Besides, I’m still hungry.

I let her walk ahead of me, my gaze locked on her swaying hips and perfect butt encased in those extra short white shorts. Her thighs are full but not flabby. She has nice calves and ankles. Her hips are wide but they nip in, showcasing a slender waist. I wasn’t lying when I said she has something to hold onto. I could grip those hips and that ass all night long.

“I’m not eating any of this,” she whispers to me after we walk inside. The brightly lit place is packed with people, the air chilled by the constant blast of the air conditioner and we stand in line together, the both of us eyeing our options.

“I’ll share mine,” I offer and she reluctantly nods. I see the way she eyes all the toppings and I know I’m going to get mine loaded with a variety of them. I choose three different flavors, tell the girl working behind the counter a long list of the toppings I want until she starts giggling and when I take the cup from her, I’m surprised at how heavy it is.

And this place charges by the weight.

Lucy goes to grab a table while I pay. I take a bunch of napkins and two spoons and turn to find Lucy has chosen a table outside. I walk through the crowded shop, nod at a group of girls who look like they’re in their late teens, causing them to erupt in a fit of giggles.

Glad to see I still got it. Not that I care about them. Hell no. I’m too intent on getting back to my date.

Lucy shakes her head when she sees me approach, her gaze landing on my overflowing cup of frozen yogurt and candy. “You didn’t even get any fruit toppings?”

I settle into the chair right beside her, wanting to get as close as I can. I offer up a spoon, which she reluctantly takes, though she lies it back down on the stack of napkins I brought. “I’m not trying to pretend this is a healthy snack like you are, Luce. And I’m all about the candy.”

I dig in, waving my spoon at her to indicate she should have some but she doesn’t so much as attempt to lift her spoon. Frustrated, I scoop up some yogurt with a bunch of Reese’s Pieces on top of it and wave it in front of her lips. “Open up.”

She tightens her lips so I can’t get my spoon past them. “No,” she murmurs.

“You’re annoying.” I bump her mouth with the edge of my spoon, getting maple donut flavored frozen yogurt on her lips. “Come on. Live a little. You’re only young once.”

Still no breaking her. This girl is tough. More like stubborn. She reaches up with a napkin and wipes at her lips and I bump her mouth again when her hand drops, smearing her lips with more yogurt.

Her glare is full of fire and I take the proffered spoonful and shove it in my mouth. “You need to loosen up,” I say after I swallow.

“And maybe you need to get more serious,” she returns.

“No way. Being serious all the time sucks the fun out of life. I’ll have enough of serious when I graduate college.” I swirl my spoon through the yogurt and candy, wishing she would just give in and eat some. “Until then, I’m having fun.”

“Must be nice. To have so much fun,” she says, heavy on the sarcasm.

“Don’t knock it until you try it.” I bump her shoulder with mine. “Come on, Luce. Try some. It won’t kill you.”

“But it’ll go straight to my butt,” she says, her cheeks turning pink.

“I happen to like your butt,” I say quietly.

Her cheeks flush bright red. “Fine,” she says with an irritated sigh and I’m thankful she doesn’t grab the spoon I brought for her. I’d rather feed her myself.

Trying my best to get as many toppings as possible, I gather up a scoop on the spoon and hold it in front of her mouth. She parts her lips, her gaze on mine as I slowly slide the spoon into her mouth. She closes her lips around it and I slide the spoon out, my blood flowing hot when her tongue sneaks out and catches a drop of yogurt in the corner of her mouth that the spoon left behind.

Who knew feeding someone frozen yogurt could be so damn sexy?

“So much candy,” she murmurs once she’s swallowed. “Between the soda and the dessert, I’m going to be riding a total sugar rush.”

“Can’t beat that, right?” I feed her another spoonful, enjoying the pleasure that crosses her face as she eats, how she leans in closer and closer with every bite I offer. Her eyes close at one point and she makes this low, humming noise that I feel like a bolt of lightning going straight to my cock.

Fuck, she’s sexy without even trying. Imagine if she had more intent behind all those sounds? I’d be a dead man. Slayed. Ruined.

“Hmm, I think I need a nap,” she says once we’ve polished off all the frozen yogurt and toppings. “The sugar rush has turned into a sugar crash.”

“Well, stay awake for a little longer because I have something else planned,” I tell her as I gather up the garbage and stand, tossing everything in the trash a few feet away from the table.

“Like what?” she asks warily. She stands and stretches her arms above her head, her tank lifting and offering a quick peek of her stomach. Not that I haven’t seen it before but it’s a sexy tease, getting that little glimpse.

“You’ll have to wait and see.”

She pulls her phone out of her small purse she brought with her and checks it. “It’s getting kind of late.”

I study her, trying my best to keep my expression serious. “You don’t look like you’re turning orange.”

“What?” She frowns.

“Do you turn into a pumpkin when it hits midnight? Come on, didn’t you ever watch Cinderella?” I start to laugh and thank God so does she.