“I concur on both.” Miles took a seat across the table from them, pulling Vicki on his lap, his black as sin eyes drawing a shiver of awareness down Sandie’s spine when they rested with warm approval on her breasts before shifting to the food. “But since you didn’t see fit to bring the meat, I guess I’ll have to settle for this sissy food.” He fed one to his guest before plopping another in his mouth.

Before Sandie finished swallowing the egg and cheese mini soufflé, the others had gathered around the food-laden table, the women situated on the men’s laps and all topless once Jackson stripped Mandy of her top. Funny, she mused as she leaned back against Zachary’s wide chest, the uncomfortable self-consciousness she experienced a few minutes ago had all but disappeared already. Apparently, just like misery loves company, so does exhibitionism. She’d barely had time to come to terms with admitting she enjoyed voyeurism, and now she had to contend with the startling realization she got off on exhibitionism as well. And when the two were combined, like now? Her soaking crotch could answer that question. Where had this slutty side been hiding all these years?

Dipping a pita chip in the humus dip, she noticed Sean kept a tight hand wrapped around his date’s wrists as he fed her himself, and she doubted she would enjoy Zachary exerting that much control over her. The other woman didn’t protest, but the flash of irritation in her eyes implied she wasn’t happy. Sandie marveled over the way the guys conversed about sports and work while paying absent-minded attention to the women, who remained as quiet as she until Zachary took that moment to join the other men in cupping the breasts available to him. Her sharp inhale came as a full-body flush spread throughout her, not of mortification but excitement.

Troy scooped a strawberry through the creamy fruit dip then rubbed the covered fruit over his sub’s nipple. As he bent his head to lick it off, Zachary pressed against her nipples with his thumbs, the pressure against the sensitive tips causing her to jerk and moan. Small sighs, low groans and one high-pitched squeal that drew chuckles from the men echoed around the table. Unable to gather her wits, Sandie leaned her head back against his shoulder, slamming her eyes shut to better concentrate on enjoying the building sensations in her nipples.

“Ever experienced the three p’s?” Zachary whispered in her ear as he switched from pressing to pulling.

“I… I’m not sure. What’s the… oh!” The tight pinch on her stretched nipples was her answer, the flash of pain eased just a touch when he returned to pressing against the abused nubs.

“Open your eyes, Sandie. I need to watch you. Say red if it gets too much for you.”

Sandie wasn’t sure what he meant then sucked in a breath as the pressure turned uncomfortable. Squirming on his lap, she gripped his forearms and looked up at the canopied top, but refrained from saying anything. Using thumb and forefinger, he pulled up on her nipples again, holding a little tighter, pulling a touch harder. Air escaped on a whoosh when he let go only to be sucked right back in as he began the torture all over again. Press, pull, pinch, the alternating torment zipping in an arrow of lightening heat to her core as pleasure grew along with the gradual increase in pain. She forgot about the others, heard nothing except her labored pants, and didn’t see anything except the cover. Sensation centered on her nipples as he continued, the outline of his erection growing under her butt, his own breathing becoming shortened.

“Zachary,” she whimpered when the need became too much.

“Jackson, since you have a few minutes, would you mind removing my sub’s shorts?”

Her entire body went taut at Zachary’s casual words, both the reference to her as a sub and his instructions to the other man. Rasping her sore nipples with his thumbs, he tightened his arms against her in silent warning when she squirmed in unease.

“Be still.”

His low-voiced command along with the bracket of his thick arms kept her in place, but as Jackson crouched before their chair with a wicked gleam in his dark blue eyes, she squeezed her eyes closed, as if she could shut out the embarrassment. Cutting off her sight didn’t hide the feel of Jackson’s hands tugging her shorts and panties off, or block the caress of warm breath wafting over her exposed flesh as fingers grazed her swollen folds, and God help her, she didn’t care they weren’t Zachary’s.

This time when she shifted her pelvis, it was an involuntary lift up, an acceptance of the other man’s touch and silent entreaty for more. Yet, Zachary remained the only man she craved, the only one on the tip of her tongue. “Please, Zachary.”

Zach breathed a sigh of relief when Mandy returned from the restroom and Jackson rose from his stooped position between Sandie’s spread legs. He hadn’t decided whether to introduce her to the pleasures of a ménage yet. Every time he thought of sharing her, his body tightened in a grip of uncharacteristic possessiveness. Another new experience for him as he’d never had a problem inviting a third person into a scene.

