“No.” She waved her hand, as if shooing away a pesky gnat. “Go back to your table and quit harassing me.” Detectives Calhoun and Marshall signaled her from their table, and she took that opportunity to leave Evans blustering alone at the bar. Drawing two beers, she carried them over with a strained smile. “Here you go, guys.”

“Thanks, kid.” Calhoun cast a resigned look toward Evans who had turned his belligerent, loud rant on his partner. “The commander ordered him into counseling. Let’s hope it helps.”

Paige thought the cop’s attitude had deteriorated enough to require tougher consequences than talk, but knew when to keep her mouth shut. These guys stuck together, no matter what. Troy and Trevor were the only ones she’d ever known to speak up against Mike Evans’ behavior.

“Is your sister back on her feet?” Marshall asked, changing the subject, she was sure, on purpose.

“Yes, thanks for asking. And, as of an hour ago, she helped catch the guy who assaulted her and several others.”

“That’s the best news I’ve heard all day. Carlson’s got to be relieved to put that case to bed.” Calhoun raised his glass in a silent toast to success.

I’d like them to put me to bed, she thought with a sigh of longing for the night to end. Paige saw Mel come back in and step behind the bar. “Later, guys,” she told the pair before returning to the bar and telling her boss, “Now you’re here, I need to haul a load out to the recycle bin.”

“Okay. I’ll announce last call. Thanks for filling in. Any problems?” Mel sent a pointed glance toward Evans where he had resumed his seat with his partner.

“Nothing I couldn’t handle. Be right back.”

Chapter 17

Paige hefted the bag of empty bottles and slipped out the side door Mel had just come in from. The short hall opened out back where the two large trash bins stood off to the side. Lifting one lid, she heaved the empties in, but before she could close it, a hard hand landed on her shoulder and spun her around. She barely had time to blink before a beefy fist came flying toward her face and pain blossomed across her cheek, the punch sending her reeling back against the metal container. Stars filled her vision, shocked surprise and excruciating pain robbing her of a few precious seconds before anger overrode everything else when she recognized the voice cursing a blue streak at her. Stepping to the side, she kicked out and caught Evans behind the knees before he could follow through with another punch.

He stumbled but didn’t go down, rounding on her instead with a feral glint in his red-rimmed eyes. “You dare?” he hissed, reaching for her again. “You stupid cunt. You should’ve heeded my warnings. I’ll make you pay for that.”

She skipped back again, wondering what he was rambling about and then enlightenment dawned. “You left those notes on my car?” she squeaked in surprise.

“I told you you were stupid. Of course I did. Everyone knew about your sister’s attack, and with a few clicks on the computer, I learned your address. You’ve been a fucking thorn in my side long enough.”

He lurched toward her, this time grabbing a handful of her skirt as she tried sidestepping him again. With a hard yank, the material ripped, but she still fell toward him while he reached with his other hand toward his holster. Paige cried out and tried to execute another kick aimed at his hand when she spotted Troy and Trevor rushing out the back door. Relief settled her panic but didn’t calm her anger.

“Stay out of this, fuckers!” Evans glared at the intruders, as if daring them to intervene. “I’m arresting her sorry ass for assaulting an officer.”

That ridiculous statement along with her throbbing face forced a gasped, stuttering response from Paige. “You freaking douchnozzle moronic imbecile!” Before she could follow through with another kick, Troy and Trevor dashed forward, barreling into the other cop before he could draw his weapon. They took him down and then hauled him up, pinning him against the dumpster as people filed out of the bar with Mel leading the way.

Taking one look at her face, her boss shouted, “That’s it! You’re banned from my place, Evans.” Striding over to Paige, he stood next to her, crossed his arms and glared at his long-time customers, daring them to argue.

Touched, she laid a shaking hand on his arm, her eyes widening in stunned surprise when Trevor stood at her other side and resumed the same pose and glower. After snapping on cuffs, Troy left Evans standing there and moved to join her and mimic their stances, their show of support in front of their peers making her eyes swim.

Aaron Devri, Evans’ partner, stepped forward, holding out a placating hand. “Come on, guys, let’s go back inside and I’ll spot a round for everyone. Mike’s just under a lot of pressure right now. Mike, apologize to Paige…”

“Forget it, Devri,” Troy snapped, his turbulent eyes shifting to Paige’s swelling face then back to Evans. “You’re not getting away with assaulting a woman on my watch.” He looked back at the rest of his fellow cops. “Some lines are worth crossing to right a wrong. Evans is done even if it means I end up turning in my resignation.”

“And I’ll be right with him. Take a stance and do it now.”

Paige had never heard Trevor speak in such a cold, controlled tone, never felt his body quake with such suppressed rage. The warmth filling her chest from their support spread throughout her body, dissipating the icy fear Evans’ assault and threats had generated. When both Marshall and Calhoun stepped forward in a show of support, the tears blurring her vision fell. One by one, the rest of the men and women she’d befriended in the past year nodded their approval and then turned to go back inside, leaving Evans alone to face his partner and Troy.

“Get these God damned cuffs off me,” he demanded of Aaron with the belligerence of someone who didn’t know when he was beaten.

With a lingering glance of remorse at Paige, Aaron shook his head. “Sorry, Mike. I’m done standing by you.” Without another word, he spun on his heel and followed the others back inside.

“Get him out of here,” Mel ordered before giving Paige’s shoulder a light squeeze. “Go home and put something on your face and then get some rest.”

“I’ll call a cab for us, sugar. Troy, meet us at her place when you’re done?” Trevor flicked Evans a scathing glance.

“Yeah. This won’t take long. Let’s go.” Disgust laced T

roy’s voice, but his eyes conveyed sadness for the downfall of a once good cop.

As they walked around to the front parking lot, Paige tossed Evans a bone, wanting to take the pressure off her guys after their public show of support and caring. “If you agree to rehab and counseling, I won’t file charges.”

“Like hell.” Trevor glared at her, pulling her to a halt as they reached Troy’s vehicle. “I’m not letting him get away with this.” He ran his knuckles over her sore cheek.

Evans showed no remorse for his actions, or acceptance of her generous offer. “Screw that. These charges will never stick, Carlson. I’ve got fifteen years on you. That’ll work in my favor, not yours,” he sneered as Troy opened the back door.

“Time will tell, won’t it?” Slamming the door, he turned to Paige, cupped her face and drew her up against him to meet his descending mouth. After brushing her cheek with his lips, he settled over her lips in the softest, gentlest kiss he’d ever given her. “Like I said earlier, you’re ours. And no one touches you like that.”

“That’s right.” Trevor wrapped an arm around her shoulders. “Now, let’s go home. It’s been a hell of a night.”

Paige couldn’t agree more.

* * *

Six months later

“And you promise this is just a short get together, right?” Paige finished the last of the candy bar Trevor handed her before they’d left home just as Troy pulled into the Gold Star Marina lot.