She stood and joined them in the hall, the grief etched on her face replaced by fierce determination. “Do you have Penny’s case?” she demanded of Troy in a low voice. “What happened? Who did this? I need…”

Her voice broke, and she looked away while Troy rushed to give her the only reassurance he could at that point. “We don’t know, but I promise we’ll find him.” Clasping her elbow, he guided her away from the open door, Trevor remaining quiet and letting him take the lead. His brother was better at giving comfort to distraught women as a general rule, but Troy’s recent involvement dealing with the previous victims of this abuser, as well as being in charge of the case, put the responsibility in his hands this time. “Tell me about her, anything you can, like how long has she been going to Sanctuary, and do you know if anyone’s been harassing her?”

Paige shook her head and stepped back from them to lean against the wall and fold her arms over her waist. “No. She split from her ex months ago and he isn’t around anymore, he’s not even in the state. Last night was her first time in that club since they broke up.”

Troy pulled a small note book from his back pocket. “I’ll need his name, regardless. Were you there with her?”

Her soft lips curled in derision. “Not my thing, Detective. And now look where it’s gotten Penny.” She gave him the ex’s name before adding, “Everyone loves my sister. This can’t be someone she knows.”

Everyone says that about their loved ones. Troy didn’t have the heart to point out the obvious, that this man didn’t love her sister, or any other woman. “No, it’s not. She’s the fourth victim of this guy, that we know of. He’s smart, has enough resources to disguise himself and come up with impressive fake IDs, and seems to target vulnerable submissives, or those new to the lifestyle.”

“We’re just lucky he hasn’t killed anyone, at least not yet,” Trevor commented, rubbing a hand over his bearded jaw. “Shit, but I want to get this guy. I’d make sure he didn’t see freedom until he was one step from the grave.”

“You and me both.”

Sidling around them, Troy watched Paige’s eyes turn as flinty as her glare. “If you haven’t been able to stop him in months then I can’t count on you to find him now. The more people out looking for him, the better.”

“Hold up,” Troy snapped, a frisson of alarm raising goosebumps on his arms. Snatching her elbow again, he turned her back around to face him. “You stay out of this. This guy is dangerous, likely unhinged. I don’t need another victim on my hands.”

“Penny didn’t know about him, that I’m sure of. She’s not stupid, or reckless. She wouldn’t have returned to the club if she’d heard this man was targeting women at those places. And I’m not stupid or reckless either, or uninformed. Find him.” Her scathing glance included them both. “Or I’ll do whatever I have to to see my sister’s avenged.”

Troy started to reach for her again when she pulled away and stomped off, but Trevor stopped him with a simple, “Let her go.”

“Fuck that, Trev. We don’t need a novice butting in, and you know it.”

“She’s grieving, and angry. She admitted, with that curl to her mouth I want to straighten with mine, that she’s not into the lifestyle. Odds are, whatever she might do won’t put her in jeopardy or catch this guy’s eye. If I’m guessing correctly, the two are more than sisters. They look to be twins.”

After glancing back at Penny, he knew Trevor was right. They may not be identical, but as close as they could get. Troy watched Paige step onto the elevator, her gaze stony when she looked their way while punching the button. Neither of them knew her well, but enough to know she possessed a backbone of steel. It was obvious she was close to her sister, and he could sympathize with her need to act on Penny’s behalf. That was what worried him.

“Let’s hope you’re right.” The elevator pinged open again before they reached it. They both recognized Damien Masters, the owner of Sanctuary, striding toward them with rage swirling in his cobalt blue eyes.

“How is she?” Damien demanded. “I just now got through closing down so I could get here.”

Troy followed Damien’s eyes as they shifted to the glass partition separating them from Penny’s room and saw his throat work at the sight of her lying so still and pale, hooked up to multiple machines. His own anger rushed to the surface again at seeing the bruises forming on her face. Oblivious to his friend’s distress, he swung on Damien and got in his face, unleashing a wave of impotent bitterness on him.

“Where the fuck were you? I warned you about this guy.” He poked him in the shoulder, a taunting gesture that darkened Damien’s eyes. “Where was your fucking security?”

“Troy…” Trevor cautioned, laying a hand on his shoulder.

“No, it’s all right, Trevor. I deserve his anger. My security was out there, but he can only be in one place at a time. I checked the cameras, and this guy knew the exact location of each one and how to avoid letting his full face come into view. He moved fast, and she’d be in worse condition if my guy hadn’t spotted them less than a minute after he attacked.”

“We saw it too, Damien, and you’re right. After that, your man did the only thing he could by getting Penny help instead of going after the guy.” Trevor looked at Troy. “Chill, bro. We’re all on the same side.”

Troy blew out a frustrated breath and offered Damien an apologetic look, just now noticing the guilt swirling in his eyes and the pinched set to his mouth. “Sorry, Damien. It fucking pisses me off we can’t get a handle on this ass.”

“You weren’t off base, Carlson. I should’ve walked her out after our scene instead of leaving her bundled in a blanket to deal with an altercation. By the time I returned, it was to hear all the commotion from security. I want this fucker as bad as you do.”

“Then let’s get him. She won’t be awake until the swelling goes down, which could take days, if not longer. I’ll be back when she is. Are you coming?” Troy asked Damien as he and Trevor pivoted toward the elevator.

Damien’s gaze rested on the young woman, his expression turning bleak with his reply. “No, not yet. I’ll sit with her for a spell.”

“I wonder if there’s something there besides guilt,” Trevor murmured as they entered the elevator with a wave to the club owner.

“For God’s sake, don’t go playing matchmaker. It’s bad enough we’re the last of the gang to still enjoy playing the field,” Troy growled.

An amused smile tilted the corners of Trevor’s mouth. “So, you’re not worried our turn’s up next?”

“Not in the fucking least. Not going there, no way, no how.” He glared at his brother when Trevor laughed. The moron never did take anything seriously.

* * *

By Tuesday, the swelling in Penny’s brain had gone down significantly and the doctors started the slow process of bringing her out of the coma. Paige sat outside Penny’s room that afternoon, watching through the large window with bated breath as the doctor reduced the medications going through the IV for the last time. Penny had already begun to stir, her fingers moving, her legs shifting with restlessness. Her doctor turned and beckoned Paige inside and she dashed through the door praying for good news.

“All of her vitals are still good, and more importantly, normal. You can sit with her now, talk to her, touch her. Let her know you’re here, and that she’s safe and in good hands. The nurses will monitor her for full consciousness and notify me when that happens.” Reaching out, Dr. Matthews squeezed her shoulder before he and his team left Paige alone with her twin.

Pulling up a chair next to the bed, Paige sat down and gripped Penny’s hand. “Way to go, sis. Your first night back in the saddle and you manage to land yourself in trouble. You’re going to be fine.” She choked back a sob. “Do you think I’d allow you to be otherwise? Wake up whenever you’re ready. I’ll be here. In the meantime, want to hear about the hot detective and his DA brother who are on your case?”

Paige leaned her head on her ben

t arm resting on the armrest while relating what she knew about the Carlson brothers, admitting in a hushed voice to her secret lusting after the two men these past months. She may have been pleased to discover Troy was assigned to Penny’s case, but she didn’t hold back when she relayed how the cops hadn’t been able to catch this guy in months, and how she found that inexcusable without mentioning her intention to see what she could do to aid in his arrest. There was no sense stressing Penny out, and the plan brewing in Paige’s head may not happen or yield any results.