“No, you’re running yourself thin. I think we should hire someone to help in your barn.” She pouts out and bites her lower lip. I started calling it her barn when she started filling the thing. I reach down and pull her lip from her teeth. “It will be fine. You can help me find someone.”

“I just worry someone won’t care for them like I do. I love them all.” Her eyebrows draw together in concern, and I use my thumb to push the worry line away. Because she doesn’t need to be worrying about anything. Especially all the animals she’s been collecting. They are more than well cared for. She wouldn’t have it any other way.

I don’t even know where they’re all coming from, but if there is a hurt, neglected, or unwanted animal within a hundred miles of here, I think it’s found its way to her barn. Slowly she’s been filling up our farm with them and nursing them back to health, sharing all her sweetness with any creature that might need it. God, I love how much heart she has.

Hell, I’m freaking lucky my brother Blake’s new wife is a vet. Otherwise I might have had to hire one myself. Even after she gets them nursed back to health, she can’t bear to let them go. So now we have a menagerie of tame animals that adore Addison.

“We’ll find someone. I promise.”

“Okay, I know you’ll find the perfect person.” She smiles up at me, and I know she believes I will, because I’ve never broken a promise to her. Not once. I’ve spent every moment since she walked into my world proving to her that I’d give her anything she ever wanted. I’ve tried to give her the world and will never stop.

I thought being as sheltered as she was, she might want to travel. I took her away after we got married, and two days into the trip she started to get sad and say she missed our home. She didn’t like the hustle and bustle of the city. Neither did I, and I was more than happy to cancel the rest of the trip and take her back home to our bed, which we didn’t leave for weeks.

“I’m thinking we might need a second barn at this rate.”

Her eyes light up at my words.

“Will this one have air conditioning?” she asks, making me laugh.

I had to install insulation and air conditioning in our current barn because she was worrying herself into a fit that the animals would get overheated. I tried to explain to her that animals are used to the heat, but then said fuck it and had them installed. I didn’t like her running around in there in the heat, anyway. Well, she mostly waddles nowadays.

“Anything you want, baby doll. I’ll build it.”

“Liar,” she teases.

“All right. I won’t build it, but I’ll have it built,” I correct, knowing I won’t be spending my days building a barn. I like my days with her and helping her with the animals, teaching her how to care for some of them.

“You’re right, though. We’ll need someone when the baby comes.” She places her hand on top of mine.

“Maybe Blake’s wife, Luciana, will know someone looking for some work. Her family is moving out this way and maybe they want to help.”

“I love that idea.”

“I love you,” I tell her, leaning down and placing my mouth to hers.

My hands and mouth start to roam, and I give her two more orgasms before exhaustion takes her. She sleeps softly in the sunshine without a worry in the world.



Two years later…

“Happy birthday,” I say, leaning against the doorframe.

“Oh shit,” Trace whispers and sits up on the bed.

Today’s his birthday, and I wanted to do something special. We had some family time this afternoon with everyone, but tonight is for him. And for me, too, I guess.

“Where did you get that?” His voice is low, but a little dangerous.

“I ordered it online. I wasn’t sure it would fit around my belly, but I wanted to dress up for you.” I shrug one shoulder and give him a wink. “You know, give you something to unwrap.”

I’d told him I had a surprise for him, so he needed to strip down and get on the bed. I’m not sure how much longer he’s going to stay there, though, with the way he’s gripping the sheets. The cotton can’t take much more.

“Get your little ass over here,” he says, and I giggle.

I’m not really little anymore. He’s made sure to keep me more than fed at every meal, and pregnant every chance he gets. But he seems to love every new curve that pops up on my body, so I’m okay with it.

I play with the white ribbon that’s keeping the sheer material over my breasts in place. One small tug and they’d be exposed to him. Under the camisole, I’m wearing sheer brief panties with ruffles that cover my bottom. I turn around, lifting my top a little so he can see them.

“I thought you might like to look me over before you take it off me.”

“You keep teasing me much longer and it will be in pieces. Is that what you want, baby doll?”

“Maybe,” I say, looking over my shoulder at him.

He growls, and before I can react, he’s got my ass on the edge of the bed and he's ripping my panties off me. I can’t stop the giggle that escapes me as he does it.

“Untie the bow. Show me those milky tits.”

I clench at his dirty words. I do what he says, and then moan as he moves down between my legs. His mouth goes to my pussy, and the warm, wet heat of his tongue has me rocking my hips. There is nothing better than his tongue on me. Well, except maybe when he’s inside me. Or kissing me. Or everything.

He places his big hand on my round belly, and he keeps it there as he eats me. It’s a possessive hold, and one he does often. To remind me that I’m pregnant with his baby and that he put it there.

I cum easily, giving him what he wants in under thirty seconds. I was an easy trigger before, but pregnancy has made me even more sensitive.

He licks up my passion and then stands up. My ass is at the edge of the bed, and he puts my ankles over his shoulder before thrusting his cock into my wet folds.

“Trace,” I moan as his fingers intertwine with mine.

He gets me off twice more before he finds his own climax inside of me. But he’s nowhere close to finished.

He lifts me, carefully placing me in the center of the bed. Then his mouth is on mine. He's kissing me in a way that steals my breath, giving me a piece of him. I run my fingers through his hair, and when I can’t stand it anymore, he breaks the kiss and moves his mouth down my chin and to my breast. He licks me there, and I can feel the warm release of my milk into his mouth. He moans as he rubs his cock on my clit, teasing me.

“Trace,” I beg, because he knows exactly what to do to make me crazy for him.

“You want me?” he asks, his voice cocky and seductive.

This was supposed to be me teasing him, but it’s somehow turned the other way around. I’m lost in a tailspin of desire, and he’s the one who’s got all the control. So much for my seductive talk. I’m the one begging, wound so tight that one thrust will make me climax.

“I want you more than anything in the world. I love you so much, Trace.” They’re the words he loves to hear when we are in bed together. That I want him, that I need him, and that I love him.

“I love you, too, Addison. Now and forever.”

He thrusts into me, taking me over the edge as I climax at the feel of him inside me. The tight fit, being so absolutely full that there is no space between us, leads me to cry out his name, and he holds me to him, kissing my lips softly and whispering his love for me.

I ran away from home not knowing what waited for me beyond my small world. But as if fate had guided me, I ended up in the arms of the man I love. Life is not only crazy, but fun and full of adventure. I’m so lucky that I’ve got my man to hold me and walk beside me on this journey. He’s truly the man of my dreams.


When Clare Stevens walked onto the McCallister ranch, she expected her life to be a certain way. She was the mail-order bride of the owner, and she was to fulfill her dut

ies. Clean the house, cook for his men, and warm his bed at night. What she didn't expect was the beefy cowboy who walked in and literally swept her off her feet.

Cash McCallister didn't have time to date and find a wife. So a mail-order bride seemed the easiest way to find a partner. He thought he'd made a mistake until he laid eyes on the little piece of sunshine that lit up his life. He never imagined a true love like this. He never knew an obsession could take hold so tightly.

When drama hits the farm and their fast love is threatened, can Clare and Cash hold it together?

Warning: This is literally as cliché as it sounds...and just as awesome. It's country living with high-calorie foods and easy sunsets. Come sit on the porch and stay a while. You'll like what you see.