“Fuck you!” The kid spits at me. I laugh and pull the fucking trigger twice, just for good measure.

“I'm done with this game. Line 'em up!” Men. They scream and beg more than women do. Have they no pride? No self-respect?

This is no fair fight; I know that, and I bore so easily. It's been so long since I was the ring, the cage where I'd beat the living shit out of any man who dared get in there with me. I retired before Jessica was born, but I'll tell you something, I miss the adrenaline rush it used to bring me. If I could be bothered, I'd drag one of these motherfuckers up and force him to fight me, but what's the point? None of them would stand a damn chance against a former champion cage fighter, an undefeated one at that. There's no fun if they can't fight back.

It's over in seconds. Every man dead, and Paul Simpson saw the whole damn thing. The show isn't over just yet; there are a couple of things left for that motherfucker to witness. He's going to see the deaths of every fucking member of his fucked up family. Must be agony for him right now, there's nowhere for him to look, but at that screen, I've made damn sure of that.

I make my way to his room, my brother, cousin, and my men following. I feel like a King right now. I roll both my shoulders and my neck, letting them crack before shaking out my arms before entering the room where both Paul and his mother are being held. She's on one side of the room tied to a chair, him on the other in the same position. My men have done a real number on him. He looks like he's been through hell. There's plenty more to come.

“Did you both enjoy the show?” I mock. God, I love this part.

“You killed my husband, my children, and grandchildren!”

“You're right, old woman, I did, but you,” With my hands on my knees, I bend down to her level, making sure she keeps her eyes on me. “You attacked my pregnant wife like a coward. You tried to harm my unborn son's! And now you're going to die for it, but not before you watch every last child in your family die first.”

“No! Not the babies, please!”

“Did you think that when you were jabbing Marnie with that needle? Did you think about that when you sat in your little house hoping my sons were slowly dying inside of their mother?!”

“I hope they are dead, and I hope that dago loving bitch is as well!” The venom in her voice, the sneer on her face, there isn't an ounce of remorse in this bitch.

She leans forward in her seat as much as she can. “The little dago bitch she had in secret, the one she was with that day in town,” She smirks. “She won't last much longer. I wouldn't worry about the mongol; she's never gonna have much of a life anyway. However, the other one?” She laughs again.

Every ounce of blood in my body just ran cold. “What the fuck are you talking about?”

She laughs sadistically, and all I want to do is smash her old haggard face in! She wants to play games? So be it.

“You know, right about know,” I make a point of looking at my wristwatch. “They should be falling into the last sleep they'll ever know.”

“What do you mean?” Her eyes follow my finger to the TV screen.

This was the vilest part of my plan. It's one thing to kill women; it's quite another to off seven innocent children, the youngest just a year old, the oldest the same age as my Lydia and Amber. I can't even imagine what it would do to me if I were the one in Paul Simpson's position right now. To even contemplate the idea of anything happening to Lydia and Amber turns my fucking stomach.

However, I have to do what I have to do. It doesn't matter what I put these two sick fucks through now, slow torture – not that Paul can take much more of that – or a quick death, my goal was for them to die knowing their actions killed every last member of their family.

I don't watch the screen. I can't watch those kids fall to sleep — a sleep they'll never wake up from. I'm with Tank on that.

The old hags cries and screams are deafening to the whole room. Paul's eyes lock on mine. He’s seen every member of his family put down like dogs. It's nothing more than he deserves.

“You monster!” I turn my heel, hands in my pockets and look at Paul's mother; she's a mess of tears and unleashed sobs. I cock my head to the side. Is this the part where I'm supposed to feel bad for what I've done? “How could you?!”

“Why don't you ask yourself the same question, old woman? How could you?!” I holler back.

“You're gonna be sorry for what you've done here, Draven Vidal.” I very much doubt it. “You think you're so smart, but you know nothing. You're gonna lose everything you love, and you can't even see it's already happening before your very eyes.”

I silence my phone for the umpteenth time since I walked into this house. I have no idea who's trying to call me, but it can wait. It will have to. It won't be my sister; she knows not to call me when I'm busy. If I don't answer on the first ring, wait until I call you back. She knows this.

“You kill mine, and I'll kill yours.” That evil smirk on her damn face, I've had enough! I rip my gun from my belt and point it right at her. “She's slowly dying, has been since the day I injected her stupid mother.” Lydia!

