Shifting her eyes from the intent probing of his gaze, she scanned the deck and the people gathered at the far end. “I remember seeing them with you at the funeral,” she said, nodding toward the men gathered around the rail, two lifting skeet shooting rifles and firing at the clay discs released by a third man. “The blond and the man next to him with the goatee have to be related.”

“Troy and Trevor Carlson.” Clipping the cuffs together in front of her, Dax clasped her elbow and steered her that way. “Troy’s the detective who asked me to check out The Dungeon after hearing about a case of abuse. Trevor’s with the D.A. office in Pensacola.” Nodding to the tallest man, who’d just annihilated a disc with his perfect aim, he said, “That’s Jackson. He likes animals more than people but we tolerate him anyway.”

Krista heard the fondness in his voice and could tell by the look on his face how close he was to these men. “Are they couples?” she asked as she smiled at the four women seated around a table under the cover of the outdoor kitchen. She recalled seeing one of them at Chains in the past.

“For the day only. Zach is still the only one attached.”

Dax led her first to the black-eyed man leaning against the rail watching the other three. His thick biceps bulged from the tight cross of his arms, emphasizing the skull and crossbones tattoo on the right. The long scar marring one cheek didn’t detract from his dark, sinfully handsome face, but added to the bad boy image some women went for. She wasn’t immune to his interested, slow perusal, or the way those obsidian eyes paused to caress the obvious prominence of her nipples through the lacy webbing of her red camisole. His intense regard sent a delicate, pleasurable shiver down her spine.

“Miles, this is my guest, Krista. Who’re you hooked up with today?” The motor of the large yacht purred to life with Dax’s introduction, and the slow glide out of the marina slot had Krista leaning against him, bracing against the sudden movement.

“Krista.” Miles nodded toward the women. “Vicki hasn’t tired of me yet.”

Not sure who stood on protocol, Krista played it safe with her response. “It’s nice to meet you, Sir.”

“Polite. I like that.”

Dax squeezed her arm in approval before asking Miles, “Where’s Sean?”

“Down with Zach and Sandie. He’s solo again today.”

“That works with my plans.”

“Lucky him.” With a wink and crooked tilt to one side of his mouth that softened his hard face, Miles pushed away from the rail and strode toward his guest without another word.

Master Dax’s hint about including Sean in a scene added to the simmering heat pooling between Krista’s legs. She wasn’t opposed to another ménage as long as he planned to fuck her, and prayed he wouldn’t keep her waiting long to submit to his full possession. She’d loved servicing his cock again and seeing the pleasure she brought him as she’d sucked him to climax, but there was nothing headier than feeling a Master’s proprietary claim through deep surges of his body inside hers.

Krista doubted she’d remember all the names by the time Dax had introduced her to everyone on this deck, and she breathed a sigh of relief when Sandie and Zach appeared topside. The yacht still moved at a steady, bobbing pace, stirring up a breeze against the heat of the late afternoon sun, but that did little to cool her flushed body when Dax bent and nipped the tender curve between her shoulder and neck. Perched on his lap, she couldn’t miss the jerk of his cock against her butt, or the longing that small movement stirred up.

“Krista, it’s good to see you again,” Zach greeted her as he took a seat at the table next to them. Only Troy and the attractive redhead he was undressing remained with them in the center kitchen area as Zach hauled Sandie over his lap and flipped up her short skirt. “Excuse me a minute while I remind Sandie of the consequences of not addressing my friends properly.”

With just a thong string bisecting her buttocks, Sandie’s bare ass received the full brunt of Zach’s hand, the loud smack eliciting a squeal from his victim before she turned a wicked grin up to him and wiggled her hips. “Hey! Sean isn’t my Master.”

Narrowing his eyes, Zach swatted her again and Krista winced at the vivid red imprint it left behind. “Quiet,” he snapped, peppering Sandie’s buttocks with a rapid volley of smacks that worked to keep Krista’s new friend quiet.

