“What’s wrong, sugar? Weren’t expecting a proposition in a BDSM club? You are green around the edges.” She lifted her head up and around until her eyes landed on Trevor’s curved lips. Her sheath contracted with damp need and a sudden ache to feel that mouth possessing hers.

Other than enjoying his dance skills, she’d remained neutral to Jason as they’d danced. Why these two? And which one would she choose if it came down to relieving the ache they were both responsible for?

“She disobeyed by leaving the guest area without a Dom’s permission,” Troy put in without missing a coordinated beat with his brother. “At a minimum, a lesson is in order.”

“What are you talking about?” Paige found it damn near impossible to concentrate sandwiched between them, her mind conjuring up all kinds of images that left her breathless and increased the cream already oozing to soak her panties.

“Weren’t you told to remain in the center seating area until a Dom offered to show you around?” Trevor asked before sinking his teeth into her earlobe and sending a delightful shiver down her swaying body.

“I was bored.” Okay, she’d read enough to know that excuse wouldn’t cut it, but it was the truth. Thinking a change of subject was in order, she tightened her hand on Troy’s shoulder and turned the questioning around. “What are you doing here? You don’t have a description, and you didn’t mention this guy targeting men.”

“We’re members, so we can visit whenever we want. Since you haven’t answered my question, I’ll assume you ignored our warning and are here trying to get on our assailant’s radar. Two infractions you need to answer for.” Troy kept his gaze on her face as he released her wrist and ran one finger over the top of her breasts before dipping inside the tube top.

Reeling from Troy’s announcement they were members, Paige sucked in a deep breath and held it, waiting to see how far he’d go right there on the dance floor. She’d known they were dominant men, not that they were Doms. God help her, she wanted his touch on her puckered nipple so bad, she didn’t care about their sexual preferences or who saw them. He inched lower, taking the stretchy material with him, and grazed the aching tip. Instant, searing pleasure forced her breath out in a whoosh and she couldn’t help but push against his caressing finger as he stroked back and forth over the turgid tip.

“Master Damien isn’t happy with you, and neither are we.” Trevor tightened his hands on her hips before sliding them up her waist until he reached the hem of her banded top. With a sharp tug, her breasts popped free, the wraparound now bunched underneath them.

“Son of a dipshitiot!” Paige exclaimed in a shocked whisper of arousal.

Trevor’s deep laugh vibrated against her spine, but she didn’t have time to say anything else since Troy was dipping his head to her bare breasts. The strong suction on her left nipple robbed her of cognizant awareness and she didn’t give a fig who might be looking, not when her fantasy of feeling one of the Carlson brother’s hands and mouth on her had come to fruition. Correction, both men, she amended when Trevor cupped her fullness, lifted the small mounds and offered her nipples to his brother. The carnal scene the three of them made implanted itself in her roaring mind.

“I do enjoy hearing your colorful expletives,” Trevor whispered in her ear as the two of them gyrated their hips faster against her.

“Keep it up and you’ll hear a lot more.” Sparks of fiery heat zinged from her nipples down to her sheath with each tug from Troy’s mouth, every swipe of his tongue. He still kept his other hand pressed against her lower back and every time she automatically attempted to free herself, the inability to do so added to Paige’s escalating arousal. The sensory overload was almost too much, making her forget her purpose for being here.

Their admission they were members of Sanctuary had caught her off guard. Paige hadn’t considered the brothers were of the same mold as the men Penny enjoyed meeting here at the club. Yes, they were dominant, and she’d suspected they could be controlling when allowed, but they’d never hinted they were into this kinky lifestyle. It unnerved her how easily she could picture herself strapped to one of the apparatus along the back wall with one—or both—of them preparing to sexually torment her.

