Sort of how Gabe is smiling at me right now.

The man is in serious pursuit of…me. All that talk of wooing me on Saturday night, I admit to being a total girl and letting it go completely to my head. I’d entered my tiny apartment like I was walking on a cloud that night. He’d followed me home to ensure I got there safely and with that one gentlemanly gesture, I’d found myself hooked all over again.

What woman doesn’t like the idea of a man going after what he wants? And being the sole object of that man’s desire?

Every other female in the room is straining her neck trying to get a look at Gabe but he doesn’t even notice. He smiles at me, reaching out to tuck a stray hair behind my ear, his fingers brushing against the top of my earlobe and I shiver at his touch.

“Missed you Luce,” he says in this low, sexy murmur that plucks at my nerve endings and turns them into jelly.

I smile and glance down at my desk, trying to figure out what to say next. He wanted to see me last night but it was a Sunday and I had a few assignments to work on. It’s my one day off from work and school and I needed to play catch up. That’s also Mama’s main day to call and drill me—ahem, ask me questions to ensure I’m alive and well.

Plus, as Gina told me yesterday afternoon when I lamented over whether I made a mistake in telling him I was busy, there’s nothing wrong with playing a little hard to get…

“What did you do yesterday?” I ask him, not acknowledging his missing me. Let him think I wasn’t affected by his saying that, though I was. It’s not like me to play games.

But then again it’s not like me to blatantly lie either so…

“Hung out with my friends. Worked a little.” He shrugs, his gaze zeroing in on my face, noticing my shock no doubt. “Yeah, um, I haven’t told you yet, but I run a…” His voice drifts and he glances around the room to ensure no one’s paying attention to us before he leans in closer, his mouth right at my ear. “A sort of casino in my living room.”

I rear my head back. “A what?”

He smiles, looking faintly embarrassed. “An illegal gambling house. We have tables there and dealers. Me, Shep and Shep’s cousin Tristan, we all run it. All three of us invested in it too, and the entire operation is run out of my place.”

My jaw drops open. I’ve heard rumors about this gambling house around campus and I’ve only been here a week. I had no idea Gabe and his friends were behind it all. That’s crazy. “Isn’t that risky?”

“Yeah, but wouldn’t life be boring without a few risks involved?” He grins and taps his finger on the tip of my nose. “You should come over sometime and check it out.”

“To your place? Um, how often are you open for business?” Okay, that just sounded weird. He’s running an illegal business in his house. Who does that?

Oh, I know. Gabriel Walker does.

“Only a few days. Wednesday through Saturday, though eventually if business picks up again, we’ll reopen on Sunday too.”

“That probably keeps you extremely busy.” Do his parents know what he does? I can’t imagine those stuffy, beautiful people approving of their only son participating in illegal gambling. Couldn’t he go to jail for something like this? Does his sister know? I bet Sydney would shit if she found out.

“It kept us from being bored these last three years,” he says easily. “Do you play?”

“Like poker?” When he nods I shake my head. “I had a blackjack app on the first smart phone I ever owned though.”

Gabe laughs, the sound making me smile. I love it when he laughs. “I can teach you how to play poker. It’s pretty easy.”

“Are you trying to entice me to come over to your house?” I tease.

“If I wanted to entice you, I wouldn’t mention teaching you how to play poker.” His voice lowers and I swear my face is going to catch fire it’s so hot. “I know exactly what you like, Lucy. Or did you think I already forgot?”

Oh. God. My legs are wobbly and I’m thankful I’m sitting down. I didn’t expect him to play dirty straight out the gate. “Um…”

Professor Bailey chooses that precise moment to enter the classroom and I’m so thankful I slump back in my seat, breathing out a sigh of relief. Thank goodness I don’t have to carry on with that uncomfortable conversation.

I mean, I don’t mind talking about sex with Gabe, but I can’t do it in a huge classroom surrounded by tons of people.

“You should come over tonight,” Gabe whispers out of the side of his mouth as the professor starts to drone on about the basics of marketing.

“To your house?”

He nods, not bothering to look my way. “I can invite Shep and Jade over if you want to meet them officially. I’m sure Jade will love you. I think she’s tired of being the lone female when we all hang out together.”

Would she really love me? Wasn’t she trying to set Gabe up with her best friend only a few days ago? Guess I ruined that. Jade might view me as the enemy.

“Um, I’d like that, if you think they won’t mind.” It’s nice that he wants to bring me around his friends. How much did he tell them about me? Do they think I’m some rich, spoiled bitch? God, I hope not. Keeping up with the lies is no fun. I seriously need to tell him the truth and soon. “They seemed nice.”

“Of course, they won’t mind. And they’re great. I know you’ll all get along,” Gabe reassures me a little too loudly, and Professor Bailey pauses in his lecture, his gaze zeroing in on the two of us sitting in the top row.