“Including you?” Krista drilled her with a mock glare.

“I can’t get my shit together enough to get laid by a boring, vanilla nurse who’s been after me for a few months. Your Master Dax is way outta my league.”

Relief spread across Alessa’s face at the slam of car doors resounding from the front. “Saved by my other guests. Come on, you’ll like Sandie.”

“You’re greeting me with wine. I knew there was a reason I liked you right away. Krista, this is Hope Wallace,” Sandie said as soon as Krista opened the front door.

“Come in. Hope, it’s nice to meet you.” After introducing them to Alessa, who poured them each a glass of wine, Hope ran her bright blue eyes over the food laden counter and released an appreciative sigh.

“Cheesecake and French rolls. I can feel my hips widening already and I don’t care.”

“Oh, we’re going to get along great,” Alessa replied, lifting her glass in a toast and reaching behind her to pat her own butt.

“Sandie told me you run a homeless shelter, Hope. Is that the one downtown that has such a good rep?” Krista passed around paper plates as they gathered around the small island. With white-blonde hair that brushed her shoulders and a shy smile, Hope appeared too fragile to deal with the emotional and physical stress of working daily with people in such dire straits. But she knew looks could be deceiving.

“That’s me. I’m glad the shelter has a good rep. People hear that and they’re less apprehensive about stopping in.”

“I was directed there when I stopped for gas my first day in Miami. Have you taken Miles up on his invitation to come by the gym yet?” Sandie asked with a twinkle in her green eyes.

“Who’s Miles?” Alessa wanted to know as she fixed a sandwich.

“He’s just one of Zach’s hot friends who has an overprotective streak, from what I’ve heard, that outdoes all the other guys together. Has something to do with his childhood, but Zach won’t tell me what. Says it’s his story to tell.” Sandie flipped Krista a wicked grin. “Dr. Dax is another who’s panty-melting hot. Lucky you.”

“I was just telling her there isn’t a female employee at the hospital who isn’t lusting after him,” Alessa said.

“Well, I’m just using him for sex. When I’m done with him, I’ll toss him back into the sea and they can all go fishing. Let’s go out back. Bring the wine, Lessa.”

Laughter followed Krista outside and it felt good to joke around with a bunch of girls who weren’t out to gossip about others or back stab them over petty jealousies. The afternoon she’d spent with Sandie and Zach, Sandie had eyes only for her guy, and it had been refreshing to spend time with another couple who were so happy together.

“I’ve met Zach, Miles, and Detective Carlson, but just briefly. If your doctor is anything like them, I say don’t let him go too soon.” Hope took a seat, fanning herself in a mock display of heating up over the men she’d met.

“That’s what I keep telling her.” Alessa raised one delicate, light brown brow in challenge.

“So, want to play cards or watch a chick flick after we eat?” Krista’s attempt to change the subject was met with another burst of laughter and the conversation turned to movies as she shoved questions about her involvement with Dax aside for the evening.

Chapter 10

Anticipation propelled Krista onto the deck of the yacht, her hand held tight in Dax’s as he tugged and she landed against him with a body slam. The ocean breeze ruffled his black hair around his sun-bronzed face and the look blazing in his green eyes promised things she’d been aching for all week. Laughing up at him, she said, “Gotta watch that first step. It’s a doozy.”

Reaching behind her, he yanked on her pony tail. “Do I have to tie you up already to keep you from toppling overboard?”

She thrilled at the teasing lilt in his voice and the small smile curling the corners of his mouth. She didn’t mind admitting she wanted to feel those lips on hers again, his large body pinning her in place instead of restraints, and his cock pummeling her depths until she thought she’d go blind with the pleasure. Physical attraction didn’t have to mean anything more than she was a healthy woman in her prime, right? Whether she would get that this evening or not remained to be seen, but the way he’d taken the time to come find her in the OR on Thursday just to talk to her had given her hope. Recalling that conversation, Marybeth’s reaction when she’d seen them together, and Dax’s defense of her still made Krista giddy.

“There you are,” Dax said as he stepped into OR four, where Krista was cleaning up following an amputation. His voice startled her and she dropped the instruments she’d been collecting. As she stooped to pick them up, he surprised her by bending down and helping. “Sorry. I didn’t mean to catch you unawares.”

“My fault, Doctor. Thank you.” Standing, she held out her hand for the clamps he picked up.

“Doctor? We’re the only ones in here. Why so formal?”

“You’re the one who was aloof last week.” She hesitated, then blurted out, “I’m sorry if I displeased you last time.” That regret had been in the back of her mind all week. She’d fretted in silence about whether his withdrawal at the end of that evening had been because he was displeased with her. The genuine surprise on his face soothed her hurt feelings.

“Is that why you took pains to ignore me when I was here Tuesday?” he bit out, and she didn’t know whom his sudden anger was directed at, her or him.

“Partly. If—”

“Get that idea out of your head, Krista.” He paused, as if weighing his words, then said, “You’ve never disappointed me; I don’t think you can. I came in here to make sure you’re still on for Saturday. With me,” he emphasized.

Heat rushed to her happy places, his simple words lifting the weight pressing her down all week. “Oh, yes, I still want to,” she breathed with a smile he returned.

“Good. I’ll—”

“Why isn’t this room cleared?” Marybeth snapped. Standing in the doorway, she glared daggers at Krista from across the room, her hands fisted on her hips.

“My fault,” Dax returned in an even, cool voice. “I needed a few words with Mrs. Matthews. Why don’t you help her in here, since I’ve put her behind?”

“Thanks a lot,” Krista grumbled from behind him.

/> Turning so Marybeth wouldn’t see, he winked at her, the rat, then handed her the instruments and walked out.

“I’ll stay away from the rails,” she told him now, even though she wouldn’t have minded if he’d bound her for his pleasure right away. “Did I tell you last week how much I like this boat? It’s so different from playing in the club, even though the equipment and play is the same. Well, except for the fountain, that was different.”

“We never made it to the playroom, either. I’ll have to rectify that later. Right now, we’ll go topside and I’ll introduce you to whoever has arrived.”

Urging her ahead of him up the spiral staircase, Krista shuddered when Master Dax cupped the bare undercurve of her right cheek under her white skirt, palming her flesh all the way up the stairs. It wasn’t embarrassment flooding her face as she stepped onto the upper deck and several pairs of eyes noticed his hand slipping out from under her, but a heightened sense of awareness that increased her heartbeat. One of the greatest pleasures of submission for her was the liberties it allowed her Master, every free roaming touch a reminder she belonged to that person, body and soul.

“It looks like we’re the last to arrive,” Dax commented, holding out his hand.

The silent order to put herself under his command stole her breath and tightened her nipples. Holding out her arms, the approval in his eyes as he unclipped the cuffs at his waist and secured them around her wrists melted Krista’s insides and warmed her sheath. The physical and emotional ache of emptiness had been with her for so long, she’d all but given up on being fulfilled again. Until Dax had returned. She had to be careful not to read too much into his looks and willingness to dominate her. She was slowly coming to realize she wanted more, was ready for more, but had to remember his past reluctance toward getting involved with her.