zinging sensation of raw pleasure as he quite expertly licked and teased her. What the hell was wrong with her? This man was a monster! But she was so exhausted. She felt sick with adrenaline and fear, her mind still clouded by the remnants of whatever drug he’d given her. It was so tempting just to give in—to give up and accept whatever he meted out. It wasn’t as if she had a choice.

And it felt good. The first good feeling since this whole ordeal had started. Unable to resist any longer, she gave herself over to the sensations. Yes… Yes. Just like that. Oooh…

He certainly knew his way around a woman’s body. His tongue danced and flickered, sometimes soft as butterfly wings, other times with just the right amount of pressure and focus. He brought her close to the edge time and again, pulling back just before climax and then starting over. Her barriers shattered beneath his tender, skillful touch. Her body began to tremble, her breath shallow and rapid.

Surrendering, she let the pleasure wash over her. Her brain mercifully shut down as a powerful orgasm swept through her body. It went on and on, making her body shudder and pulling a long, guttural groan from her lips.

Instead of pulling away, he continued to kiss and lick her, deepening the already powerful orgasm. The extended climax lifted her for several long moments onto a different plane where nothing existed but the wonderful sensations racking her body…

She drifted a while in post-orgasmic ecstasy. For those brief moments, fear was held at bay, blotted out by a fog of lingering pleasure.

But then Callie was jerked back to reality by a derisive chuckle. Her eyes flew open, focusing on the man now looming above her once more.

He wiped his mouth with the back of his hand and grinned down at her, his eyes cruel. “You stupid girl. Didn’t you take BDSM 101 on one of those little chat sites you frequent? A slave never comes without first asking permission.” He shook his head in mock sorrow. “Guess you’ll have to be punished.”Chapter 6Damon got to his feet and pulled on his shorts, not bothering with the T-shirt. He’d been super turned-on while going down on the girl. Not because it particularly excited him to lick pussy, but because of the control aspect. He loved the power rush of reducing a woman to a trembling mass of shuddering female pleasure.

He considered plunging his cock into her now. It ached and throbbed, harder than a rock. He definitely needed the release. And Callie was surely wet now, the little slut. Women could never resist his considerable oral talents.

But, no. He would hold off a little longer. He was a patient man. And she hadn’t yet earned the right to his cock. She was a very naughty girl who needed to be punished.