Page 10 of Shielding Lily

“God, you’re beautiful,” he says before shaking his head like he can’t believe I’m sitting in front of him. My face warms at the simple compliment. His words are plain but exquisite. “Going to make this the best birthday you ever had, babe.”

I know he will.



“Yes, my eyes are closed,” she giggles.

“Promise not to peek?” I ask, looking at her blindfold.

“I promise.”

I sit her down in the chair and make sure everything is perfect. Then I walk up behind her and take off the blindfold, wrapping my arms around her.

“Happy birthday, Lily.”

“Oh, Ren.” She lifts her hands to her mouth, and I move beside her to make sure she’s okay.

I see tears in her eyes, and I look around to make sure it’s okay, suddenly worried I didn’t get it right. I took her out to dinner at the Italian place downtown, and she laughed and smiled the whole time. I told her not to order dessert because I had a surprise for her. I’d told my mom it was Lily’s birthday and asked her if she would help me make a cake for her. I wanted to do it myself, but I knew I would have questions. I explained to her that I wanted to surprise Lily, so she said she and my dad would have a date night tonight and give us some space. I thought that was pretty cool of her, considering she’s leaving me in the house alone with my girlfriend. But I think she knows that Lily isn’t simply a girlfriend. That this is something much deeper.

“Is it okay?” I ask as she wipes away tears.

“It’s perfect.” She gives me a watery smile and leans forward, placing a soft kiss on my lips.

“I made it myself. Vanilla cake with vanilla icing. I didn’t have much help either.”

She laughs and gives me another kiss.

“Quick, make a wish,” I say, looking at the lit candles.

“It already came true,” she says, not taking her eyes off me.

“Then let's make new ones together.” I grip her hand, and she turns to the cake, closing her eyes and blowing out the candles.

Afterwards, she turns to me and gives me another kiss, this time it’s longer and deeper. Her tongue sweeps into my mouth and I moan at the touch. I wrap my arms around her waist and lift her to me, sitting down in her chair and putting her on my lap. We kiss like that for a while, but eventually she’s not satisfied with only kissing. She moves her mouth to my neck and rubs my chest and arms with eager hands. I’ve got one hand on her lower back and one laid on her bare thigh. Her dress has ridden up slightly, but I haven’t moved my hand. I want to so badly, but I don’t want to do anything she isn’t ready for.

Her mouth on my neck has me clenching every part of my body while my cock throbs under her ass. I jerked off before I left the house, thinking about her and how innocent she looked today. I thought it would be enough to get me through the night, but I should have known one touch from her would erase all my good work.

“Ren, will you show me your room?” Her words are soft and muffled against my neck, but I hear them as clearly as if she would have shouted them.

I inhale, my breath shaky as I try to think of a reason not to. “I don’t think that’s a good idea, babe.”

She leans back and looks at me through her lashes, and Christ, I want to give her whatever she wants. Her eyes are pleading, and I can feel her need for me just as strongly as I feel the pulse in my cock.

“Please,” she whispers.

I tuck a strand of hair behind her ear and try to be the voice of reason. “Lily, I want to take you to my room so bad, I could throw you over my shoulder and carry you.” She smiles at my response, and it makes it even more difficult to turn her down. “But if I take you up there, we might get carried away. And I’m not ready for that yet.”

She touches my cheek and gives me a soft kiss. “I want to. We don’t have to do everything. But I want you to hold me. It’s my birthday.”

Fuck. I can’t say no to that. I don’t want to say no to that, but I really should. “Lily.”

“Just a little,” she says, moving on my lap, and I’m not strong enough to say no again.

I set her on her feet and stand up, trying to move behind her so I can adjust my cock. She glances down at it and blushes, but it’s not like I can help it. I take her hand and lead her down the hallway and up the stairs. My room is at the end of the hall next to a bonus room with a couch and TV. When I get to my door, I push it open and step aside so she can walk in. I close it behind us and stand there while she looks around.

My room is big, but not very decorated. I’ve got a desk in here with some books and papers on it. A bookshelf in the corner with some of my trophies. Then there’s my queen-size bed in the middle. She goes to the bed and sits on the end, smiling at me. I stay frozen on the spot until she reaches her hand out for me and I walk over to her.

I close my eyes tightly and then open them again. I kneel down in front of her so we are eye to eye. “Lily, I want to be clear about what’s going to happen in here so we don’t get mixed up and we don’t go too far. If at any time you want to stop, you say so and we can go back downstairs and have cake. Nothing is going to change if you change your mind.”

She nods and smiles at me, letting out a nervous breath.

“If you want me to, I’ll hold you on the bed and we can kiss a little. But that’s it. Okay?”

“Okay.” She reddens, but nods and scoots back on the bed.

I crawl over her and slowly lower my body. I wrap one arm around her waist while I prop myself up on the other. She rubs my chest. I can feel the heat of her body melting into mine, and my breathing gets deeper. My pulse slows but somehow feels stronger, beating between my legs. My aching cock presses against her belly, and her legs spread under me.

“Lily,” I say in warning, but fuck, it feels so good.

We’re still fully clothed, but there’s a burning heat coming off us as our lower body parts line up. She moves her hips under me, as if trying to find the most comfortable position, and I moan as she gasps from the pressure.

I rub against her a little, trying to ease the ache, but all it does is make me want her more.

“I’ve never done this,” she says, her voice breathy.

“Me neither, babe.” I rub a little harder against her this time, and she grips my shirt in her fists.

Her eyes close as I rock on top of her. And I keep doing it because she seems to like it. She spreads her legs wider and moves her hips in time with mine, and pretty soon I’m thrusting on top of her like we’re fucking.

“Oh God,” I moan, feeling like I’m going to cum in my jeans. I lean down, taking her mouth in a messy kiss as we both rub together.

All of it feels so good, the humping, the kissing.

“Ren. Something's happening.” She looks at me with wide eyes, and I want to stop, but I know what’s coming.

“It’s an orgasm, babe. Just let me rub you a little more.” I hold her hips still as I look down and see her panty-covered pussy. Her dress rode up long ago, exposing her delicate white cotton to me. I see the crotch is soaked. “Fuck.”

I run the ridge of jean-covered cock over her wet spot, back and forth, pressing harder each time. Her eyes are tightly shut and she’s trying so hard to reach it. I press down a little harder and rub up in one long stroke. It’s all it takes, and she’s cumming under me, crying out my name and clinging to me.

The sight is more than a man can take, and I release spurts of cum inside my jeans. I rock against her softly, letting each wave of cum go, not holding back anymore. It’s thick and sticky inside my boxers, but I don’t care. I try to slow my heart and catch my breath as we both hold each other.

After a second I feel her giving me soft kisses and moving under me again.

“Can we do that again?” she asks shyly, a blush deepening on her cheeks.

“Yeah, babe. We can do that as much as you want.”

I rub my still-hard ridge against her wet panties and prete

nd like I’m making love to her. I make her cum three more times before I finally pull her from the bed, saying we have to eat some cake or my mom will be upset we didn’t have any.