Slowly, I nod as I start to drag him into my bedroom. Not that he comes with me unwillingly. He wants this. He wants me as bad as I want him.

And that realization is heady stuff.

“I don’t want to hurt you.” He curls his hand around the side of my neck, sliding his fingers until he’s cupping my nape. “I want to make this night perfect for you.”

“I know. And you will.” He kisses my forehead again and I close my eyes, overwhelmed at the sweet gesture. He always puts my needs first. He’s a generous lover, which in turn makes me want to give him the world.

I’m scared that once I have him, once I know what it’s like to have Gabriel Walker moving inside of me, making love to me, I’ll be spoiled for anyone else. He’ll ruin me completely.

But tonight, I don’t care. I want to be ruined. Only by Gabe.

“Ensuring I won’t hurt you means we’ll have to indulge in lots of foreplay,” he says with a wicked grin. “I know it’s going to be tough but I think you’ll make it.”

“Sounds awful,” I say, hoping he can hear the teasing in my voice. Feels like all Gabe and I have been doing this entire time is foreplay, all the while building up to this very moment.

“I know, right? Fucking terrible.”

We both laugh and then he’s kissing me, shutting down my brain with his perfect lips. His tongue dances with mine, and his hands roam all over my body, drifting down to play with the hem of my skirt. Anticipation sends a pulse of want between my legs, especially knowing what he’s about to discover I’m not wearing any panties beneath this dress. No bra either.

I think Gabe is going to approve of my lack of undergarment attire.

He slips his hands beneath my dress as he continues to kiss me and skims his fingers along my thighs. I wrap my arms around his neck and hold him close, never wanting to let him go. He’s so strong, his body so hard and firm and muscular. I reach between us to finish unbuttoning his shirt, my fingers making quick work of the buttons until it falls open and I can touch his hot, smooth skin. I trace my fingers over his flat stomach, letting them drift down to the waistband of his pants.

I’m not feeling bold enough just yet to undo those pants though. I don’t want to rush this.

He runs his fingers up and down along the sides of my outer thighs and a shiver steals through me. His hands curve around, touching my ass and they grow still. I’m guessing he’s figured out I don’t have any underwear on. I break the kiss to stare up at him.

His eyes have a dark gleam to them and his smile is nothing short of gigantic. “You’re a bad, naughty girl, Luce.”

“I am? Why?” I ask innocently, even batting my eyelashes at him for good measure.

“You know why.” He shoves the skirt of my dress up to my hips, exposing me completely and he sucks in a harsh breath. “Look at you,” he says reverently, his gaze locked on the spot between my thighs.

The perv.

But hey, at least he’s my perv. For tonight.

A tiny part of me wishes I could keep him for all my nights.

Without a word Gabe presses his hands on my shoulders and gently pushes me backwards so have no choice but to fall down on the bed. My legs go wide when I land since I don’t have the hindrance of my skirt, offering him a view of my nakedness. He doesn’t tear his gaze away from me, continues staring at that spot between my thighs.

“You look pretty wet, babe,” he says in this low, dark murmur that sends a cascade of shivers along my skin.

He rarely calls me anything but my name or Luce, so when he calls me babe, it makes my stomach flutter. I hold my breath as he reaches for the waistband of his pants and undoes the snap, then tugs down the zipper, kicking off his shoes before he gets rid of his pants while standing in front of me. I watch, my gaze dropping to the front of his black boxer briefs, how his thick erection strains the front of them.

My legs go weak and I’m glad I’m not standing.

“Take the dress off, Luce,” he demands, his gaze locked with mine. He’s being bossy but I don’t mind. He takes full command in the bedroom and I think it’s hot. I feel like I have no clue what I’m doing most of the time so I prefer it when he tells me what to do.

Without hesitation I take the dress off, pulling it over my head, noting the heat in his eyes when he sees I’m not wearing a bra either. He’s slowly shaking his head, running his hand over his jaw as he continues to study me.

“No bra either? You’re definitely on the naughty list,” he says, a sexy gleam in his gaze as he joins me on the bed, his big body above mine, his hands pressed on either side of the bed. “Though the naughty list isn’t such a bad place to be.”

“That’s what I was hoping,” I murmur just before he claims my mouth. His kiss is thorough, his hot, damp tongue seeming to touch me everywhere. He pulls away from my lips to continue kissing down the length of my neck, across my collarbone, his hands on my breasts, fingers brushing over my nipples and making me shiver.

I love the assured way he touches me, how closely he pays attention to what I like. He knows just what to do to have me begging for more—like how sensitive my nipples are. I suck in a breath when his mouth wraps around one and sucks and tugs, his tongue swirling, teeth nibbling on the hard flesh. I thrust my hands in his soft hair and hold him close, lifting my hips, seeking him. Becoming frustrated when I realize he’s not naked, he still has his underwear on.

He treats my other nipple to the same attention, licking and sucking and biting. I almost feel like I could come just from the way he sucks my nipples, which is insane.