“Let’s get you dressed, baby doll, before I take you right here, right now.” I move her panties to cover her pussy up and pat it one last time. “I think my sister has some spare clothes here you might be able to get into.”

I pick her up and carry her back to the bedroom, thinking how badly I want to lay her out and taste her pussy right from the source.



He drops the hat down on me and the world goes black, and I can’t help but giggle as I stand on his back porch.

“I don’t think this fits either,” I tell him through my laughter. He tips the front of the cowboy hat back until he comes back into view. His face is drawn in concern.

“Maybe I should check the fences alone, or wait for another day.” I can see the unease all over him. It’s been there since we stepped out of the house. I can tell he’s not comfortable being outside with me. I can’t say that I am much either, but the excitement of going out on a horse with him overrides my fear. And I’ll be with him.

I don’t care how crazy it sounds, but I feel safe with him, a safety I’ve never felt in my life before. Maybe it’s because I haven’t been around a lot of people, but he treats me differently. Not like my father’s men, who would never look at me. And the ones who would look made my skin crawl. Trace’s stares are different.

“I don’t need a hat.” I go to take the cowboy hat off and he stops me.

“Your skin will burn.” He rubs a thumb along my cheek, and I lean into his touch. I didn’t know someone as big as he is could touch with such softness.

He’s probably right. My skin is pale from the lack of exposure. My father barely let me out of the house. He didn’t like me roaming around where he couldn’t keep a close eye on me.

“Okay.” I tilt the hat back a little more. “This will work.” I smile up at him knowing I look ridiculous. I’m wearing a pair of old jeans that are too long in the legs, and a flannel shirt with sleeves that hang over my hands. They’re his sister’s, but I’ll manage, and it’s better than nothing. At least the cowboy boots fit, so that was an added bonus. I don’t have on any underwear or a bra, but I really don’t care. I’m excited just being here with Trace.

He lets out a deep breath, and I can tell he’s about to change his mind. He’d done it twice inside the house while we were getting dressed.

“I’ve never ridden a horse before.” I reach out and grab his arm. “I’ve always been a little scared to do it, but I know I’ll be safe with you.”

“Damn straight you will be.” His tone is firm, like it shouldn’t be a question that I’m safe with him. “Don’t move. I’ll be right back.” He leans down, placing a soft kiss to my lips, but I grab a hold of him by his black shirt, pulling him closer. I can’t stop myself from doing that. I always feel like I need to have one hand on him, like he might disappear at any moment. That if I don’t keep him close enough, I’ll wake up from this dream and find myself back in my father’s house.

My mouth opens for him as his tongue slides into my mouth, finding mine and making me moan. I love how close to him I feel. I don’t know how long we stand there kissing like that, but when he finally pulls back, I’m out of breath and my lips feel well used. We kiss as if we’re saying goodbye. Maybe I was, because I knew he was about to step away from me.

“I’ll be right back, baby doll. Two minutes, I promise.” He bends down, picking up the cowboy hat that got knocked off during our kiss and placing it back on my head. I clutch at him, not wanting him to go.

“The barn is right there, and I promise, if you yell my name I’ll hear you,” he tries to reassure me.

“I’d take you with me, but if someone pulls up the driveway, they’ll see you. This way I’ll get the horse and bring him back behind the house and there’s no chance you’ll be seen.”

“People come here a lot?” I ask, feeling a rising panic.

“I have two brothers and one sister, and they’re known to pop in from time to time.”

“Okay,” I finally say, letting him go. He gently grasps my chin, making me look up at him.

“I don’t know who you’re so scared of, but whoever it is will have to go through me to get to you.”

“I don’t think anything can get through you,” I admit. Trace is big everywhere, and while I always thought my father was big, I realize now that was something I’d built up in my head. My father is nothing compared to Trace.

“You sure are good for my ego,” he teases, making me laugh again.

I’ve noticed I’ve been doing that all day. I never laugh. Normally I try not to make a sound in hopes I’ll be forgotten. But now I seem to be trying to soak up all the attention I can get from Trace.

I watch as he takes off jogging towards the barn, leaving me standing here. I look around at the side of the house and the big porch that wraps around the building. His place is so nice, like something out of a magazine. It’s simple on the inside with a few bedrooms and bathrooms. There’s a large family room off the kitchen, and a big porch at the back that overlooks the rolling hills. It’s as if I imagined the most beautiful place on earth and I was handed it. I’ve never really thought of a future and having a home of my own, but this seems like the kind of place where I could finally find peace.

Faster than I thought possible, I see Trace coming out from the barn, a horse following him. He’s got the horse by what looks like a leash as they make their way over to me.

She’s completely white and looks like something from a fairytale.

“She’s beautiful,” I tell him when they get closer.

“Her name’s Snow. She’s real sweet and won’t give us any problems.” I go to step off the porch, wanting to pet her, when I trip over the boots I’m wearing and get tangled in my own feet. Trace catches me before I can hit the ground and pulls me up into his body.

“Oops,” I say, loving being in his arms.

“You don’t need them, baby doll,” he says, swinging me up and placing me on the horse. He takes them off me and sets them on the porch. “I’ll carry you when we aren't riding.”

“You calling me a baby doll is starting to feel more real by the second with how you

carry me around like that so easily.”

“Get used to it,” he says as he swings up on the horse behind me, pulling me to snuggle against his chest as he takes the reins.

The horse takes off, and I gasp. Trace holds my hip, letting me know I’m not going anywhere.

“So, what are we doing?” I ask as the cowboy hat once again slips off my head. He catches it, and I smile. “You wear it. I’ll lie back on you and you’ll block me from the sun.”

He grunts, but I look over my shoulder as he slides the hat onto his head. His hand returns to its resting place around my waist. I lean into him.

“I always ride Dolly’s north fence line for her after a storm. She’ll be expecting me to do it without asking. Her land runs against mine on the north side.”

I stiffen at his words.

“Relax, baby doll, I won’t let you fall,” he says, misreading my reaction.

“Who’s Dolly?” I push out. I both hate and like this. I like that he’s so willing to help someone, but I don’t like that it’s another woman. “You said you didn’t have anyone.” I repeat his words from earlier, that he didn’t have a girl that belonged to him.

The hand around my waist tightens. “Dolly’s my sister,” he says, and relief washes through me. “But I have someone now, don’t I?”

His thumb brushes back and forth across my stomach.

“Yes.” I nod as his lips touch my neck, sending shivers racing across my skin, even in the Texas heat. “So, Dolly’s your sister, and you said earlier you have two brothers?” I ask, wanting to know more about him.

“Yeah. Ty is the eldest and he’s married to his wife, Mary-Jane. Then there’s Blake, me, and then Dolly. We all have land that our parents left us.”

“They’re gone?”

“Yeah, a while back. We’re all pretty close. I’m probably the most distant out of all of us, though. I tend to keep to myself. I like the quiet. Well, at least I thought I did,” he corrects himself as we ride along the fence lines. “I’m sure it won’t be long until they’re showing up and asking what I’m up to.”