“It’s not my fault the thought of both of you is such a big turn-on.” Her cheeky smile proved she was a good match for Trevor, Dax thought. He could picture the two of them bantering, yet each getting what they wanted from a scene.

“You thought we’d get you off that easy?” Dax scoffed.

“You make wanting to climax sound bad. Isn’t that what sex is all about?”

The tartness remained evident in her voice and Dax wanted to grin. She must enjoy punishment.

“Dax here prefers tormenting a sub before pleasuring her, so you’ll have to wait. You’ll climax when we’re ready for you to and not a moment before. Unless you continue with the attitude. Then it’ll be a long day for you, sweetheart.”

Trevor’s hint at orgasm deprivation shut her up and Dax could tell she didn’t like that possibility, like most women. He wondered if that was a tactic Kurt had used on Krista. Somehow, he doubted Kurt had to resort to such measures with such an eager to please sub. Then again, when it came to her sexual likes and dislikes, he knew very little about Krista’s desires, only that she found pleasure in putting her husband and Master’s desires above her own. Irritation rose inside him as swift and hot as a volcanic outpour. It pissed him off he couldn’t keep from comparing a woman he hadn’t seen or spoken to in a year and a half to the one right in front of him. With any luck, when he saw Krista again come Monday, he would discover his feelings for her were not nearly as strong as his imagination kept insisting they were, that they were as dead and buried as her husband, and they’d both moved on. Wasn’t that what he’d intended with the separation of the last months?

The steady, smooth glide of the mega yacht through the ocean kept the breeze stirred up but meant he and Trevor had to expend energy balancing with the vessel’s bobs and bounces. Concentrating on maintaining his stance and focusing his attention on Crystal, Dax thrust three fingers deep inside her quivering vagina. Her hips thrust against his hand, whether to escape Trevor’s continued thrashing or embrace his invasion, he didn’t know.

“You redden nicely,” Trevor commented before glancing from her buttocks to Dax. “But I think it’s time to switch, if you’re ready?”

“What? What do you mean? Damn it!”

Crystal’s frustration couldn’t have been clearer as Dax pulled out of her with a tantalizing, slow caress over her clit. Leaving her hanging, he shifted behind her and Trevor took his place. Coming off a stressful week of complicated surgeries where he literally held a person’s life in his hands, Dax preferred a more biddable sub in his limited down time. Because he’d taken a few weeks off to acclimate to being home again, he let that preference slide today. From the look of anticipation on Trevor’s face and gleam of lust in his eyes, his friend was enjoying his choice for the evening’s play, and it wouldn’t hurt Dax to go along.

Snapping the flogger across her breasts, Trevor quipped, “Problem, sweetie?”

“How long are you going to make me wait?” she complained again, but Dax heard the teasing note behind her whine and tried not to think about how it grated on him.

“I have all evening. How about you, Dax?”

Not wanting to let either of them down, he said, “As long as it takes.”

Trevor’s dark eyes lit with excitement as he teased and tormented her breasts, belly and thighs with light strokes and stimulating glides of the flogger. Using three fingers again, Dax did the same as he worked her pussy with one hand and manipulated the malleable, warmed flesh of one buttock with the other. He didn’t know which action she enjoyed most, only that, judging by the dampness coating his fingers, she was getting off on the dual attention. Which, of course, wouldn’t do just yet. As her slick channel spasmed with tiny clutches around his thrusting fingers, signaling an impending orgasm, he pulled back with a tight pinch on her cheek.

“Ow!” Crystal whipped her head around and pinned him with a narrow-eyed stare that turned him off. Dax tried not to inject his own desire for the type of sub he preferred to play with, but it was becoming more difficult to find enjoyment in this scene, through no fault of either Crystal’s or Trevor’s. He had only himself to blame for the constant roller coaster of emotions he couldn’t seem to get off, no matter how hard or what he tried.

“Problem?” Even Dax heard the ice behind Trevor’s one-word inquiry and didn’t blame him for raising a brow in question.

Shrugging, he pinched her ass again. “She’s a demanding handful, isn’t she?”

“She can be.” Switching his assessing gaze to Crystal, Dax noticed Trevor hardened his voice as he said, “Keep quiet or I’ll gag you.” He smiled at Dax as he snapped his wrist and struck a sharp blow across her right thigh. “Better, Master Dax?”

“Much. Now, let’s see if that does the trick.” Guilt trickled in as he returned to her pussy and brought her to her toes with a swift, upward plunge. He shouldn’t project his needs into Trevor’s scene, even though he could see Trevor didn’t mind getting sterner with his guest. He was beginning to regret coming along tonight, and should’ve heeded his piss poor, melancholy mood and stayed home as his enjoyment dwindled the longer he continued. And that was no one’s fault but his own.

