“It’s not even close to midnight but no, I don’t turn into a pumpkin.” She shakes her head, smiling at me. “So. Are you ready to go?”

“I was born ready.” I leap to my feet and wait for her to do the same, settling my hand at the small of her back as I lead her back to my car. Her body is warm through the thin T-shirt she wears and I smooth my thumb back and forth, just once. Making her shiver.

Making my entire body tighten.

Like a fucking gentleman I open the passenger side door for her and she slides in, smiling tentatively up at me as I shut the door. I hurry around the front of the car to the driver’s side, trying to figure out exactly what’s stopping me from jumping her bones tonight.

Because I want to jump her bones. The attraction is there. Like a magnetic pull between us, undeniable and getting stronger the longer we spend time together. I want to give in. But does she? I can’t quite read her. I may have figured out her life story somewhat but she still didn’t give any extra information. And she hasn’t asked much about me either. Like she doesn’t want to get too close.

Is that the case? And why the hell am I so eager to figure her out? Worse, why do I want to spill some of my secrets to her? I never want to do that with a girl. Light and easy, that’s the way I like to keep everything. My life is heavy enough. I’d rather focus on the positives.

Like getting a girl naked. Kissing her. Fucking her. Those are my goals.

Simple but I never said I was a complex guy.

He brought me back to the house, which I thought was weird considering he said he had a plan. But this doesn’t look like any sort of plan. This is Gabe bringing me home and dropping me off. End of date, end of story.

Did he not have a good time? I thought we were getting along pretty well despite my uptightness over eating too much junk food. The guy is like a beast, shoving food down his throat like no big deal and with the body of a sex god.

Life is so unfair.

Gabe doesn’t pull up in front of his house though. He pulls into the driveway of my supposed house, cutting the lights and glancing in my direction after he cuts the engine. “Can I come inside?” His deep voice is pitched even lower than usual and I try to contain the shiver that steals over me.

“Only if you promise not to fall asleep again in the hot tub,” I toss back at him, irritated at myself that I can’t let it go.

He chuckles. “I don’t want to go in the hot tub. Not tonight. I was hoping to take you somewhere else.”

If he says bed I’m going to tell him to stuff it. Seriously. I don’t put out on the second date. I’ve never put out at all. I don’t think Gabe has a clue that he’s dealing with a virgin here.

Well guess what? He is. And I’m not going to give it up so easily to him either. If ever. I’ve held onto it for this long. I can wait for the right guy to come into my life. One who I’ll fall madly in love with and maybe even hope to have babies with someday. I’m all about commitment. I know what happened to Mama. Young and vulnerable, naïve and trusting, she’d given everything to the man who is my birth father and he ditched her before I was even born. Granted he was just a teenager but so was she. Not even his family supported her or helped her after I was born.

Mama was on her own.

“What did you have in mind?” I ask warily, not trusting him for a minute. I mean, I like the guy but he is a guy. And he’s made it plain that he’s sexually attracted to me. I see his appreciative looks. He keeps saying he approves of my curves and that’s refreshing. I figured guys like him would only be attracted to perfect stick figures not like me.

“Let me show you and you’ll find out.”

Telling myself to ignore his adorable smile, I let us into the house. He takes my hand the minute I shut the door and leads me up the stairs, glancing back when we we’re at the top. “Where’s the master bedroom?”

Just what I was afraid of. I tug my hand out of his grip, glaring at him. “If you think I’m going to let you into my—dad’s bedroom, you’re sorely mistaken.” That’s another thing, his made up story for me. It was great because now I don’t have to come up with anything and I was at a complete loss in what to tell him, too. He solved that problem quick.

But he also made me feel guilty for lying. I don’t like liars and here I am, playing at one. It sucks.


Gabe rolls his eyes. “I’m not trying anything shady, I just want out on that balcony. It’s directly off the master, right?”

Oh. The balcony. Even I haven’t been up there because…I don’t know, I don’t feel one hundred percent comfortable in this house considering it’s not mine. “It is,” I admit, feeling foolish for doubting him. He’s a charming flirt but he’s never pushed me or made me feel uncomfortable. I should give him a break. “Last door on the left.”

He takes my hand once more and leads me down the quiet hall, opening the last door on the left and pulling me inside. The room is huge and I reach out to the wall switch and flick on the lights. Six recessed canned lights come on, bathing us in a flattering golden glow and Gabe flashes me a grin.

“Nice. Mood lighting.” He raises his eyebrows in an exaggerated gesture and I laugh weakly.

My palms are literally sweating. I hope he doesn’t notice.

The double doors that take up nearly the entire wall are uncovered, offering us a perfect view of the private docks that are part of the perks of being in this gated community and the ocean lies just beyond like a shimmering, moving blanket of blue. I’m an inner city girl. I may live in Southern California but I rarely have time to go to the beach. Having this view spread out before me on a daily basis is still mind blowing.