Please? Okay, asking nicely wasn’t playing fair. Not that it would change her mind. “Find him.” With a light shove, he backed off, and she slid into her car.

Chapter 5

Penny watched her sister walk out with the good-looking DA, wondering what was going on between Paige and the Carlson brothers. She knew her twin well, and Paige didn’t get flustered around men, and only grew irritable when she was uncomfortable with a person or situation. She’d never been more appreciative of Paige as when she’d awoken in a state of groggy disorientation with pulsating waves of discomfort surrounding her head and seen her there by her side. It had taken most of the day, but the drug-induced fuzziness blurring her mind had finally cleared. A dull throbbing still encompassed her entire skull, and she ached from head to toe, but as she said earlier, she imagined the drugs pumping through the IV in her arm were numbing the worst of her pain. Her sibling’s presence had helped tamp down the fear and panic when flashes of remembered shock and pain from the attack filtered through her mind.

She couldn’t begin to understand how she could get off on the snap of leather against her bare skin when just recalling the man’s fists pummeling her drew beads of cold sweat along her brow. That excruciating agony was so different from the erotic sting of leather or a rough, calloused hand slapping her buttocks.

“Are you sure no one stood out, no one caught your attention, for any reason? Sometimes a small thing will lead to something bigger,” Detective Carlson asked again.

Only one face popped into her head, one man who had snared her attention, and her. After she’d taken Master Damien’s hand, Penny’s awareness of everyone else had slipped away. Shaking her head, she replied, “I’m sorry, but no. I wish I could be of more help.”

“How about away from the club? Problems with anyone at work? Have you seen anyone suspicious around your neighborhood?” Trevor knew the questions were long shots, but had to be asked.

“No.” Penny shrugged in apology. “I’m sorry.”

“Well, if you think of anything else, call me.” He stood and laid his card on the bedside tray. “I’ll let you rest now.”

Looking up, she figured he was an inch or two over six foot, an imposing, muscular man just like his brother. “You look familiar,” she remarked, unable to pinpoint where she’d seen both him and Trevor before.

Troy cocked his head. “How long have you been a member of Sanctuary?”

“Over two years, but I hadn’t been back in almost eight months.” Not since the first time she’d been a victim of a man’s rage. Thank God Jim had moved out of state and left her alone a few weeks following their split.

“Trevor and I used to be regular members. Other than an occasional visit, we don’t frequent it as often as we used to. You may have seen us there. Your doctor said you’ll be in here a while yet, at least another week. I’ll be back to check on you. In the meantime, if you remember anything, or need anything…”

“She’ll have me.”

Penny’s gaze flew to the door and the one man she’d been trying not to think about. Master Damien was just as big, hard and intimidating outside of Sanctuary as he appeared immersed in that sexually charged atmosphere. With his blue eyes riveted on her bruised face, he sauntered into the room, and she had no trouble remembering the feel of his wide palms and long fingers kneading her breasts, or the way he’d commanded her attention and submission with just a few words.

“I… what are you doing here?” Heat enveloped her face from her rude outburst, but his sudden presence caught her off guard.

“Checking up on you.” The inflection in his tone hinted that should be obvious. Turning to Troy, he questioned bluntly, “Anything new?”

“No, not yet. I’ll keep you informed. Take care, Penny.”

She nodded as the detective turned to leave. Lifting the sheet up to her chest, Penny squirmed in uncomfortable awareness of the way she must look. Master Damien had a way of looking at a person, especially a sub, that compelled her to either drop to her knees in front of him or run and hide. Right now, the latter sounded good. “It’s nice of you to stop by, Sir, but…”

“I’m sorry, Penny.” He stepped next to the bed, leaned down and covered her mouth with his, taking her breath as he pushed past her lips and stroked over her tongue.

