Miles didn’t say anything as he and Trevor followed Jackson’s lead and strolled over to the covered outdoor kitchen and took a seat after retrieving a soft drink from the small refrigerator.

“Do they always do that?” Hope grumbled, feeling miffed. “Put you where they want and just walk away, expecting you to wait until they get around to paying you some attention?”

“That has been my experience, the few times Jackson and I have played on the yacht,” Julie answered, her look nonplussed as she leaned her head back against the padded rest and closed her eyes.

Hope did the same but couldn’t help asking, “And that doesn’t bother you?” as she closed her eyes and enjoyed the penetrating heat seeping into her muscles.

“It did the first time, then Jackson showed me the benefits of being kept on edge.” Julie sighed. “I really love those benefits.”

The constant motion of the water circulating over the tender skin of her labia set off sparks deep inside her sheath, drawing Hope’s attention off her interest in Julie’s reply and onto her growing need. She continued to be surprised by her body’s easy acceptance every time Miles introduced her to something new, and by her willingness to take things one step further each time they got together. She’d been counting on her interest in BDSM lessening with each encounter, which would allow her to put this whole thing behind her, and didn’t have an alternative plan in place if that didn’t happen. Maybe she could return to the club, now that the ice had been broken, and get her needs met whenever they arose. Then she recalled her disinterest when approached by a Dom that night—until Miles showed up, that is. The deep tenor of his voice reached her ears following that thought, confirming what she’d already known: returning to the club would be an even bigger waste of time now that she had enjoyed his attention.

“You look way too comfortable.”

Hope opened her eyes but didn’t lift her head as she peeked at Miles standing in front of the spa. Julie’s low moan snagged her attention away from his chiseled, hard face. Jackson, standing next to Miles in front of them, leaned over Julie as Trevor did the same from where he stood along the side, both men opening their mouths to suckle on her nipples. “Oh.” The breathless response to the erotic scene slipped out before she knew it. She didn’t have time to let it embarrass her because Miles took that moment to reach into the water and spread her thighs apart with a tug that brought her hips closer to a pulsating jet. The sudden barrage of warm, pounding water against her gaping pussy and exposed clit pulled a startled gasp from Hope’s throat and her hands automatically went between her legs to shield herself from the unexpected eruption of sensation in front of the others.

“Did I say you could touch yourself?” Miles demanded, his brows drawn down in a frown. “Trevor?”

“Be glad to help.”

Before Hope grasped his meaning, Trevor moved behind her head, reached down and pulled her arms above her, keeping hold of her wrists the same way Miles maintained his grip on her thighs. Their tight restraint sent a frisson of additional heat surging through her wildly pumping veins, leaving her with no choice but to either say the safeword and end this or succumb to the pleasure sweeping through her system with the whirling force of a twister.

The pulsating jet battered the hot, swirling water against sensitive tissues and nerve endings never before exposed to touch, spiraling Hope’s need to a desperate height that forced her to opt for door number two in her decision. Her breasts swayed as she struggled against the bombshell of skyrocketing pleasure, her thighs tensed against Miles’ hands, her frustration to free herself drawing yet another wave of pleasure. Men’s voices echoed in her ear, another aphrodisiac, she discovered, as her nipples peaked into such tight pinpoints, they ached. Then Miles’ voice, that growly one she loved so much, penetrated all other emotion and sound and set her free.

“Now, Hope. Let go.”

Reality faded, replaced with mindless ecstasy. She lost herself in the throes of pleasure, closing her eyes, shutting out Julie’s exalted cries, and let herself go.

Hope came down from the incredible high slowly, her breathing labored as she tried to regain her focus. Then long fingers invaded her still spasming sheath and a large hand cupped her right breast. Her eyes flew open to see Trevor’s sun-browned hand palming the pale, fleshy underside of her breast and Miles staring at her flushed face as he slowly fingered her, the two of them maintaining their taut grip on her wrists and one thigh with their other hands.

Miles’ gaze shifted from her face to her breast. “Yes or no?” He pulled those diabolical fingers back with a teasing glide over her clit, the pummeling water aiding in his attempt to bring her to yet another climax.

Hope didn’t hesitate to answer, laying her head back, looking up at the amused twinkle in Trevor’s eyes before closing her eyes and whispering, “Yes, please, yes…” She ended on a wail, riding his hand with unabashed, wanton lust egging her on, aided by the fingers plucking at her nipple and clit. They were ruthless, ignoring her pleas to slow down as they drove her up yet one more time, Trevor giving equal attention to her left nipple as Miles continued to milk her clit. By the time the world came back into focus and her mind emerged from the fog of clouding euphoria, she discovered her hands were freed and clutching her hips. Hope opened her eyes to Miles’ face hovering above hers, his dark eyes intent as he lowered his mouth.

