“Supplies and an adoption drop-off. One down, about a hundred to go.”

“Gotta learn to say no,” Miles told the vet then jabbed at Dax with a swift right hook he barely managed to sidestep.

The ex-martial arts champion provided a steady workout, getting in several painful punches that worked to keep Dax’s mind off a pair of drenched blue eyes that could tear him up and leave him in shreds if he wasn’t careful. By the time Dax said enough, his body already ached and throbbed and he agreed with Jackson that something was eating at their friend.

“Shit,” he gasped, frowning at Miles as he held out his gloved hands for Jackson to untie. “You just in a pissy mood or what?”

“Make that two wimps. I gotta check on some others.”

They both watched him stomp off before Dax asked Jackson, “Do you know what’s eating him?”

“Who, not what, would be my guess. He’s been moody ever since he met that woman who runs the shelter Sandie stayed at. You know how he gets when he’s seen abuse on a woman or child.” Jackson and Miles were as close as Dax and Sean, and since he didn’t appear concerned, Dax wouldn’t worry about it. He had enough on his mind as it was.

“Yeah, a woman can turn you inside out, and I’m learning there’s not a fucking thing you can do about it.”

Jackson’s grin was unsympathetic. “What’s with all of you? Cause whatever it is, I want no part of it.”

Slinging a towel around his shoulders, he and Jackson headed toward the showers as Dax replied, “Neither do I.” But, for another session or two, he would keep his promise to Kurt, and now Krista, and see her safely and comfortably back into the benefits of BDSM. However, next weekend, he’d have to find a way to do so without causing her beautiful eyes to cloud over with hurt and worry. He carried enough on his conscience to deal with.

Disappointment swamped Krista as she checked the schedule Tuesday morning and saw she’d been assigned to assist Dr. Ward with a knee replacement. This was the second week in a row she’d been put on minor surgeries, despite being the senior scrub with the most experience with more complicated cases. Before Kurt died, she’d passed her training to be a first scrub on orthopedics cases, which had helped in scheduling since the hospital had a strict rule about spouses working side by side. When she’d returned to work after Kurt’s death, she had requested being put back on the rotation as the challenge and variety kept the work from becoming tedious and boring. But she hadn’t assisted Dr. Dax since that first case.

Master Dax had dropped her off back home Sunday night with plans to pick her up Saturday for another late afternoon excursion with more of his friends. She hadn’t expected him to call before then, which was why the disappointment his silence wrought caught her off guard. She’d needed to work with him this week in order to keep their relationship in the proper perspective. Although not her direct boss, she worked under him, way under, and it wouldn’t do to long for more when Dr. Dax switched to Master during the short time he’d agreed to tutor her back into the lifestyle. She had to remember he was only helping her over the hump she’d been struggling with, and mustn’t read more into his offer or crave anything she wasn’t ready for or he wasn’t willing to give.

“Good morning, Krista.”

Pivoting from the schedule board posted in the break room, she worked up a polite greeting for Marybeth, her least favorite co-worker. “Good morning. Looks like we’ve got a busy one ahead of us.”

The nurse strolled over and glanced at the chart. “Definitely for me. You haven’t experienced busy until you’ve been the head OR nurse. Oh good, I’ll be working with Dr. Hayes.” She turned a calculating look toward Krista, who ignored her jab about her inferior job. It wasn’t anything the other woman hadn’t said before about scrub positions. “Between you and me, I’m determined to get that man into my bed. He has got to be as hot in the sack as he looks. Oh, speaking of Dax, we’re planning a welcome back cook-out for him a week from Saturday. Watch the board for details. Later.”

Between the two of us, my ass. Krista watched her sail out of the room with an airy finger wave, wondering who Marybeth thought she was trying to fool. Everyone knew her reputation for seducing the doctors, and she hadn’t done a thing to hide where her next interest lay since Dax had returned. An uncomfortable tightness gripped Krista’s chest as she thought of the nurse’s success as the OR slut and Dax falling in line to be her next conquest. None of my business. Funny, telling herself that didn’t help.

Shelly, Krista’s supervisor for another few weeks until she moved, looked behind her as she stepped into the room. “What’s with her?”

“She has her sights set on Dr. Hayes,” Krista returned dryly, hoping the touch of jealousy cramping her stomach didn’t show on her face or in her tone.

“God, please tell me he has higher standards than the others she’s slept with.”