Dax diverted her attention from the other couple when he pulled her top over her head then dug out two glass orbs from his shorts pocket. Holding one up by the three-link chain attached to it, he asked, “Did Master Kurt ever put weights on you?”

She worked to swallow past the lump in her throat caused by remembered discomfort that always ended in a burst of pleasure. “Yes, but it’s been a long time.”

Green eyes gauged her reaction as he clipped one on her left nipple ring, the three-ounce weight pulling her tender bud downward. “Too much?”

The echo of slapping flesh fell into the background under his scrutiny and soft-voiced concern. “No, it’s fine.”


“Green, Sir. I’m good.” It’d been ages since she’d been under such strict direction, but she fell back into the rhythm of responding obediently without pause.

After attaching the other weight, he didn’t give her time to adjust before tugging her over his lap. His hand pressed on her lower back and pinned her wiggling hips in place, his deep voice washing over her as he announced with a hint of humor, “Now I have a need to feel Krista’s pretty ass warming under my hand. Must be something contagious going around.”

“Oops, I’ve caught it too.”

Krista peeked over at Troy in time to see him haul his submissive’s naked body over his thighs and lift his hand. Pain blossomed across her own butt from Dax’s hand before he palmed the burn, the weights pulling on her dangling breasts adding to the distress he heaped upon her. Gripping his hair-roughened calves, she braced for the next blow, jerking and moaning when it landed on her right sit-spot.

“Those were warm-ups. Ten ought to satisfy me. Count, Krista.”

She could no longer hear Sandie’s cries and assumed her torment was over, but Krista’s had just begun. Dax’s slap blended with Troy’s, but her voice was alone with her whispered, “One.” Crap! Her temporary Master didn’t need an implement to deliver a butt load of pain.

“Two,” she gasped with the next crack, her cheeks now throbbing along with her nipples, the build-up of warmth seeping down between her legs. He raised his thigh before delivering the next smack, elevating her hips and threatening her balance.

“Problem?” Dax asked as he spanked her again and her voice wobbled on the count.

“N-no, Sir.”


By the time the tenth blow stung her swollen backside, her pussy had dampened and begun to throb in tune to her abused flesh. The deck spun as he flipped her upright and her naked, sore butt connected with his prickly haired, rock-hard thighs. Her breasts swayed with the pull of the weights, her tips burning from the downward pull. He made everything feel better when he swooped down and kissed her, his lips soft and soothing as she sagged against him. He released her mouth too soon, but she didn’t complain because he removed the weights and her tortured nipples bounced back up, now pulsing right along with the rest of her.

“Since it’s been awhile, it’s best not to leave them on too long. Behave yourself while I try my hand at skeet shooting, then you can join me in a game of shuffleboard.”

Dax stood and plopped her on the seat then joined Zach and Troy at the rail, needing the time to get himself under control if he was going to make it through the next few hours without fucking Krista. His hand still tingled from swatting her ass, but it was the obvious damp response coating her pussy lips that continued to stir his own reaction to having her over his lap. There was an intimacy to delivering an old-fashioned, over-the-knee spanking to a grown woman, which was why he hadn’t obliged himself of that pleasure during the hours Kurt had shared his wife with him. But

watching the pleasure on Zach’s face as he’d peppered Sandie’s buttocks and the almost instant glaze of arousal she couldn’t hide in her eyes had proven too much. He just hoped caving to that temptation didn’t lead to giving in later to the constant urge to fuck Krista again. He intended to turn her loose and walk away one day soon and needed to keep his wits about him, and that included keeping his cock under control. Fucking her mouth was hard enough to forget, delving into the snug furnace of her pussy again would be impossible.

“Is the widow the one you rescued at the new club?” Troy asked as Dax loaded his rifle.

“One and the same. Have you heard any more about the asshole we were looking for?” Lifting the gun, he spoke to Zach when he said, “Pull,” then frowned when he clipped the disc and sent it spiraling into the water.