“By whom.”

“I expect he meant the workers, because he flapped his hands over to the maintenance yard. He said he sees this guy riding his bike all the time from there.”

“So you assume he was referring to Robbie?”

“Yeah. So we asked him if he saw the biker this morning. But he said no.”

“Anything else I need to know?”

“We checked out his pack to see if he had Robbie’s wallet. He really put up a fuss about that. Saying stuff like we’re tampering with his personal property and constitutional rights.”

Gibson raised his eyebrows.

“Scottie told us it was missing before she dispatched us.”

“Okay. Did you find anything?”

“He had a lot of cash which was peculiar in itself but no wallet,” Gunner said. “So we left him and knocked on more doors.”

“Go on.”

“We found a neighbour that lives right next to the maintenance building. He saw a homeless guy hanging around.”

Gibson looked up with interest.

“We questioned him further, and he backed off. Said they all hang out at the garbage bins. It sounded like the gentleman was just complaining. I don’t think he saw anything in particular yesterday morning.”

“Okay. We’ll get back to him if we need to. The camp probably isn’t involved. What would the motive be?” He paused. “Anything else?”

“Yeah. A man on the other side of the park was walking his dog early yesterday morning,” Na said. He checked his notes before adding, “Around six o’clock. He saw a truck parked on the main boulevard. It had writing on the door, but he couldn’t read what it said. He didn’t have his glasses on. And he wasn’t sure if anyone was in the truck. Anyways it didn’t seem suspicious to him.”

Gunner barged in, “Too vague to be any help right now, but we have him in our report in case he remembers anything solid.”

“Keep looking. Something will show up when you least expect it.”

“You bet. We’ll canvass the area again. Not everyone was up yet,” Gunner said.

Gibson was slumped in his chair already thinking of other stuff—Robbie’s spouse. One of the worst things about the job was questioning the victim’s partner. Not usual for the wife to kill her husband. But it happens. Gunner and Na sensed this was the end of the conversation. Gibson was rubbing his face and staring off at nothing. They pushed their chairs away from the desk and quietly left the room.

* * *

AJ had arrived extra early for work because yesterday had been cut short with all the excitement. Turmoil expressed it better. He had an extensive project to finish by the end of the week. After an hour of hammering on metal plates, he got a craving for nicotine. The clock hanging by Tony’s office chimed six. Still time before the guys would roll in. He grabbed his pack of poison and slipped out the back for a brief puff. He sucked in the smoke deeply, inclined his face skyward and streamed out broad, perfect circles. After a few minutes, a shiver shot up his spine from a brisk breeze whipping around the corner. He tossed his butt on the ground, crushed it with the toe of his work boots and swung the door open to get back to work, to the warmth.

A whack on his head sent him sprawling with a face plant to the cement floor. His eyesight blurred and everything went black. He awoke with a ringing in his ears and someone tugging on his shirt sleeve.

“Are you okay?”

It hurt to open his eyes. The dim overhead lights shone as if someone was directing a spotlight on his face. He raised his chin slightly and felt his brain reel. Stars drifted into his vision.

“AJ,” Keith said.

He attempted another look—the stars had retired. His brain stopped spinning.

“I’m fine.” He patted the back of his hair and fingered a tacky substance.

The assistant supervisor helped him to his feet.

“What happened?”

“I don’t know. Somebody thumped me when I came back into the shop.”

“You’re bleeding.”

“It’s nothing. Forget it. I’m good.” AJ shrugged him off and escaped to the restroom. A gash on his forehead leaked blood down his cheek, leaving a bitter metallic taste at the back of his throat. He bandaged the laceration on his face, but there was nothing he could do about the bump on his head except pop a few aspirin.

Keith was hovering near the door, but AJ pushed his way by and headed to his workbench. He beat on the metal feverishly in spite of his pounding head, wondering who had done this to him. He twisted his mouth into a scowl and turned his narrowed eyes toward Keith—get out and shut up.

Chapter 14

Gibson went back to the window to shake the foreboding thoughts from his mind. His preoccupation with husbands and wives brought Katherine to mind. Was she busy in her greenhouse today? Or sitting on the bed crying for things past? Slowly he focused on an enormous cruise ship docking, perhaps returning from an Alaskan trip. He watched as taxi after taxi drove into the terminal to stand by in a lengthy line of vehicles. Suddenly Gibson realized the breeze had dropped to a peculiar stillness. Sailboats that had been flirting with the wind and waves now puttered to the harbour with their mainsails and jibs furled. A soft tap on the door caught his attention, and he turned towards it.

