“As you wish, Boss.”

We set off to the place Simpson's family are held up. All thirty-seven members about to meet their end at the hands of Don Vidal.

Time to say goodnight, fuckers.

* * *

I walk in that house, and the stench of fear is all around me. I'm drawn to it like a wolf drawn to its prey. I take a deep lungful of it and smirk. Fear is my drug. This place reeks of it. Perfect.

I applaud my men for finding this place. It's in the middle of nowhere. It won't be traced back to me in any way. Not that I give a shit if it was. I'm Draven Vidal, who the fuck in their right mind is gonna take me on? Even the damn police won't take me on. Every cop in this town is on my payroll. Any man can be bought for the right price.

“What are you two doing here?” I shouldn't be surprised to see Hammer here, but I am. Tank, I definitely didn't expect to see.

“You're my brother. You asked me to help you end this. Where else would I be?”

“You're my cousin. No matter what you think of me, Draven, that means something to me.” I smile despite myself.

I walk over to the two of them, and grab them both by the back of the neck, bringing them to me. I love my baby brother, and as much as I hate to admit it, I love my cousin too. “Thank you both. This means everything to me.” I kiss both of their cheeks one at a time. “I love you both,” I tell them as I pull away.

I notice the shocked look on Tank's face, but it's the truth. He means everything to Hammer, and Hammer means everything to me. Knowing this man shares my blood; the blood of my mother means a lot to me. My mother would want me to care for her sister's son. She'd want me to make sure he was loved the way my brother is.

“We love you, too, brother,” Hammer tells me, and it's the first time he's ever said that to me. Hits me right in the chest.

“What he said.” Tank laughs. That's good enough for me.

“Are they where I said they should be?” I ask Tony, who's standing to my left.

“Women in the room to the left, men in the room to the right, kids in the den.” Good. Good. That's precisely where I want them. Separated and scared out of their minds. No one is safe. No one but my men and I will walk out of this house alive today — not one fuckin' person.

“You're taking out the kids too?”

“That's the way of it, Tank. If you can't handle that, then you can leave, and I won't hold it against you. I can't leave one person belonging to this fucked up family alive. Not one of them, even the kids. In my experience, those are the ones who'll come looking for trouble in the years to come. I know you don't agree with killing children, that's not how you were raised, but I want you to know they'll simply be falling asleep. No one here will physically hurt a child.”

“It has to be this way, little brother,” Hammer tells him.

“I understand. I just don't want to see that part, Draven. I can handle anything in this life, but I couldn't handle that.”

I nod my head. “I won't think any less of you for it, cousin.” Not many people out there could handle seeing children die, even if it is done with a simple sleeping draft.

“Anything else you need, I'm here.” We have an understanding.

I pat my side, making sure my gun is where it should be, in its holster, even though I know that's exactly where it is.

“Jimmy bring the ammo?”

“You know it,” Tony smirks at me. Sick fuck loves this as much as I do.

“Let's finish this. Ladies first.” He chuckles at my words. Hey, I'm a gentleman, it's always ladies first.

To the left of the hallway in which we're walking there's a set of rooms. Five to be exact. The first room houses sixteen women, minus Simpson's mother. Quick is too easy for that bitch.

I open the door and step inside. Each woman is looking at me with scared eyes. They know who I am, and they know what's about to happen. There's nothing in this room but them and a camera.

Is it evil to live stream the deaths of these woman to the men who love them?

Maybe, but I'm all about making a statement, and I want these racist motherfuckers to know the price of one persons actions against my family. I want those bastards to know why I'm doing this. I want their last thoughts on this earth to be of who killed them. With my brother by my side where he belongs, every fucker in this house will learn not to mess with me and mine.

I should feel bad about what I'm about to do. I should feel something inside of me. I'm about to go against everything I believe in. These are innocent people, women – women who probably don't even share the same views as the men in their lives, but how could they not? You believe what you are raised to believe, or most do.

These women are scared shitless. Six of my men are armed, guns pointed at the women huddled together. Yes, they are all going to die, but they've been kept fed and watered while they've been here, I'm not a total monster, I haven't starved them. They've needed to use the bathroom, my men have escorted them. Can't have them trying to escape, not that they'd be able to, this place is rigged with electrics. If they'd so much as touched the front door, they'd get a massive volt of electricity rush through them. Not enough to kill, but enough to hurt on a major level. Plus, no man has touched any woman inappropriately, they may be here to die, but I don't put up with that shit. Any of my men rapes, they die. Simple.

I nod at Lorenzo, letting him know to roll camera. The big screen in the room full of men will come to life,

and each man will watch these women die here tonight.

“You know why I'm here, don't you, ladies?” Ladies. Half of these women can't be a day over eighteen. Shame really. If I were into trafficking people, I'd get a pretty penny for them.

“Please let us go.” The oldest woman in the group, about sixty stands in front of all the other women, her arms outstretched as if she's protecting them. The fear coming off these women is ridiculous. It's seeping into my veins so deep. Fuck, it's amazing!

“No can do. You have Paul to thank for what's about to happen.”

“But we didn't do anything. God. Please don't do this, Mr. Vidal.”

I smirk. I love to hear them beg. It's a sickening sensation I get knowing I have this much power over the life of another. It's fucking intoxicating.

“Your family should have thought about that before they came after my wife!”

I nod to Danny and two of the others. They grab a couple of women each, all screaming their heads off and fighting back as they're lined up against the back wall, the other women screaming and begging for me not to do this.

My men stand in front of the women against the wall; guns held high. I count down from three in my head, and it's all over. Six women fall to the floor dead.

That's how it goes until the last woman falls, and those fuckers in the next room saw everything thanks to the camera. Good. Now they all know what's coming for them.

We move to the next room, the room with the men inside. Sniveling fuckers look like they've just seen the worst thing in the world on that TV screen. Wait... They have.

Fuck, the fear in this room is more potent than the last. Amazing!

“You fucked up dago piece of shit!” Hammer pistol whips the young guy who just found his balls and shouted out to me. Silly fucker.

I walk up to him as he bleeds on the floor, my gun pointed at his head. “I'll never understand fuckers like you,” I tell him as some old guy screams out for me not to kill his son, that he'll do anything. He can kiss my ass, is what he can do. “Fuckers who think they can spit their racist shit at people and expect to go about their lives so fucking freely.”