Searching out her clit, Dax pulled the hood aside and pinched, his intention to get Crystal off before the downward spiral of his mood ruined their time. His growing dissatisfaction and disinterest in her and this scene wasn’t fair to her or his friend, who’d only wanted to give her a new experience. Yearning to see the same look on Crystal’s face he’d witnessed on Krista’s their one time together, the pleasure Krista derived from their pleasure, wasn’t right. Krista was a sub who harbored a need to please, and received more enjoyment from her Dom’s pleasure than her own. A fucking heady experience for any Dom, and one Dax hadn’t been lucky enough to experience since that night. Crystal appeared to enjoy impact play, light pain and bondage, and it was wrong to find fault with her because he wanted more.

Trevor dropped the flogger and filled his hands with Crystal’s red-striped breasts. She moaned, arching her chest forward while thrusting her ass back into Dax’s hand. With a deep, body-lifting thrust, he asked Trevor, “Now?”

“Now, Crystal.” As Trevor dipped his head to draw one distended peak into his mouth, Dax concentrated on her clit, tugging on the swollen bundle until tight squeezes replaced the small clutches. The ocean breeze blew her exalted cries out over the wide expanse of never-ending blue as they both pressed up against her writhing body. Sandwiching her between them, they maintained their manipulations of her nipples and clit until she sagged in her bonds in sated relief.

Chapter 4

Dax helped Trevor release Crystal, ready to move on. Whether it was her or his discontent because he saw another woman when he looked into Crystal’s blue eyes, he didn’t know, but it wouldn’t be fair to her to participate further. Maybe at a later date, when he’d confirmed he was over his infatuation with an unattainable sub, and if Crystal proved to have the submissive streak he preferred when hooking up for a scene, but not today.

“Thank you for inviting me to pleasure your sub, Trevor.”

With a slow nod of understanding that Dax had gone as far as he wanted to, Trevor pulled Crystal against him. “Catch you at the grill shortly. Make sure you get there before Miles.”

Relieved Trevor was going to leave it at that, Dax grinned at the reference to Miles’s huge appetite. That hadn’t changed during his long absence either. “I’ll be sure to get there before him.”

Stepping back, he strolled toward the bow as he tried putting his disappointment in himself aside. He should have stayed home today instead of subjecting his closest friends to his pissy mood. When he’d woken this morning and his heart had raced, knowing tomorrow he would be seeing Krista again, Dax had to forcibly remind himself why he’d taken off for so long and why nothing could ever come of a relationship between them. It didn’t matter if she was the type of sub he’d always wanted for a committed relationship, or that she’d been wido

wed long enough to put her in the market for another Dom.

After assisting Kurt with his suicide by procuring the drugs for him then walking away knowing what he’d been about to do, Dax had burned any bridges he might’ve had with Kurt’s soon-to-be widow. Whether he’d felt he was doing the merciful thing or that he’d take the same way out if he were the one facing such a slow, horrendous death while a loved one sat by in helpless despair, didn’t matter. In the eyes of the law, his Hippocratic Oath and Kurt’s widow, his actions were criminal and unforgivable. He’d known that going in and thought he could handle it. What he hadn’t counted on was the gut-churning guilt that wouldn’t let go of one unanswerable question. Had Dax caved to Kurt’s desperate pleas in order to ease his friend’s suffering, or to clear a path to Krista for himself? That insoluble question tied his hands as effectively as Crystal’s had been bound on the chain.

Dax spotted Sean lifting his sub from the whirlpool, caught his attention then stripped, nodding toward the water. He figured a cold dip now Zach had brought the boat to a stop would go a long way in restoring his mood. With a silent, thumbs up gesture, Sean indicated he’d play lifeguard, and Dax dove overboard into the cold, swirling Atlantic.

After ten, vigorous laps back and forth alongside the anchored yacht, Dax pulled himself up the side ladder, enjoying the warmer air wafting over his chilled skin. The exercise had worked to clear his mind and pump his blood in a rapid, adrenaline rush through his veins with every beat of his heart. Panting, he swung onto the upper deck then took the towel Sean held out to him. Somehow, he wasn’t surprised to see him waiting alone for his return.

“Don’t you have a sub who needs seeing to?” Dax asked as he dried off with brisk rubs.

“I lathered her up with sunscreen and she’s relaxing on a lounge.” Handing Dax his clothes, Sean questioned him about his own scene, like Dax knew he would. “Cut your time with Trevor’s guest a little short, didn’t you?”