Slinging an arm around her shoulders, Miles guided her over to the elevator. “Not to worry, Hope. I’ll do all the work. All that’s required of you is to lie there and take it.”

Chapter 11

“You have five minutes in the restroom.” Miles rushed Hope through his spacious loft great room so fast, she barely caught a glimpse of the dark hardwood floors and bank of floor-to-ceiling windows across the room before he ushered her into his bedroom. Pointing to an open door, he stated, “It’s over there.”

“Thanks.” Nervous excitement propelled her over the soft, dark blue carpet. What did it say about her that she loved his take charge, commanding attitude? As soon as they left the gym, he’d gone all Dom on her, and even though she hadn’t lied about being exhausted from the private lesson, her body seemed to come alive with a second wind at his surprise invitation to stay the night.

As she used the facilities then rinsed her face in cool water, she realized this was a huge step for both of them and their relationship. It also meant another step toward revealing why she’d left Atlanta and risking everything she cherished in her new life here. Soon, she told her reflection. She didn’t need a lot more time with Miles to know the sex alone may not be worth risking her newfound happiness for, but the man just might be.


Especially when he said her name like that, with a low growl of impatience that turned her blood into a hot, molten flow through her veins. “Coming.” Opening the door, her face went as hot as her blood when he crooked his finger at her to come to him where he stood next to his king-size bed. Padding toward him, she spotted the large pillow placed about where her hips would be in the center of the bed. With the navy comforter and silk sheets folded back, it would look inviting for her tired body if it weren’t for the small grouping of objects also waiting for her on it.

“Like I said, all you have to do is lie there and take it.” Miles stepped forward and pulled her top over her head then latched onto one already turgid nipple.

With a sharp tug, he released her now throbbing tip with a plop and picked up a pair of nipple clamps. Holding them up by the connecting chain, he asked, “Ever use something like these?”

“No, and I’m not sure I want to.”

“I like your honesty. I won’t leave them on long. Deep breath.”

Hope inhaled as he fitted one metal loop around the nipple he’d sucked into a rigid peak, and the painful bite of the quick clamp nearly buckled her knees. “Shit!” she hissed through clenched teeth. He didn’t look up or acknowledge her discomfort as he made quick work of sucking on her other nipple, readying it for the same torture. By the time he finished, and she felt the cold metal closing around her, the pain from the first clamp had already been reduced to a dull throb.

“Another deep breath, and,” he looked up and nailed her with a dark stare, “no swearing.”

“Easy for you to say…” A low groan replaced the expletive on the tip of her tongue as her nipple became engulfed in red-hot pain.

With a yank, Miles sent her gi pants to her ankles before lifting her and dumping her in the middle of the bed, her butt landing right on top of the pillow. “Damn, I’m good,” he commented with a smirk before drawing her arms above her and attaching her wrists to cuffs on the slatted headboard. “Spread your legs.” He shifted down to the foot of the bed and wrapped his hand around her right ankle with one word, “Wider,” then proceeded to take care of it for her by stretching her foot over to reach yet another cuff. After he’d secured both ankles, he knelt between her spread-eagle pose and let his gaze linger on the display he’d made of her.

Hope looked down at her body, noticing with a wave of embarrassment how her propped-up hips left her bare mound the center of attention, her spread legs leaving her vagina gaping open. Her up-thrust nipples were reduced to reddened, throbbing pinpoints, but it was the dark purple object shaped like a raspberry and covered in small bumps he held up that caused her to flinch.

“It’s called an Ass Berrie. You’ll like it.”

“How do you know?”

“I know.”

Well, who was she to argue with such confidence, especially when he started pushing the lubed round end past her tight back entrance and a firestorm of sensation ripped through her dark channel? The anal toy wasn’t long, or too wide, but when Miles had it embedded and turned on the base knob to start tiny vibrations against the sensitive tissues of her untried orifice, she discovered it didn’t need to be to be effective. The movement of all those nodules against nerves she never knew were so susceptible to stimuli prepared her for the invasion of Miles’ three-fingered thrust into her pussy.

“Miles… Master C,” she amended when she got that look. “Please.”

“Please what? Touch you here?” He pulled out of her slick warmth and rolled her swollen clit between thumb and forefinger. “Or here?” Bending forward, he licked over her plump folds then up her seam to tease her further.

“Yes, yes… only, more.” Hope had all but forgotten the clamps on her nipples until he reached up and, with his mouth now replacing his fingers, plucked them off without warning. Blood surged back into the engorged tips in a painful rush just as he wrapped his lips around her clit and sucked hard.