He’d been watching for the telltale signs of acceptance since he bared her breasts in front of the others. When her eyes glazed over, freezing the hovering tears, Zach knew Sandie’s mind had become ensnared with the pleasure-inducing pain. Not wanting to curtail the impact play on her breasts just yet, he’d shoved aside his misgivings and enlisted Jackson’s help. Feeling generous after her exuberant response to her first public play, he let her lapse in addressing him as ‘Sir’ slide. There would be time, he hoped, to continue tutoring her in the lifestyle, and certain protocols he would eventually insist on, and those he wouldn’t.

But right now, the damp sheen coating her slit drew him like a beacon, and he needed to move her along. Both Dax and Trevor had already slipped below to the playroom, the others except Jackson and Mandy, dispersing around the deck, he presumed from the sounds reaching back to him.

“We’re headed down,” he told Jackson, nudging Sandie up while keeping a hold of one arm in anticipation of her wobbly state. “Thank Jackson for removing your clothes, Sandie.” He held his breath, waiting to see of she’d obey that order.

She paused to hurl a swift, startled look up at him before leaning into his embrace while battling with a convulsive swallow. “Um, thank you… for your help.”

“Good girl,” he murmured in approval then guided her toward the stairwell.

“We’ll stay up here,” Jackson called out, his humor-laced tone indicating Zach hadn’t done a good job hiding his urgency.

Trevor already had his sub strapped on the fucking bench he’d been so enamored with last week, so Zach drew Sandie over to the one next to it. Keeping hold of her hand, he grabbed the handle and unfolded the padded bench then tugged on her arm to get her attention off the other couple and back on him. The snap of Dax’s leather flogger against the redhead’s ass snared her gaze toward the center pole the doctor had his sub bound on before she finally looked up at him.

“What are we going to do?” Arousal backed eagerness coated her voice and those wide, expressive green eyes shone with excitement. A tightness gripped his chest at seeing that familiar look, the same one she wore almost non-stop during their few days alone together, the one he didn’t realize he loved.

“I’m going to strap you down, torment your delectable ass next then fuck you senseless.”


Shaking his head, he guided her over the bench, made short work of stooping down and strapping her ankles wide apart then coasted his palms up her smooth calves, kneaded her soft thighs then cupped the undercurve of her buttocks. Leaning in, he nipped one, plump cheek, her startled squeak drawing chuckles from both Trevor and Dax.

“Does she taste a

s good as she looks?” Trevor glanced over and asked, his fingers moving non-stop inside the brunette’s pussy. Zach thought the sub’s name was Diane, but his brain was centered on the lush ass in front of his face, so he couldn’t be sure.

Running his tongue up through Sandie’s creamy slit, he moaned in exaggerated appreciation. “Mmm, yes.” Pushing upright, he caressed up her back then drew both arms down the sides of the bench to attach cuffs to her wrists. “One more, baby, and I’ll have you right where I want you.”

“Don’t you already?”

Her breathy question floated back to him as he pulled a wide strap across her lower back, securing her hips down. He saw her muscles contract with the automatic attempt to shift under the restraint, followed by a swift release of additional juices. God, she was perfect. “I’m closer anyway.” He’d let her decide how to take his reply.

Sandie welcomed the crack of his hand against her butt, the delicious, instant burn, the heat that spread like a wildfire to her core. Between being bared in front of an audience for the first time and seeing others engaged in kinky scenes, her arousal had skyrocketed to an undeniable height, leaving her waiting with bated breath for the exalted spiral into pleasure.

“I love to feel your skin warming under my hand, Sandie. That’s why I didn’t take the time to choose an implement.”

She loved the openness with which he talked to her as much as the rapid peppering of hard smacks covering her entire backside. Pulsating heat blossomed over her skin, her buttocks swelling with the escalating pain. Sandie tried moving her hips again, unsure whether she wanted to embrace the torment or shy away from it. But it didn’t matter as the inability to budge kept her in place, leaving her with no choice but to take what he dished out. Her sore nipples pressed against the leather bench, the pressure re-igniting the discomfort from his tight pinches and pulls and egged on her growing lust. She fought the urge to beg for as long as possible, but when he delivered a volley of swats over the tender skin of her sit-spots, her pussy convulsed in dire need of being filled, taken.