Shaken, aroused and confused, her lips trembled against the pressure of his and her heart stuttered with his nearness. She feared this man, but in a different way than she had her ex. For someone who’d exhibited scant awareness of her in the past, she found his sudden interest and possessiveness both exciting and worrisome. For the life of her, she couldn’t figure out what he wanted from her.

He released her mouth with a sharp nip on her lower lip that caused her sheath to clench. Lifting her fingers to the throb, she looked at his face still so close to hers. “What are you sorry for?”

“The other night. You were my responsibility, and I let you down. That was my fault. That and my security wasn’t as adequate as I thought. Why didn’t you come find me before you left?”

The slight accusation behind his words sent a frisson of guilt through Penny, but she couldn’t tell him she’d fled because of him, because he’d taken her higher, faster than any other Dom, and she’d known it was a onetime thing. Hadn’t he just admitted she’d been his ‘responsibility’, nothing more?

“I’m sorry. I was a bit overwhelmed after it being so long since I’d been with someone. And you were busy.”

Damien sat back in the chair Troy had vacated and folded his arms across his chest, his black brows lowered in a frown, his mouth set in a stern line. Penny’s palms turned sweaty from his silent, probing gaze, and she held her breath, wondering what he was thinking.

“Get one thing through your head, little one. From here on out, I’ll never be too busy to see to your needs, no matter what they are.”

The nurse entered just then, distracting Penny from that startling disclosure. Wasn’t the roaring in her head enough to cope with? Why did the one man who’d always been able to fluster her have to add to her woes right now with that succinct remark?

“I’m sorry, you need to leave now. The staff is under strict orders to limit Ms. Wilcox’s visitors to short stays,” the nurse told Damien as she checked the IV bag.

He looked as if he wanted to argue, but instead rose and said, “I’m leaving. Penny, I’ll check back with you soon.”

Penny released a relieved sigh when he walked out, wondering how her life had gotten so complicated all of a sudden. Thank God for Paige. At least her sister wouldn’t add to her headaches or give her something else to fret over.

* * *

Paige checked the time again while drawing two beers. Uncharacteristic nervousness had kept her on edge since reporting early for her Saturday evening shift at the bar. After Mel agreed to let her off by eight, she’d started to second guess her decision to check out Penny’s club as a new guest. Her online research into her sister’s sexual lifestyle had uncovered eye-opening facts she’d never imagined. Whoever knew there were so many aspects to kinky sex, or so many outlets to indulge in your preferences? She had no idea how far Penny had gone during her months with Jim, or what she’d done last week before she’d been attacked. And, she didn’t want to know, did she?

Honesty forced Paige to admit some of the information and pictures had caused flutters of arousal to tickle her girly parts, but that just meant she was a normal, thirty-one-year-old woman with a healthy sex drive, didn’t it? “Okay, enough with questioning myself,” she scolded under her breath as she slid the brews down the bar toward two customers. With a wave, the female paralegals from the DA’s office caught their glasses and moved to a table. Tonight, all she planned to do was scope out the place and, if she was lucky and Penny’s attacker returned to the scene of his crime, maybe catch his attention. Troy had revealed this guy appeared to target either new subs or those vulnerable enough to let their guard down. Since Penny wouldn’t have come across as a

newbie, she must’ve displayed a certain amount of vulnerability that snagged his attention. Which just went to prove she’d been right and her twin shouldn’t have returned to that lifestyle.

Cursing the futility of indulging in hindsight, Paige signaled to Mel, who was making the rounds between tables. If she intended to do this, she needed to get going before she lost her nerve. Every day this past week she’d debated with herself over her determination to draw out the person who’d hurt Penny, but all it took was a visit with her sister in the hospital to shore up her resolve. While Penny wasn’t in danger now of losing her life or of brain damage, the lingering swelling still brought on bouts of dizziness and vicious headaches that added to the aches and pains of her bruised body. Once physical therapy got her up, the weakness on her left side had become more pronounced, and Paige hated seeing her so distressed.

