“Okay. I have something I want to tell you too.”

My heart skipped a beat in my chest, knowing I was setting myself up in a way I couldn’t get out of, but I didn’t want to.

New York welcomed us back with the first cold weather front, and maybe a fire and red wine—naked—would be the perfect time to let him know I loved him. If he tried to run, I’d sway him with my body and convince him of the benefits of staying.

He gave me a firm nod, squeezing my hand tight.

I took extra care to get out of the car as my torn panties were stuffed in Nico’s pants pocket. Hours later, and I could still feel the stickiness between my thighs. I bit my lip, blushing at the secret no-one else knew but him.

He took my hand in his and led me in. We’d just cleared the glass doors to the lobby when a haggard-looking version of my father shot up from a chair and stormed over. He didn’t have a tie; his shirt was wrinkled, and his hair strayed in all directions. He stomped closer, his face growing more and more red, his eyes glued to Nico.

Until he got only a few feet away, he acted like he didn’t even see me. But then his ire redirected to me, and I took a step back, never having felt such anger directed at me.

“What the fuck did you do?”Thirty-ThreeNico“Fuck,” I whispered to myself. Vera’s hand gripped mine tighter, and I snapped into action, moving to stand between her and her father.

“To your own fucking family, Verana. Your mother would be ashamed of you.”

“I-I don’t—what?”

Her tiny, stuttering voice stabbed at my back, and it was like an out of body experience. I stood to the side, watching the bomb slowly drop on us all, knowing there wasn’t anything I could do.

“Verana, let’s just—” I tried to get her upstairs, but her father was having none of that.

“You spoiled little fucking brat.”

“Papa. I—”

“Just because I wouldn’t give you a fucking job, because it’s not your role in this family—something you’ve known and accepted since you were little. You lash out and marry this fucking snake and give him your shares. Is that what it was about? You married him so you could work with him to take my company out from under me. You wanted to steal it like a fucking thief? Your mother raised you better. How dare you.”

Verana stepped out from behind me, the shock of the moment wearing off, and standing on her own again. She took an aggressive stance matching her father’s and lost the mousy voice from moments ago.

She was fierce and passionate and beautiful and fire.

I loved her.

And I stood there, unable to stop that I’d lose her.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about. I didn’t give him my shares. And it’s not your company. It was Mama’s.”

“Exactly. The last damn thing I had left of her,” he said, his voice almost breaking over the words. “And now, it’s not even hers. This fucking prick stole it from her—from me.”

Vera’s brow furrowed, struggling to process his accusations.

“Lorenzo, this is not the place to have this discussion,” I interjected, trying to diffuse the situation. I needed a second to gather myself, formulate a new plan beyond where I took Vera upstairs, told her I loved her and that I was giving her the company. I just needed a second.

“Fuck you,” he spat. “The time would have been in a boardroom where you face me like a man. Not some coward letting his lawyer do his dirty work while he gallivants around Europe fucking my daughter.”

“Papa,” Vera gasped.

“Don’t act all good now, Verana. You go against our family and plot with our enemy. He has taken everything, and it’s all because you couldn’t follow the goddamn rules.”

“Nico isn’t our enemy. I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

I watched her chest rise, her nerves cracking her façade of strength. Her eyes flicked side to side to see if anyone was watching, but it was just us—just me, waiting for the impending doom.

“Lorenzo,” I tried again.

“Don’t.” He turned his ire to me. “Don’t think I don’t know who you are. I may not have at first, but your lawyer made sure to say thanks for the company on behalf of K. Rush Shipping—Knightly-Rush Shipping.”

Every time I imagined facing Lorenzo Mariano after I stole his company, I imagined the victory. I’d close my eyes and picture the shock and ire on his face when he realized who I was. I imagined smiling the same way he had when my grandfather begged him to not dismantle the majority of the company.

I tried to find that rush of adrenaline I’d had hints of each time. I tried to find the words he used. It’s just business. But they were nowhere to be found. Incinerated by the fire, Vera started inside me months ago. My love for her burned through my revenge and left me with a panic I’d lose her right as I was finally getting her.