* * *

I haven't mentioned seeing Paul to anyone. My sister would freak out. Maybe I should've said something, I mean the man has been at the restaurant every night for the last four nights. Not that I talk to him, but he watches me, making me feel utterly uncomfortable. He sits there in his tailored suits, gold cuff-links, and perfectly styled hair, and to anyone else, he's the perfect businessman, a handsome one at that. Most women would be charmed by him, but not me. I'm only thankful he hasn't spoken to anyone I work with for anything more than to order what he wants from the menu.

If Paul hanging around is not bad enough, last night, Draven decided to pop by. Yes, he ignored me verbally, but he didn't take his eyes off me once. Those big brown eyes of his that had me captivated the first time I ever saw them, still have the same effect on me. Not to mention his rugged yet handsome looks that have me quivering between the legs every time I see him. He's not supposed to have such a hold on me.

I'm starting to think God has it in for me. Talk about ridiculous.

I'm seriously considering taking Annie, a friend of mine, up on her offer of moving to Texas. There's really nothing to keep me here. My mother and brothers have nothing to do with me. My sister is happily married with a huge extended family, so I know she'll be fine without me. Besides, I imagine she wants her house back; I've been living with her for almost a month. She won't allow me to give her anything in the way of rent, which makes me feel bad.

Moving to Texas wouldn't be so bad, I'd have Annie, and we could go halves on a place to live. I haven't saved enough money for everything I need yet, and won't for some time, but I suppose we could find something small just for now.

I had my first ultrasound last week. I couldn't go before because I never found the time. I know how bad that makes me sound, and it's not an excuse, but everything got on top of me. It was beyond amazing, however. I cried a little; I had never seen anything so amazing in my whole life. So small and perfect, and so mine. My obstetrician said that everything with my pregnancy is going as it should. My weight is fine, and I haven't got a rash – thank the Lord – but she said I should look out for them. I had no idea that being pregnant could leave a woman with so many problems. Right now, I'm not worried about them, I'm concentrating on keeping myself healthy, so I can keep my baby healthy. Well, as much as I can working as hard as I do.

I must admit that I love my small baby bump. I'm fourteen weeks pregnant and showing nicely. Brooke didn't show at all when she was pregnant with Gabriel, didn't even know she was pregnant with him until she gave birth. She wasn't showing with this baby until around five months. Lucky cow.

However, I don't mind at all. I like people knowing I'm with child. I'm proud of my bump, and I can't wait to get bigger.

“That guy is asking for you again,” Jamie tells me.

I sigh and place my tray on the bar. I'm waiting for the drinks order I just put in with Rodger, the bartender who repeatedly asks me out. Even though he knows I'm pregnant with another man's baby.

“Could you please tell him I'm busy?” It's not Jamie's place to tell Paul anything, but I can't deal with him right now.

“You want me to tell Draven Vidal that you're busy?”

What the hell does he want now? I've been avoiding him tonight as much as I have Paul. Draven made it clear to me that he thinks of me as a liar; therefore, I have no time for him.

Jamie asked me last night what Draven wanted with me. I just told her that he probably wanted a date. She laughed and told me that Draven Vidal fucks, he does not date, and I should think myself lucky that he finds me so attractive to want to fuck me if that's what he wanted with me.

Jamie is super skinny and thinks I'm beneath her because I'm not skinny. I'm not fat; I'm curvy and pregnant. She also made a sick joke about how she didn't realize the Don was into pregnant sex. It made me physically ill to the point I had to run to the bathroom and vomit.

Why she had to make such a comment I'll never know. Surely she knows not to make comments like that about a man like Draven? They could get back to him, and anything could happen to her!

Don't men like him kill people for saying less?

Not that she cared, she just laughed. I think she's a sociopath. She doesn't seem bothered by anything.

“Yes,” I tell her without batting an eyelid. “Thank you, Rodger.” He winks at me while placing the last of my drinks order on my tray. I don't wait for Jamie to say anything in response, I walk away from her and deliver the drinks to the happily in love couple at the far table.

One thing I am very grateful for tonight is that I'm in the far section of the restaurant, far away from where Paul and Draven always sit watching me. Which means I haven't needed to serve them.