“Hi, Billy.” Scottie stepped into the room and approached him.

“Should we go see Ellen this morning?”

“Yeah, I guess.”

Gibson grabbed his jacket, and they made their way down the stairs, past the unoccupied receptionist desk and out the front door. They hopped into Scottie’s truck and headed to the suburbs. The vehicle hummed through the side streets. He stared out the window and let his eyes stray over the landscape. The trees were silhouetted against the pastel blue sky. Under the naked branches, shed leaves made a pulpy mass. A few juncos scratched through the grass for gnats and bugs. Nuthatches and chickadees flitted from one tree to the next, always on the move. A squirrel ran in front of the vehicle. Scottie avoided the little guy with her superb reflexes, barely blinking an eye. She rambled on about Ellen and Robbie’s marriage. How did the condom play into their relationship? Was he cheating on her? Gibson saw the sideways glance she risked to determine if he was taking notice. He grunted in reply so she went on chatting about the kids and the effect this would have on them.

“They’re too young to understand that,” Gibson said.

“I’m not sure I follow you.”

“The condom,” he replied and gazed momentarily at Scottie. Her Roman nose in profile emphasized the prominent high bridge and looked remarkably like the curved beak of an eagle—a sign of beauty and nobility.

“Oh, I meant his death.”

Gibson picked up on her meaning and became silent again. She turned down Henderson Road, pulled up to the curb and shut off the motor. They exited the truck and strode down the pathway to the wooden veranda. No children were playing on the grass. Gibson hadn’t noticed much when they visited yesterday. Now he saw that the house had a fresh coat of paint, a creamy shade of white. The porch was a darker grey than the trim. As he climbed the steps, he saw peeling paint under his boots. He wondered who would complete the work. Lily opened the door in response to the bell. She twirled down the hallway, leaving them waiting helplessly on the veranda. He could hear a muffled drone of a television in the direction the little girl had retreated. No sweet smells of baking this time, just an uncanny hollowness.

Ellen came out of the living room, dragging her chewed up pink slippers along the carpet. She was dressed in sweatpants, her hair hanging limply in greasy strands. Her face was puffy and drawn with a jaw clenched tight. She showed them into the room. Two large couches dominated the area with a fireplace on the far side. She perched on the sofa closest to it. Was she expecting to feel warmth from the unlit fire? Gibson wondered. The giant pillows swallowed her fidgeting body. He chose an armchair that faced her. Scottie lingered in the background, standing with a notebook and pen ready.


p; “We have a few questions for you today,” Gibson said. “Can you tell me about the party? Did the whole family go?”

“Party?” Ellen fluttered her eyelids as she looked up at him.

“The Halloween celebration,” Gibson reminded her.

“The kids came with us. But I took them home early. Robbie stayed.”

“When did he get in?” Before she could respond, he added, “And when did he leave for work?”

“He got in around midnight. I think he left at his regular time. Sometime after six.” She twisted a damp handkerchief in her hands.

A truck rumbled by and shook the windows in its wake. Gibson looked out to the street. Ellen had gone quiet.

“Is there any other family besides his half-brother?”

Ellen raised her chin, her face streaked with a mixture of mascara and emotion. “Oh no. Jeff. I forgot. He doesn’t know yet.” A frown appeared as she pulled on the arms of her chair.

“Don’t worry. We’ll talk to him.” Gibson sprung out of his chair to stop her motion.

“There’s no one else. Just me and the kids.” As she spoke, a torrent of tears drenched her cheeks.

He stole a glance toward Scottie. They left Ellen to her emptiness.

Chapter 15

Foul Bay Road was just around the corner. Scottie pulled to the curb and parked. They walked up the cracked sidewalk to Jeff’s house. The garish green and yellow gables, powder blue handrails and turquoise trim were typical décors for this gentrified neighbourhood. Scottie knocked, paused and waited for an answer. She knocked again. Gibson noticed there weren’t any vehicles around. He tapped her forearm and gestured to the driveway.