Troy reclaimed her attention when he sank his teeth into her already throbbing nipple, the quick, there and gone again pain wrenching a cry from Paige’s throat and another gush of cream between her legs. Lifting his head, he stated above her mouth, “That’s just a sample of what’ll happen if you continue with this folly. The next time you try to interfere in my investigation, I’ll paddle your ass, regardless of where we are or who’s watching. Now,” he nipped her lower lip again, sending another lightning bolt south, “be a good girl, allow us to walk you out and stay away from here.”

His softened tone matched the concern reflected in his eyes when he gazed down at her. Cool air wafted over her damp, exposed breasts, tightening the throbbing buds even more. She didn’t know whether to be relieved or irritated when Trevor pulled up the top and both men stepped back, leaving her shaking on the brink of unfulfilled lust.

* * *

“Let’s go.” Troy slid his hand from behind Paige’s back to enfold her hand in the warm clasp of his while Trevor took hold of her other hand. Together, they steered her back into the foyer, helped her slip on her shoes and then led her out to her Jeep.

Struggling to keep himself in check, Troy replayed his terror when Damien had phoned, asking about the redhead he’d noticed leaving the hospital as he’d arrived. Being both observant and smart, the club owner had become suspicious when he spotted Paige in his club just days after he’d seen her at the hospital. The sisters weren’t identical twins, but the familial resemblance was hard to miss. Troy promised Damien they’d take care of Paige, agreeing with the other man that she didn’t portray a tendency toward submissiveness. Only Trevor believed the girl could be dominated by the right person.

Opening the Jeep’s door, he glanced down into her flushed face and snapping gray eyes. Damned if that defiant look didn’t get to him every time. The stretchy top molded to her pert breasts and clung to her turgid nipples, leaving every bump of her areola he’d felt under his tongue discernible against the cloth. Trevor wanted to tame her; he just wanted to ride her, over and over.

“Be a good girl, Paige, and go home.” Admonishing her like a child raised her hackles, just as he’d known it would.

“You’re not my boss.” Whipping her head around to Trevor, she added, “You either.” Pulling her hands free, she folded herself behind the wheel, grabbed the door handle and delivered one last parting shot. “And, you’re certainly not my daddies.”

Slamming the door, she left the parking lot amid a squeal of tires. A smirk lifted the corners of Trevor’s mouth. “Huh. Think she’s pissed at us?”

A rare grin split Troy’s face. “Moron. Come on, I’m beat.”

Trevor sighed and shook his head. “It’s doubtful she’ll back off. You know that.”

Troy nodded as they reached his SUV. “Oh, yeah, I’m well aware of her stubborn streak, not to mention seeing how close the two girls are. But I’ll be damned if this son-of-a-bitch gets another victim on my watch.”

“Our watch,” Trevor corrected, a hard glint replacing the light in his eyes.

Chapter 6

Rubbing her tired eyes, Paige reread the paragraph on the screen describing what she would have to agree to if she signed up for the auction at Sanctuary taking place the following afternoon. She reached up to rub one finger over a still-tingling nipple. After arriving home from the club with her body still humming from the thrill of being pressed between two tall, rock-hard male bodies, she’d known sleep was still hours off. Pouring herself a nightcap of Bourbon and water, heavy on the alcohol, she’d pulled up the information on the club’s annual fundraiser. What she read both astounded her and added to the pulsing desire for two men she couldn’t seem to shake. Last year’s take from the auction set off alarm bells she was trying her best

to ignore. If these men and women were willing to put out that much money to purchase a sub for a few hours, what on earth would they require their ‘property’ to do in return? And how would she be able to fake her way through their experience?

All buyers will be given a list of each participant’s limits before bidding commences. Each submissive agrees to spend eight hours with their buyer, the time and place to be agreed upon by both parties.

Scrolling down to the form, she found a very thorough and mind-boggling checklist. The options included the standard oral, anal and intercourse selections, but it was the ‘not so standard’ choices responsible for the flood of heat warming her face. Good grief! Pony play? Fisting? Erotic asphyxiation? She didn’t want to come across as a prude, or worse, get escorted off stage due to a lack of bidders. God, wouldn’t that be the height of humiliation? She’d never imagined pretending to be a sexual submissive could be so difficult.