As soon as my shift is over, I grab my coat and purse from the back and make my way through the back entrance and towards my car. I'm expecting Paul to stop me; he usually does. I'm not fast enough to get away from him. He times my exit perfectly.

“You can't avoid me forever, Marnie.”

I close my eyes in frustration and sigh. “Please leave me alone, Paul.” I don't even look at him; I just keep walking towards my car. The man just doesn't know how to take no for an answer.

I've seen Shepard's lawyer, Pete, about the divorce, and what I can do seen as Paul still refuses to sign the papers. He told me that even though Paul was unfaithful, that he was cruel and violent towards me, it doesn't mean the judge will believe me, especially as I have never reported him to the police, and there are no medical records to prove my story. So I told him about me being pregnant by another man, due to the fact I sought comfort in another man's arms due to Paul not sleeping with me for months. Pete told me that it could take a year or more for the divorce to be finalized without Paul having to sign. As he denies all of what happened, there could well be a lengthy court battle because of it.

I can't bear to think that my child will be born while I'm still married to that monster. There's nothing I can do about it unless he dies and leaves me a widow, which I can't see happening any time soon. Not that I would wish death on anyone. Not even Paul and I have every reason to wish death on that man.

Shepard told me not to worry because Paul would sign sooner rather than later, even if he had to make him. I don't like the thought of violence being forced on anyone, but I'll turn a blind eye if it means being set free. Shepard also told me to remember that he has friends in high places, and I will get my divorce. I hope he's right.

Paul grabs my arm the second I open my car door. He swings me around to face him, and the look on his face makes my pregnant belly turn over.

“You don't get to walk away from me, Marnie. I'm fuckin' sick of being ignored. You are my wife!”

“I was your wife, Paul. I'm not anymore. I want my divorce. I'm pregnant with another man's baby. Please just let me go.”

He pulls me against his hard body. He pretends to love me now that I've left him, but never did. So why can't he just let me go? “I will never let you go. You're mine!”

“Let. Her. Go!”

I swallow hard. Fuck it all to hell! I'm not sure if I'm scared that Draven is here or if I'm happy that he is. I turn my eyes to him. Two huge men are standing right behind him. Men, who should Draven click his fingers, would kill any man in their way; that I know just by looking at them.

Paul squints his eyes in the dark, dim light, trying to focus on the men now walking towards us. “This is nothing to do with you, man. This is between my wife and me.”

“I guess I'm not making myself clear.” I see the smirk on Draven's face before he's even under the streetlight. “I said, let her go. Don't make me repeat myself.”

Paul looks at me, his eyes burning anger into me, but he lets go and takes a step back.

With his men's eyes on Paul, Draven stands in front of me. He cups my face in his hand, and it's too familiar. It makes my body shudder with desire. “Are you okay?” I nod, unable to speak.

I close my eyes when he gen

tly, so gently places his hand on my stomach, feeling our baby inside of me. He looks me in the eye, silently asking me if the baby is okay also. It makes me smile, and I nod.

I may not have wanted to speak to him earlier, but I am so grateful that he stuck around. I know what would have happened if he hadn't. Paul had that look in his eye. I would've ended up in the hospital. I can't bear to think about what would have happened to my baby.

Draven kisses my forehead, and everything inside me is hopeful again. I'm probably overthinking that kiss, and I don't even know what I want from Draven other than a father for my child, but if he can protect our baby and me from Paul, then I am more than willing to let him.

Draven turns away from me to face Paul. I'm shaking, not so much in fear, strangely, but for the fact, I think I'm a little in shock. Of all the things to happen, my husband and my baby's father, squaring up to each other.

“Do you know who I am?” Draven asks.

“Sure,” Paul shrugs. “Everyone knows who you are.” I fucking didn't. Am I really so dumb? “No offense, but my wife and I were having a private conversation.”

I watch Draven take his hands from his suit pants pocket and scratch his clean-shaven chin with his thumbnail. “Is that so.” It wasn't a question. “Marnie is no longer your wife. If I'm not mistaken, she asked you for a divorce.” Paul looks at me. He's confused and angry. “Marnie is now mine.”

“What the fuck?”

My thoughts exactly!

“She's carrying my child, or hadn't you noticed?” Ohmigod. Ohmigod!