“Fucking perfect,” he whispered above her lips before he stilled their trembling with the hard pressure of his. He swooped inside and used his tongue to calm her with soft strokes over hers, the complete opposite of the way his mouth moved with aggressive possession.

Both Trevor and Jackson released low moans of pleasure as Miles lifted his head from the feast of Hope’s mouth and reluctantly pulled his hand away from her soft flesh under the water. A small smile tilted his mouth when she glanced at her friend with wide eyes but didn’t shy away from watching Trevor pull out of Julie’s suckling mouth and ejaculate on her heaving breasts. She’d been so lost in the pleasure they’d heaped upon her, she hadn’t noticed when Jackson stepped into the hot tub and Trevor slid back over to Julie. A shiver of longing rippled through her as she watched him lift Julie’s hips up to take his pounding strokes.

Even after multiple orgasms, Hope still wanted more from Miles.

“I’m hungry.” For more than food, but Miles would settle for a large serving of the casserole he’d smelled cooking on the way topside for now. Grasping Hope’s arms, he hauled her out of the spa and snatched the towel lying over a side bar.

“I…” Hope’s eyes traveled down to his straining erection tightening the front of his jeans. “Don’t you want to…” She waved a hand in front of his crotch, her eyes reflecting both excitement and worry when they met his again.

“Yes, I want to, and will, soon.” There was no way he could keep from taking her now, not after witnessing how she’d embraced both Trevor’s touch and the pleasure they had both driven her to in front of the other couple.

To take his mind off his raging, unfulfilled lust, Miles dried Hope with brisk rubs up and down her body, turning the pink tinge of her skin from the hot water to a darker hue. Her hands clutched his shoulders as he stooped to dry her legs, and even that light contact was enough to make his aching cock jerk in protest of waiting. Ignoring it, and the taunting voice in his head calling him a sap for giving her a chance to rest before round two, he re-hung the towel on the rod and took her elbow.

“You and Julie have a seat over here and we’ll bring up the food.” He led her to the table in the kitchen area, Jackson and Julie right behind them as Trevor descended the stairs. “Grab a bottled water and drink it before I return.”

Without waiting to see if she obeyed, he joined Trevor in the galley, his mouth watering when he saw the large pan sizzling with chicken, pasta and cheese Trevor was pulling out of the oven. “There’s mine, what’re you guys going to eat?”

“What? You’re making a joke? Damn, she really has gotten to you, bro, and I like it—as long as I’m not the next one to fall,” Trevor drawled.

Miles scowled just as Jackson joined them. “What’d I miss?”

“Nothing, just Trevor goofing around. I’ll carry this.” Miles grabbed the hot pads and lifted the casserole dish.

Trevor picked up the plates and utensils, then passed Jackson saying, “He’s still refusing to admit Hope’s not just another sub.”

“He always was a stubborn son-of-a-bitch.” Jackson snorted, both men shrugging off Miles’ growl of frustration. “We better get up there or he won’t leave anything for us, just out of spite.”

That was a damned good idea, Miles thought as he maneuvered the spiral stairs up to the third tier again, being very careful with his precious cargo. He was so hungry he could put a huge dent in the dish by himself, but then he’d be too full to fuck Hope with the vigorous, pounding demand his body kept insisting on.

He returned topside to see both girls had donned their swimsuits again and Hope had almost finished a bottle of water. Too bad that wouldn’t save her from the consequences of covering herself without permission.

“What the hell?” Jackson said from behind him when he and Trevor spotted Julie and Hope.

Trevor chuckled. “Hope probably didn’t know better, but I’ll bet Julie did. I wouldn’t mind reddening their asses for you—just as a suggestion, mind you.”

“A damn good one.” Miles looked down at the food still bubbling with heat and decided it could wait a few minutes while he showed Hope the error of her ways. “Let’s make it quick. Better yet, I can eat and watch just fine.” Striding forward, he set the pan on the table then came around to the other side to assist Hope to her feet as Jackson did the same with Julie. “I’m glad you drank your water, but I didn’t give you permission to put your swimsuit back on.”

Miles once again caught Hope off-guard when he and Jackson shoved aside the bench and bent both her and Julie over the picnic table. Before she knew it, he had her bottoms yanked to mid-thighs then stepped away with the curt order, “Don’t move.” With her breasts flattened on the smooth wood table, she faced Julie’s reddened face.