Lucy’s been driving me crazy for the last two weeks. Pushing me to the brink time and again. She’ll let me do just about anything I want to her with the exception of one thing—actual intercourse. Everything else is fair game, even a little ass play.

Yeah, my Lucy is a dirty girl. But she’s only dirty for me.

That’s the scary part. The possessive wave that comes over me every time I think about leaving her, about her going on and living the rest of her life. Without me in it. I won’t ever see her again and she’ll forget all about me. I’ll become the faded memory, a part of that fond, long ago summer when she hung out with that one guy and messed around with him every chance she got. This can only be a summer fling. We made that promise to each other at the very beginning and at that time, I meant every word I said.

But now, when reality has hit and I know I have to leave her in little over twenty-four hours, I can only focus on one thing—I care about this girl. A lot. I don’t want to lose her. Looks like I have to though.

And that’s fucking painful.

“Are you ready to go?” I murmur against her lips after about five minutes of being attached to them. Her lipstick is mostly gone and I’m guessing I’m wearing a lot of it but I don’t really care. That kiss was worth it.

Every kiss with her is worth it.

Lucy nods and withdraws from me, tucking a thick strand of hair behind her ear. I drop my arm from around her waist and watch as she shuts and locks the front door. When she turns to face me, the smile she’s wearing is tremulous. She looks anxious.

I immediately want to reassure her.

“You okay?” I take her hand and lead her toward where my car is parked.

She sends me a wary look, her fingers squeezing mine. “I’m a little nervous.”

“About what?” I frown, not wanting her to feel unsure about anything. I want this to be a special night, just for the two of us. I want to show her how much she means to me. If I can’t utter the words, the least I could do is express my feelings by treating her right. Might be the chicken’s way out but I can’t lay a bunch of seriousness on her right before I leave her forever. That’s not fair. To either her or me.

“Going out to dinner at some fancy restaurant.” The minute the words come out of her mouth she clamps her lips shut, like she didn’t mean to say that.

Why would she feel uncomfortable at a nice restaurant? Rich girls love expensive restaurants because rich girls love having money spent on them, whether it be through gifts or food or whatever else.

Though Lucy is the most refreshingly real rich girl I’ve ever met. She doesn’t seem to want anything from me material-wise. And she likes to shop at bargain stores. She’s always looking for a sale, not that we’ve gone shopping much. Which is strange in and of itself.

Maybe her mom raised her right? Taught her to be practical?

So yeah. She’s not the typical spoiled rich girl. And I love that. I love a lot of things about her. But am I in love with her? I’m not sure. I don’t think so.

Not yet.

Ah hell, not yet?

I could fall in love with her. I think I might be falling for her right now. Maybe it’s a good thing I’m leaving. Nip this crazy thing in the bud. Not like I have a chance with her anyway. My parents are already plotting my future and it’s like I have no say in it.

Pushing all negative thoughts out of my brain, I open the passenger side door for Lucy and she slides gracefully into the car, her smooth, shiny legs the last thing I see before I shut the door. Shaking my head and willing my cock to behave, I jog around the front of the car and climb in, starting it and backing out of the driveway with an eagerness that turns my foot into lead and causes the tires to squeal as we pull out.

“Gabe,” she softly admonishes.

I reach out and rest my hand on her bare knee. “Just trying to show off.” I wasn’t but I don’t want to tell her I’m acting the damn fool, too distracted by her sexy legs that I can’t drive like a normal human being. Though I do tend to show off for her and she knows this. Hell, I think most of the time she appreciates it.

“You don’t need to show off for me.” When I glance in her direction she offers me a soft smile. “You’ve already got me, you know.”

Her words send an almost painful spark straight to my heart. Stupid to feel this way. Crazy to want her more and more every time I spend even just a few minutes with her. But I do. I feel that way and I can’t deny it. Can’t help but wonder if it has anything to do with the fact that we’ve never actually had sex. Could I be over this—over her—once we finally do?

I’m hoping tonight is the night I finally come inside her versus on her so maybe I’ll find out.

“Hope you like seafood,” I say as I turn onto the street where the restaurant is. It sits practically on the beach, with an amazing view of the ocean and the prices are out of this world expensive. Not that I care and besides, Lucy is worth it.

She’s just about worth anything.

“I love it,” she says enthusiastically.

That’s my girl. She’s excited about everything. Looks like the nerves are gone, thank God. I appreciate the way she doesn’t act like some jaded bitchy snob who’s seen and done it all. Lucy seems to enjoy even the small things, and that just makes me want to do more for her.

We pull into the parking lot and I put my car in park, climb out of the driver’s side and hand over the keys to the valet employee. The other guy is already opening the door for Lucy, sending an appreciative look at her backside before he lifts his head, his face turning white when he must see the death stare on my face directed right at him.