Krista padded into the kitchen, her rapid pulse keeping up the warmth flowing through her system. It had been so long since she’d enjoyed extending her submission to everyday life, and she basked in the familiar contentment and peace it gave her to do Master Dax’s bidding. Her body still hummed with the pleasure he’d wrought. Personal, physical restraint, like he’d used in bed, always added an extra charge to her libido.

Snatching an apron off a hook by the stove, she slipped it over her head then reached behind her to tie it in the back. Padding around her kitchen with her backside bare and her breasts swaying brought back the pleasure and freedom of spending most of her time living with Kurt naked. Pulling out ingredients for waffles, she recalled the look in her husband’s eyes as he gazed upon her, the thrill that would sweep through her when his face would reflect the dark cravings he’d enjoyed slaking on her body. The love shining in his eyes when he’d looked at the markings on her skin his tormenting possession left behind pleased her as much as hearing him tell her again how she was everything he’d ever wanted.

Using a wooden spoon, she stirred the wet ingredients with dry in a large bowl as she remembered catching similar looks on Master Dax’s face last night, but none had been followed with encouraging words of how he felt about her. Even though her eyes now remained dry and her heartbeat steady when thoughts of Kurt rose to the forefront, Krista knew she should be careful not to read more into Dax’s actions than he’d let on. Just because her heart was now involved didn’t mean his was, and it would do for her to remember that.

But when he strolled into the kitchen wearing only jeans, his feet and wide chest enticingly bare, his black hair still damp and curling around his ears and neck, and the flare of heat in his vivid green gaze when he saw she’d done his bidding without question, it was difficult not to hope.

Lifting the lid to the Belgian waffle maker, she ladled a scoop of batter as she told him, “Ten minutes. I have coffee ready and I have juice, if you’d like.”

“I’ll get it.” Making himself at home, Dax followed her directions and found what they needed to set the small table.

Krista clenched her buttocks when she felt his eyes on her from behind, but when he spoke, his words took her by surprise. “I’ve committed to helping Jackson today, out at his animal rescue and veterinary clinic. He’s got a big annual fundraiser and adoption day coming up and we’re going to be setting up a few more kennels and whatever else he needs.” He paused and she turned to look at him, the expression on his face making her chest tighten. She didn’t know what the glimpse of concern she caught meant, but when he replaced it with his strict Dom look, the tightness switched to rapid pounding. “I want you with me.”

Such a stark statement, conveying a profound meaning or a simple request? “I’d like that. I just have to call Alessa and cancel our Sunday yoga exercises. These are ready.” She shied away from reading more into his invitation. Spending the day with him, away from work or a sex charged venue, appealed to her on several levels. Right now, she’d take what she could get and hope she eventually came to mean as much to him as he did to her.

It took almost forty-five minutes to reach Jackson’s rescue, and as Dax drove through the wide open gates, Krista could see why he’d spoken of his friend with such admiration. The place was set on at least ten acres, and they drove past two buildings housing indoor/outdoor dog kennels, the din of raucous barking following them down the long gravel drive. Cutting the engine in front of a large, two-story clapboard house, Dax nodded toward a group of people.

“It looks like we’re the last to arrive. Usually it’s Zach who, before meeting Sandie, preferred writing checks to getting his hands dirty.”

Krista slid out of the car and stretched, recognizing Jackson’s tall frame and Sandie’s short cap of caramel hair. “This is some set-up. It must cost a fortune to run.”

“It does.” Reaching for her hand, he pointed to the house as he led her across the yard. “He converted the first floor into his clinic and lives upstairs. The barn has a renovated loft with several bunks and a bathroom for the college helpers who sometimes like to stay over in the summer months. Most of them are veterinary students, or interested in animal welfare, so any unpleasant odors drifting up from the stalls tend not to bother them.”

She shielded her eyes against the sun’s glare to get a better look at the bright red barn with neat white trim that coordinated with the white fencing around the attached corral. Two horses and a donkey munched on hay, and other livestock grazed in the field beyond. “Is there any animal he doesn’t rescue?”

“Well, so far, none of us has seen a wildcat or mountain bear, but I know he’s worked with the state’s SPCA on rescuing and finding sanctuaries for some wild and exotic animals.” Admiration laced Dax’s tone and his face reflected pride, as it often did when he talked about his friends.

“Zach beat you by at least fifteen minutes, bro,” Jackson greeted them when they reached the area shaded by towering native Florida Oak trees where everybody had congregated around a stack of chain link squares. “And look, he’s already worked up a sweat opening the boxes of these temporary kennels.”

“Keep it up and I’ll go sit under the Weeping Willow for the rest of the afternoon,” Zach returned with a scowl everyone ignored.

“Krista, I’m so glad you came today. I can use back-up around these guys.” Sandie’s fond look contradicted her suffering sigh. “Dax, I’m stealing her to help me. Jackson’s assigned me with bathing two new strays, and they’re huge!”

“I don’t know, Jackson,” Trevor commented with a gleam in his dark eyes as he looked the two women up and down with flirtatious appreciation. “There’s not much to them. They might need help with two Great Dane mixes. I volunteer.”

“No surprise there,” Miles drawled.

The light-hearted banter warmed Krista and she felt like part of the group. “I had a rambunctious lab growing up that loved to play in the mud. I’d love to spend time with the Danes.”

“Then you’re definitely with me. I’ve only had cats. But Jackson promised me my pick if we do a good job cleaning up those two,” Sandie said.

“Thanks a lot,” Zach drawled, narrowing his eyes at Jackson.

Troy snorted. “As if you’d deny her anything except maybe an orgasm.”

Sandie reddened, and Krista delighted in the playful side of these men that had taken second place to their dominant personas on the yacht.

Jackson took Sandie and Krista’s elbows. “Come on. I’ll show you where they are and get you set up. I’ve already done an evaluation and they’re friendly, maybe a touch too friendly, so if you have a problem, just holler. We’ll hear you.”

Dax dragged his eyes away from watching Krista laugh as

she got drenched struggling to bathe the large, rambunctious dog in a big metal basin behind Jackson’s clinic. “Tell me again why you need just temporary cages,” he asked Jackson as he and Sean helped him tie down a tarp over one pen.

“Several of the larger bitches were already pregnant when they landed on my doorstep and have whelped close together. The puppies are old enough to be weaned from mom, but I want to keep them with their siblings for socialization until the adoption day. Puppies always go quick.”

Sean nodded toward Sandie and Krista. “Please tell me those two aren’t puppies.”

Jackson chuckled. “They’re under a year, so they won’t add to their height, but they’ll fill out considerably more. Thanks, guys,” he said, tugging the last knot securing the cover. A car pulled into the drive, getting his attention when he noted the pizza shop logo on the side. Surprised, he looked toward the Carlsons, Miles and Zach, who were finishing putting up their pen. “Who ordered pizza?”

“I was hungry,” Miles stated as if it was no big deal to get a pizza delivery way out there, almost twelve miles away from the closest town of Pinecrest.

“You should’ve guessed that, Jackson,” Trevor called out.

Dax smiled, watching Jackson walk over with Miles to meet the delivery guy before his gaze was once again drawn to Krista. She was kneeling beside the dog with the pretty brindle coat, her arms stretched around him with a large towel. Her enjoyment of dogs was yet another facet of her personality he’d been unaware of until now.

Sean stepped up next to him, holding out a bottle of water. “How long have you been in love with the attractive, submissive widow?”