You loved Troy and Trevor’s take-charge attitudes tonight. “Yeah, yeah. Shut up already yet.” Sometimes, her inner voice could be damned annoying when it lectured her on those two. Paige admitted she hadn’t counted on the men she’d been fantasizing about for months showing up at the club tonight. And definitely hadn’t expected her off the charts response to having their hands on her. Her first taste of public exposure had enhanced the experience instead of withdrawing from it, another startling revelation to deal with. The activity going on in the club before Troy and Trevor arrived had drawn her curiosity, and she’d found voyeurism titillating, but she’d garnered no real interest in trying out anything she witnessed. Not until those two arrived.

Doubts about her ability to fake her way through eight hours with a dominant stranger kept her from filling out the form for another ten minutes. By the time she’d finished her drink and then conjured up the image of Penny’s bruised face and close call with severe brain trauma, she found herself checking boxes and signing her name. No sex, but she enjoyed both giving and receiving oral. Anal play only since she thought she could handle a little teasing back there. She’d never understood the draw of including that orifice for sexual fun, but most of what she’d learned about her sister’s kinks baffled her as to the appeal for so many people. It wouldn’t be the first time she faked an orgasm, so the only thing she’d have to overcome would be the urge to exert her natural independent nature if the ‘bossiness’ got to her before the time limit ended.

Best case scenario: the son-of-a-bitch who hurt Penny came after her next, following the auction, and she wouldn’t have to go through with it. Tomorrow, before stopping in to visit Penny on her way to Sanctuary, she’d spend an hour at the gym, honing her kickboxing skills until her confidence in the skill returned.

Paige hit send before she could change her mind, vowing to ignore her inner voice telling her this was a stupid thing to try. Since doing nothing wasn’t an option, setting herself up seemed to be the only way to draw this guy out without waiting for weeks for him to strike again. The cops had failed to find him in months, so she refused to rely on them. Remembering Troy’s warning about not getting involved drew a shiver as she padded down the hall to her bedroom. “What he or Trevor don’t know, won’t hurt them—or me, for that matter,” she muttered. The two men who’d dominated her midnight fantasies for months without exhibiting a shred of personal interest in her had no right to dictate to her now, or interfere if she wanted to explore their alternative lifestyle for herself. They didn’t need to know her only interest lay with avenging her sister.

Paige plastered on a smile before entering Penny’s hospital room the next day, the note she’d discovered on her windshield that morning hidden in her purse. Back off, bitch. That’s all it said, but it was enough to let her know she’d caught someone’s attention last night. It worried her whoever it was knew her address; she hadn’t counted on that. But knowing what Penny had suffered, and how close her sister had come to serious brain injury, or worse, hardened her resolve. There was no need to trouble her twin with either the note or her plans for later that day, or to reveal the nerves crawling under her skin like a swarm of insects determined to annoy her. She knew her sibling like the back of her hand; they could practically read each other’s thoughts. Penny would blow a gasket if she thought Paige had drawn her assailant’s attention, even though she would understand Paige’s need to get justice for her.

“Hey, sis. I heard from your nurse you might be released to go home in the next day or two.” Breezing over to the bed, she bent and kissed Penny’s forehead. “It’ll be so good to have you home. No more headaches?” She sank onto the chair next to the bed, relieved when Penny shook her head.

“Not in the last twenty-four hours. I still hurt all over, and my left side is still weak, but I know how much worse it could have been.” A delicate shudder shook her slender frame where she sat propped up in bed. “All in all, I’m pretty lucky. What have you been up to?”

Paige waved an airy hand. “Oh, this and that. The greyhounds went home yesterday after I left here, and I think I’ll hold off on taking in any more pet sitting jobs until you’ve reached a full recovery.”