The only time Penny appeared calm enough to rest undisturbed was when Paige’s visit followed on the heels of this Master she’d spoken of, the one Penny admitted to being with that night. Paige tried not to think about what that meant. She’d yet to meet the man, or even learn his name due to her sister’s refusal to share much about him. Paige supposed that worked in her favor given she was about to enter the same club he frequented for the sole purpose of catching the eye of an assaulter. She didn’t want anyone to know about this endeavor.

“Go ahead, Paige. My nephew just pulled in to help out for a few hours,” Mel told her when he came around behind the bar.

“Thanks, boss.” She hadn’t given him a reason when she’d requested to come in early so she could clock out early. What she was planning was no one’s business but hers. Penny would only try to talk her out of it, and so would Mel. As for the Carlsons and their warning not to interfere, well, what they didn’t know wouldn’t hurt them, right?

Fifteen minutes later, Paige pulled into the parking lot of the converted warehouse down by the wharfs. Running clammy hands down the sides of her short denim skirt, she sat a moment to get the rapid beat of her heart under control. It wasn’t the people inside who were causing jitters to dance in her stomach, but her possible reaction to what they were doing inside that building. If she’d gotten hot and bothered from just reading and looking at pictures, how would she react when face to face with sexually charged scenes she’d always sworn held no appeal for her? She didn’t yearn for a man to call the shots during sex and still didn’t understand the appeal of being tied up or smacked with a paddle. None of that had turned her on before, yet when she’d imagined one of the Carlsons in the descriptions she’d read or in the pictures with her instead of the models, there’d been no denying the instant surge of lust rushing through her body.

“Okay, enough procrastinating.” Hopping out of her Jeep, she dashed inside, determined not to think about the two men who’d been hijacking her thoughts all week.

A young, twenty-something receptionist greeted Paige from behind a small counter as she entered a large foyer. “Welcome to guest night at the Sanctuary. Do you have your approved application form?”

“Right here.” She’d been careful to use her mother’s maiden name instead of Wilcox when filling out the online application so no one would know of her relationship to Penny. There was no telling what all this perpetrator knew about his victims, but he would likely be smart enough to stay away from a relative of one.

“Looks good,” the girl said after checking the papers Paige handed her, including a copy of her last physical. She hadn’t expected that requirement. “You can store your belongings in a locker, including your shoes. When you enter the main room, someone will escort you to the seating area for guests, where you’ll wait for one of the Doms to give you a tour.” She handed Paige what looked like a sign-up form. “Since you marked you aren’t new to the lifestyle, you’re eligible to partake in our annual charity auction tomorrow. There’s still time to sign up if you get that form filed by midnight. The club’s not open on Sundays, but for this event, the boss makes an exception. All proceeds go to the Children’s Miracle Network.”

Good grief, an auction? It appeared there was more to this stuff than what she’d read thus far. “I’ll give it some thought,” she replied, folding the sheet and putting it in her purse, refusing to feel guilty over lying about her experience.

“Either way, have a good time tonight.”

“Thanks.” Paige didn’t have a plan, but she knew she wasn’t here to have a good time. If she didn’t get lucky enough to draw the assailant’s attention tonight, if he was even here, maybe she would at least satisfy her curiosity about her sister’s sexual preferences. The auction could give her a second, more visible opportunity. Maybe, if she could muster the courage to take part in such a thing. If, if, if. That word annoyed her.

As promised, a tall, burly man with a friendly smile led her to the center of the room and the circle of sofas where at least twelve new guests already sat and conversed. Settling in the only vacant spot open at the end of one plush couch, she tried smiling with confidence at the other girls, but the goings on around her were too distracting. Wow. Internet research couldn’t compare, or prepare anyone enough for the real thing.