“What the fuck did you do?”

“She's messing with you, Boss!” Lorenzo shouts.

“Don't let her inside your head.” Tony's right, she's fucking with my head. Bitches always do. “End her so we can finish him. Your wife needs you; your children need you, Boss.”

“Draven,” I look at Hammer. “She doesn't deserve your attention. She is nothing. Shut it down.”

I smirk and turn back to old woman Simpson. “Remember, old woman,” I hold my gun steady, pointing it at her shoulder. I'm not shooting to kill. “Draven Vidal killed you.”

“And you remember Julia Simpson killed your wife and all four children.” My finger hits the trigger, the bullet hits her shoulder, through and through. She screams to the heavens.

I turn to Jimmy. “Send down the cage.” He trips the switch that sends down the human-sized cage, trapping the old bitch inside. “Release the wolves.”

My brother's eyes widen, and I smirk in his direction. Shooting the old bitch to kill would have been too easy. Jimmy cranks the lever, revealing a small door that opens up just behind the cage, and out walk two huge wolves. Not the ideal pet for any person. They're not exactly pets; Jimmy found them roaming around a few months ago, drugged them, and brought them to me. They would have been shot and killed for fun if Jimmy hadn't saved them. I've taken care of them as any decent human being would. Strangely, they're loyal to me, but their natural instinct is to kill, and right now, that’s exactly what they're going to do.

The fear in the old bags eyes is like a drug filling my veins! “Oh my god!” Is all she gets out of her mouth before those snarling, growling wolves her apart. All a wild animal needs are the smell of blood and fear, and you're a goner.

I watch, not able to tear my eyes away as flesh and bone flies through the air around the cage. The wolves, whom I named Greydon and Zeke, rip through Julia Simpson's stomach, gorging on her innards, and I get some sense of satisfaction. This bitch paid for what she did to my wife and sons.

Let this be a warning to anyone who thinks they can come for my family, hurt my wife and children, and think they can get away with it. No one will ever get away with so much as looking at Marnie the wrong way.

I feel a sense of pride fill me as I watch those majestic animals tear the skin from the dead woman's face. It's not until I hear Tank ask Hammer when I'm going to snap out of my trance that I actually do. I look at Jimmy. “Get them out of there.” The man looks at me, and I can tell he's inwardly groaning. Prick doesn't want the wolves to turn on him. I personally couldn't give a shit!

I look at Tony and nod my head, silently telling him to drop the huge curtains that will cover the cage and the old bitch. She's dead, but her words ring in my ears.

‘She's slowly dying.’

She's fucking with your head, Draven. There is nothing wrong with Lydia. She's safe and sound at Brooke's.

/> “She wasn't lying.” The fuck gave him the right to speak?! I'm surprised he can talk after what he just witnessed happen to his mother.

My phone goes off again, and I'm all for throwing it against the fucking wall! I just want this night to be over. I want this over. I need to get to Brooke's. I need to make sure Lydia's all right. I know she's fine, but hearing that old hag say those things has shaken me up inside. If anything happened to her, it would kill me. It would kill Marnie, too, even more than me. Then there's the boys and the fact they're not one hundred percent yet.

“You've taken... my whole family.” Paul gasps out. I'm not sure the fuckers lung aren't punctured. Killing him slowly. Nice. “You destroyed my mother.” And made him watch. “You're gonna kill me,” Damn right I am. “So there's fuck all to lose. My mother,”

“You're mother what?” Tony pushes his gun under Paul's chin, lifting it to his eye level. “Well?”

“She did something to that kid.”

“What? What did she do?” There's an urgency to my voice. I need to know!

“Tell my brother what your fucked up mother did!” Hammer yells.

Paul keeps his eyes on me. “Why should I tell you? You took my wife. You killed everyone I ever loved. You're gonna kill me.”

“You're damn right I am! However, there are worse things than death; believe me.”

He shrugs.

So be it.

I drop my jacket from my shoulders and roll up my shirt sleeves. This should be fun.

* * *

I don't know how long I've now been beating Paul, over and fucking over. There's not much left of him, but I won't let him die until he answers me.

I snap my fingers at Giorgio, and he hands me the liquid-filled syringe. I bite off the cap and jab it right in the fuckers heart. He gasps a huge breath, head right back before groaning and dropping his head forward.