A man that stole too much of my attention with how freaking alluring, dark, and cold he was when I remembered him as anything but for those few moments in the lobby.

But he’d made an assumption and seemed as determined to stick to it as I did to continue working for him. Despite not being able to decide if I liked looking at him more because I fantasized about slapping that perpetual scowl off his face or kissing it.

“Ugh.” I fell back on the bed and grabbed my phone to reply, keeping my response simple.

Me: An asshole.

Raelynn: A fun one? *wink wink*

Nova: What’s a fun asshole?

Raelynn: One that would spank you.

Nova: Gross.

Raelynn: Don’t knock it ’til you’ve tried it.

Raelynn: So, does he talk down to you only to bend you over his desk later.

Nova: Jesus.

Me: Nope.

Raelynn: That’s a shame. He was hot. It’s been a few weeks, and I can still remember that rugged square jaw. YUM!

Me: He’s more of a make me do demeaning jobs and just talk down to me. Everything I do is treated as if I’m trying to sleep my way to the top.

Raelynn: Ew. What a dick.

Me: Last week, we did a video conference call, and he asked to talk to me afterward and reprimanded me for what I wore.He’d traveled back to the main office in Charleston for a week but still managed to be a pain in my ass. I’d thought it’d be a reprieve from the last month, but even through a little screen, he’d been able to pull my attention into fantasies that leaned more toward kissing over slapping. Maybe more so. I didn’t know if it was just me, but he looked more relaxed there than he did here. His top buttons had been undone, his jaw a little less tight, covered in more scruff than usual.

Once, his mouth had even tipped into a smile, stretching his full lips I still dreamed about.

Again, I decided to keep that from the girls.

Nova: Men are assholes.

Raelynn: Except for the dreamy lead singer of the band you love so much. *heart eyes*

Nova: Shut up.

Me: How was the concert you went to last week?

Raelynn: Did you stalk him after?

Nova: OMG! Stop!

Raelynn: Did you sneak into his trailer and make him notice you.

Raelynn: With your mouth.

Raelynn: On his cock?

Raelynn: Please say yes!

Nova: *eye roll*

Me: As much as I’m enjoying this, I have to get going.

Me: Before I go, though, I have pics of two tops. Tell me your favorite.

Nova: What are you getting all dressed up for?

Me: I have a date.

Raelynn: A DATE? And you didn’t tell us until now. With who? Are you going to bang them before being sold to the highest bidder? Please say yes. Make me the happiest woman ever and tell me you took my advice.

Me: Unfortunately, it’s with Camden.

Nova: Ew.

Raelynn: So gross.

Nova: Do you have a parka to wear instead of either of those tops?

Raelynn: Maybe a habit from a nunnery.

Me: Unfortunately, no.

Raelynn: Damn.

Raelynn: Don’t wear either of those. Go with the black fitted dress. It covers a lot but makes you look like a boss bitch while being sexy. Also, black like you’re going to your own funeral. Perfect for Camden.

Nova: It says, “look at what you can’t have, and I’d rather die than give it to you.”

Raelynn: Exactly. *high five*

Nova: *high five back*

Me: Done. I’ll let you know how it goes. Love you.

Nova: Love you too.

Raelynn: Love you, bitches.I peeled myself off the bed and shoved the two tops back into the closet, opting instead for the black dress Raelynn suggested.

I did love the dress. It hugged my modest curves, covering me from my neck to my knees. Slipping on a pair of black pumps had me feeling strong and confident like I was channeling my inner Raelynn, daring some man to challenge me—to own me.

Yeah right.

With a Mona Lisa smile on my lips, I ordered a car and headed to meet Camden. I refused to let him drive me because I didn’t want to be on his time, and I knew I’d need a drink or two to get through this meal.

I hoped it wouldn’t always be like this.

Raelynn and Nova had scoffed and laughed when I’d told them about how I’d always known I’d most likely have an arranged marriage. Unless, by some miracle, I found a man on my own they approved of.

But it had always been my life. I’d always known. They’d asked why I would let that happen, and I guessed I could always turn my back on my father, but I didn’t want to. I loved him. I trusted him. Yes, he had old-fashioned views, but it’d been how I’d been raised.

I remembered all the times my mother had tucked me in, and I’d asked her why this path was my future. She’d laughed softly and told me about how her marriage had been chosen by her parents and how she’d hated my father. He’d been arrogant and closed off. She’d rolled her eyes and shook her head.