The bondage equipment lining the back walls appeared to resemble the pictures she’d seen, but eyeing someone strapped face down on a spanking bench, her buttocks bright red from the vigorous hand spanking a man was taking great pleasure in administering, was enough to have her questioning the wisdom of this endeavor. Would she be required to submit to a stranger in such a way? Paige hadn’t planned on participating, just socializing enough to make herself a target. A shudder of distaste ran through her at the thought of being bound on the St. Andrew Cross while a man did whatever he pleased to her body in front of all these people. She wasn’t a prude by any means, but the possibility of jumping right into exhibitionism with a stranger left her cold.

A strong drink would work wonders right about now, but since guests weren’t allowed alcohol, that option to loosen her taut muscles was out. Shifting her eyes away from the sexually charged scenes, Paige watched the dancing on the opposite side of the cavernous room, itching to join them. Yeah, there looked to be a few eager hands exposing and exploring naked flesh, but it had been ages since she’d let her hair down on the dance floor, and just sitting here, waiting on the whimsy of some man, was starting to chafe. Several of the girls already biding their time when she’d arrived were off exploring with a Dom, but she didn’t feel like wasting any more time remaining idle.

Standing on shaking legs, Paige wound her way through the crowd toward the dance floor until her path was barred by a nice-looking man wearing tight jeans and a t-shirt that matched the vivid green of his eyes.

Cocking his head, he gave her a once over and approval lit his gaze. “You don’t want to dance alone, do you, sweetie?” His appreciative eyes rested on her cleavage above the stretchy tube top that left her midriff, shoulders and upper chest bare.

Paige shook her head with a smile. “No, I honestly don’t.”

Grasping her hand, he tugged her into the center of gyrating bodies, the song switching to a fast, hard beat that stirred up her excitement over cutting loose and ridding herself of the stress from the past week. Within moments, she lost herself in the wild tempo and movement around her. Her partner bent his head, whispered, “I’m Master Jason,” then stepped back to whirl her around. He stayed with her through two more songs, making her lose track of time until someone tapped on Jason’s shoulder and he turned to reveal one of the last people Paige wanted to see.

“Mind if I cut in, Jason?” Troy Carlson asked, his dark brown eyes pinning her in place. With all the speed and flare of a shooting star, her pulse skyrocketed and her body grew flushed. What the hell was it about him and his brother that could turn her inside out with a look or a few words?

Jason glanced from Troy back to her. “I was just going to ask if she’d like to take this to the back.”

Both men waited for her decision, which Paige made

without having to think about it. Better the man she knew than the stranger. “I’d like to keep dancing, but, thank you.”

Nonplussed, Jason nodded and strolled away, Troy stepping forward to take his place. Pulling her against his large frame, he kept her in place with one hand pressed against her lower back and the other shackling her right wrist to hold between their chests.

“What the fuck are you doing here, Paige?” he growled, his low, guttural tone conveying suspicious displeasure as much as his rigid jaw.

“I was dancing with a very nice man. Are you going to make me regret choosing you to continue with?” Her head may be unhappy with the detective’s sudden presence, but her body sang his praises, notably where their groins were grinding together in tune with another fast beat. The blatant press of his semi-erection left no doubt of his size; the angry glint in his eyes revealed he wouldn’t be beyond using sexual control to intimidate her into backing away from taunting the guy he was after.

Troy bent his head until he spoke right above her mouth. “I’ll make you regret coming here tonight if your purpose is to catch this culprit’s attention. Or, do you want to play, baby?”

Another tall, rock hard body pressed against Paige’s back at that moment, and she didn’t have to guess to know who’d joined them. Trevor’s amused voice whispered in her ear, “Before you answer my brother, remember there are rules, and consequences if broken, to our play.”

Oh, she wanted to play, she admitted under the dual assault of Trevor tonguing her ear and Troy nipping at her lower lip. Paige just wasn’t sure she would abide by their rules. Now, with the hard shape of two cocks rubbing against her mound and butt, and Trevor’s hands clasping her hips to move her in sync with their pelvis rotations, she couldn’t think straight. Awash with the heated rush sizzling through her veins, she struggled with a reply.