With a gasp I whirl around to find Gabe standing on the other side of the fence, much like he did yesterday. I glare at him, resting my hand over my chest, my heart thumping hard against my palm. “You scared me.”

“Sorry.” His smile is dim, as is his gaze. “I feel like I’m always saying that to you.”

I frown. “Saying what?”

“Sorry. And I am—sorry. For what happened last night. I know I already said that but I had to say it again.” He runs his hand through his hair, messing it all up, which I like. He’s always so perfectly coiffed, dressed, all of it. It’s distracting.

He’s also not wearing a shirt and that’s a total distraction. He’s one big giant distraction and that’s the last thing I need right now.

“You love it when girls do what?” I remember what he said in the first place that scared me, and his words made no sense.

“Oh.” He relaxes the slightest bit and waves a hand at me. “How girls put their hair up like it’s no big deal. You twisted that band around it so effortlessly. It was…sexy.”

My skin heats despite my irritation with him. Irritation I cling to because otherwise, I’m going to throw everything to the wayside and go to him. “If you think I’m so sexy why did you fall asleep on me last night?”

His cheeks color a faint red and damn it, it’s adorable. I should not think he’s adorable. “It had nothing to do with you. It was all on me.”

I rise from the chair and start walking toward where he stands, ignoring the warning bells ringing inside of me. “All on you?” I stop so only the fence separates us. We’re mere inches from each other and I let my gaze wander, drinking in his perfect features, his strong neck, wide shoulders, broad chest…

He clears his throat so my eyes shoot back up and meet his. “Definitely all on me. Let me make it up to you.”

I slowly shake my head. There’s a real thrill in torturing him. In making him wait. I bet no one has made this rich boy wait for anything his entire life. “You already made that offer last night.”

“Everyone deserves a second chance.” His expression is pure innocence. Like he wants nothing more in the world than to prove he’s worthy of that second chance.

I don’t know if he really is. I’m afraid spending time with Gabe might be more than I can handle.

And I’m starting to think he might be worth the adventure. Just for a few weeks.

Just for the summer.

“You think you deserve one? A second chance?” I cross my arms in front of my chest, plumping up my breasts. I note the way his gaze falls for the slightest moment, distracted by my ample cleavage on display and I can’t deny I did that on purpose.

But then his gaze is back on mine again, like nothing else matters but me and the crackle of energy that flashes between us is potent.


“Definitely. I want to make this up to you.” He nods, his expression contrite. “I fucked up,” he admits quietly.

“Can’t deny that.”

“There’s something between us I want to explore.”

His words make me go still and slowly, reluctantly I admit, “I agree.”

The crooked smile he flashes me is nothing short of glorious. “So are you saying I have a chance?”

“Maybe.” I shrug and start to turn, glancing at him from over my shoulder. For a moment, I forgot I was in the old one piece. I don’t know what’s worse, flaunting all my goods, tummy rolls and all in the bikini or looking haggard in the old, faded suit. “What do you have in mind to make it up to me?”

His face breaks out into a full grin. “Wait until you see.”

I’m seriously looking forward to it.

The doorbell chimes—and chimes and chimes—and I glance up from where I’m lounging on the couch, reading a book on my phone. I’m not expecting anyone to come over because trust me, no one comes over. I live like a hermit in this house. Interacting with Gabe and his sister was the first live action I’ve encountered since I’ve been housesitting.

Standing, I shove my phone into the pocket of my shorts and take tentative steps toward the front door. The doorbell chimes again, startling me and with a grimace I rush to the front door and peek through the peephole to see who’s standing on the other side.

Mr. GQ himself.

My heart tripping over itself, I undo the lock and throw the door open, getting my grip firmly on the door handle so I have something to hang onto. “What are you doing here?”

Gabe flashes me a brilliant smile and I’m thankful for the door handle. Otherwise I probably would’ve slid to the floor in a puddle. “I’m here to take you out.”

I frown. “But we didn’t make plans.”

“Do we have to have plans in order for me to take you somewhere?” He cocks his head, his hair falling over his forehead. I have the insane urge to push it off, run my fingers through it. I bet his hair is silky soft. “Have you ever heard of being spontaneous?”

My frown deepens. No one would ever call me a spontaneous person. Ever. I like plans. Things happening in an orderly fashion. If that makes me sound like an old lady then so be it. I happily embrace my old lady habits. “I’m not one for spontaneity.”

Gabe shakes his head, shoves his hands into the front pockets of his black cargo shorts. He looks good. Of course. He’s wearing a faded red T-shirt that clings to his muscular shoulders and chest almost lovingly. I wonder if he works out. He has to work out. No one looks that good without putting a little effort into it. Or else he’s just blessed.