Her cry echoed in the room, her hips jerking up then pushing toward that diabolical mouth, her vaginal muscles tightening around his tongue and joining finger, her ass clenching on the pulsating butt toy as pain and pleasure collided and threw her over the cliff. She strained against the bonds, the lights behind her closed lids going dark as the pleasure went on and on. By the time she floated down from the fast, incredible high and blinked her eyes open again, it was to see Miles kneeling between her legs, his shirt stripped off and pants pushed down far enough to free the thick erection he held in one hand as he continued to pump inside her with his other. Hope’s mouth watered at her first glimpse of his wide, thick chest tapering down to washboard abs and lean hips. Not to mention the enticing view of his seeping, bulbous cock head appearing as eager for her as the look in his midnight eyes.

“My turn.” Miles pulled his fingers from her still convulsing pussy, covered his cock and rammed inside her quivering, slick body with all the finesse of a raging bull. He couldn’t recall a time, or a woman, he’d been so desperate to get inside as he was right now, with Hope. The way she splintered apart almost the minute he started working her ass and pussy had been a fucking turn-on. The shock on her face when he removed the clamps and the sharp pain set her off had been priceless. She had depths to her he’d love to take his time exploring, but that was for another day.

Lying over her, he braced himself on his elbows at her shoulders and looked down into her flushed face as he slowly pulled his cock back out. “That’s it, Hope,” he rasped when her hips lifted in a silent beckoning for him to return. “That’s why I left off the waist strap this time. I wanted you reaching for me, begging for me.”

“It’s too much, M—Master C. Please.”

“Don’t worry, I won’t let you fall.” Swooping down, he took her mouth as he shoved back inside her. His tongue’s strokes inside her mouth mimicked those of his lower body as he proceeded to fuck her with steady, deep thrusts, her pussy made even tighter by the berrie plug. He could feel her rectum tightening through the thin tissue separation just as her low moan filled his mouth. Her nipples stabbed at his chest when he lowered himself even further and jackhammered his hips in a faster rhythm.

Needing air, Miles released her clinging lips and buried his mouth in the soft curve of her neck. “Fuck, you feel good. Now, Hope.” The bed creaked and shook as he pounded into her, his breath growing as harsh as her pants, their sweat-slicked skin sliding together in the age-old dance of down and dirty fucking. His balls tapped against the protruding knob of the butt toy then drew up to release his cum into his shaft. It was his turn to swear as pleasure swamped him from head to toe, the tight vise of her spasming walls pulling every ounce from him until he swore

he’d never been so drained.

“Give me a minute here,” Miles managed to utter as Hope shook beneath him. Lifting his weight off her, he was careful to keep her from seeing his back—and the tattoo he’d had done in memory of his mother—as he reached between them and pulled both his cock and the berrie from her body. Kneeling back on his calves, he ran his hands down her chest, over her quivering breasts, waist and thighs in a soothing caress meant to calm not only her pounding heart, but his also.

“That was… was…” Hope yawned and blinked slowly, the long day and rigorous night catching up with her.

“Yup, it certainly was.” Scooting back, he released her legs then leaned forward and turned her hands loose. Rubbing her shoulders, he helped her ease them back down before removing the pillow under her hips that had put her at the perfect angle for his driving thrusts. Sliding backwards off the bed, he picked up the toys and flipped the covers over her. “I’ll be right back. Go to sleep.”

Flicking off the bedside lamp, he plunged the room into darkness except for the small sliver of light emanating from the ajar bathroom door. By the time he’d washed up and crawled in beside her, she was already sound asleep, and Miles had some decisions to make before he let this, whatever it was between them, go any further.

Hope found her clothes folded in a neat pile on a chair in the corner the next morning, and both Miles and Ed in the kitchen fifteen minutes later. She paused at the end of the hall upon seeing the older man, unsure how to act when faced with the morning after and the father figure of the man she’d spent the night with. She should’ve known Miles wouldn’t let her stall for long.

“Omelets are about done,” he said upon spotting her.

“I only have a few minutes.” She padded forward, sending Ed a small, self-conscious smile. “Good morning.”

“Yes, it is. How are you, Hope?” He returned her smile and patted the counter stool next to his. “Have a seat.”

“Thank you. Oh,” she exclaimed when Miles slid a plate in front of her holding a large, cheese oozing omelet and several slices of bacon. “That looks wonderful, but I can’t possibly eat the whole thing.”

“Don’t worry, the boy will finish off anything you leave. Food never goes to waste around here.” Ed ignored Miles’ scowl as he shoveled in a huge bite of his own eggs, but Hope couldn’t help grinning at the flicker of annoyance she caught in Miles’ eyes.

“Boy? Just how old are you, Ed?” She took a bite of omelet and almost groaned aloud at the taste of herbed cheese and onions.