Turning away, Krista said, “I wouldn’t know, I don’t know him that well, and haven’t been assigned to his cases since his first day back.”

“I know. I was told you were feeling stressed and wanted a lighter schedule, and his cases are always long and intense.”

Krista whipped around and stared at Shelly in surprise. “Who the hell told you that?” She knew who Shelly was about to name by the frown on her face.

“Marybeth, after his first surgery. That bitch is clearing a path for herself, isn’t she? She also told me not to schedule her to work with Mandy again as she didn’t care for her sloppy work.”

“Mandy is a better scrub than Marybeth is a nurse. I don’t want to get involved in this shit. If Dr. Hayes wants her, let him have her. I gotta prep room three. Thanks, Shelly.”

If there was one thing Krista hated most about working in a hospital with so many catty women, it was the constant gossip and backstabbing. This was the first time it had been aimed at her in such a personal way, and she refused to bow down to Marybeth’s level. All she wanted from Dr. Dax Hayes was another session or two with his alter personality, Master Dax. So why did she spend the rest of the morning in a funk, with images of the tall, slender nurse wrapped around Dax’s naked, thrusting body refusing to leave her head?

Right before lunch, she caught sight of Dax coming out of his surgery and made a quick about face to avoid speaking to him. It wouldn’t do to face him when her emotions were so worked up, especially since she didn’t have a concrete reason to be in such a state. By the time her shift ended, she was more than ready to clock out and spend the evening with Sandie and Alessa.

Stopping at her favorite deli on the way home, she picked up fixings for sandwiches and a decadent turtle cheesecake. Since she didn’t have a Master at home willing to deliver an old-fashioned, over the knee spanking to straighten her out, she’d have to settle for a food binge to calm her frayed emotions. Sandie hadn’t been sure Hope could make it, so Krista grabbed enough for four just in case. She would have preferred a weekend get-together, or a week night when she had the next day off so they could stay up late and add a few bottles of wine into the mix, but 5:00 am would come around too early for that. Knowing Alessa, Krista wouldn’t put it past her to show up with a few bottles anyway, since she had today off and second shift didn’t start until mid-afternoon so she could sleep in in the morning.

Krista had just gotten in the door when Alessa arrived carrying three large bottles of wine. Grinning, she said, “I was just thinking you’d probably ignore my early schedule.”

“Hey, what’s a girls’ night without vino? When is Sandie—is that her name? —going to come?” Setting the bottles on the small island counter, Alessa padded over to the drawer that held utensils and pulled out the opener.

“Not until about six. She just called and Hope, a friend of hers, can’t get here until then. She runs the shelter downtown.”

“Then let’s take a glass out on your deck and you can give me all the salacious details about your Sunday cruise.”

Shoving aside work responsibilities, Krista took the

glass Alessa handed her and stepped outside. The late afternoon temperature was halfway decent for a change, and as she settled on a deck chair, she vowed not to let jealous nurses or confusing Doms ruin her evening.

“Why is it you don’t shy away from hearing about my sexual exploits, but refuse to go after what you want?” she asked Lessa point blank.

“I’ve told you, when I’m sure of what I want, I’ll look into it. Being different isn’t easy. And then there’s my love/hate relationship with Weight Watchers. You should know that.” Alessa averted her dark eyes, a sure sign of her unease, and Krista let it go. She’d keep prodding, but only in small doses.

“I do, which is why I don’t nag you more. And I’ve told you a dozen times, you’re not fat.”

“Pleasantly plump is the politically correct term. Don’t make me turn you into the PC police.”

“Whatever. I’d kill for your boobs and hips. Mine are barely bumps under my clothes.” Okay, maybe Krista had a little more than that. Kurt had never complained, and Dax proved he had no trouble getting aroused with her. If only he hadn’t limited the sex to oral, she would believe he wanted her as much as she wanted him.

“Uh oh. I know that look. All didn’t go well over the weekend?”

“No, it did. Awesome, in fact. I had no trouble coming when he ordered me to, and my climax was off the charts.” Shrugging, Krista sipped her wine, gazing at the small sailboat gliding by.

“Hell, who wouldn’t fly off the handle with that man? I work in a different area than you, different shift, and still hear the gossip and fantasies about Dr. Dax Hayes. I don’t think there’s a female employee who wouldn’t jump him given the chance.”