Penny shook her head. “I know you need the extra money, so don’t turn down work because of me. I’ll be fine. The sooner I’m up and moving around, the sooner I can return to work. With tax season upon us, I’m needed ASAP. I’ve already agreed to do a few filings from home.”

Unlike Paige, Penny had finished college, earning a degree in accounting and then landing a prestigious job at a large firm. The income from all three of Paige’s jobs didn’t equal what Penny brought in, another glaring difference between them. There were times she’d asked herself if she should return to school and get a better, more stable job, but nothing appealed to her. She liked being her own boss, answering to no one, even if the tedious, mundane work of cleaning houses was starting to chafe. Bar tending was fun, and she enjoyed conversing with the regulars, shooting a game of pool during her break and eyeballing the city’s finest gathered together in one room.

“Only if the doctor okays it. And I’ll be there to make sure you don’t overdo,” Paige warned. She hedged, then posed the question uppermost in her mind. “So, has Detective Carlson been in this weekend?”

Her sister sent her a shrewd glance, brushing her hair off her cheek with the back of her hand. “Is there something you’re not telling me about him? Or his hunky brother?”

She averted her eyes from Penny’s probing gaze. Her twin could read her like a book, as easy as Paige could her. She hated keeping secrets from her, but there was no way Penny would approve of what she planned to do, and if she mentioned coming across the Carlsons last night at Sanctuary, she wouldn’t hear the end of it. There was no point in Penny reading more into that encounter than existed, or for her to encourage Paige to remain open-minded about a possible relationship with one of them. Troy and Trevor’s sudden interest in her stemmed solely from their investigation and keeping her out of it. It would be best if she remembered that.

“No. I barely know either man. They’ve been in the bar a few times, but they’re not regulars like some. When they have come in, they’ve been friendly, but kept their distance, no personal overtures.” Paige looked at Penny again and pulled up her cheeky grin. “But, I agree, they are hot, aren’t they?” She fanned herself and blew out an exaggerated breath.

Penny giggled. “At least you have the good sense to notice.”

“A girl would have to be blind not to notice those two. Here, I brought us a snack to share before I leave.” Digging through her purse, she produced two large candy bars. The sugar high was more for Paige’s benefit than Penny’s since her sibling didn’t have the sweet tooth and junk food habit Paige did, but that didn’t mean Penny wouldn’t appreciate the chocolate and nut bar after eating bland hospital food for the past week.

“Oh, God, how pathetic is it that I’m drooling? Thank you.” She snatched the treat out of Paige’s outstretched hand and wasted no time ripping off the wrapp

er and taking a bite.

“Any time.” They gabbed while eating, but Paige’s apprehension over the auction wouldn’t allow her to relax. The desire to confide in Penny, get her advice on the subject her sister was so familiar with, almost convinced her to reveal her plans.

Desperate to get going before she blew this last chance to see her sister avenged, she stood and adjusted her purse on her shoulder. She needed to get to Sanctuary in time for the detailed instructions from the staff, and before she lost her nerve. The extra online research she’d taken time to do this morning revealed how mind boggling the scope of the BDSM world was, and a good deal of it panty-melting. She was neither blind nor deaf and maintained a healthy sexual appetite despite the long dry spell she’d been mired in. It would be impossible not to get turned on a little by some of those pictures and stories. That sure as hell didn’t mean the lifestyle was for her, which was the one thing she’d have to hide best from a buyer.

“I’ll let you rest and be back tomorrow in between my houses. I’ve picked up a third place on Mondays, so it may be late afternoon.”

Penny licked chocolate off her fingers as she asked, “When are you going to turn your job into a business? I’ve told you I’ll help.”

Paige laughed. “You know that would mean I’d have to grow up. I’m not sure I’m ready, or want the responsibility.” She couldn’t deny Penny’s offer to help expand her business by taking on more homes and offices and hiring crews to work for her was tempting, but she needed to be sure that’s the next direction she wanted to veer toward.

Penny rolled her eyes. “Whatever, just think about it. Now, get out of here.”