I saw the old hag in town today, but she didn't make a scene. She came a little too close for comfort though, and I stumbled a little, scratching my right arm on the buckle of her bag in the process.

Bitch, she probably did that on purpose. She wanted to see what I would do, whether I'd make a scene. I didn’t. I wouldn't have given her the satisfaction. However, when I stumbled, Lydia dropped her bear on the ground. Amber hid behind me. She gets frightened by people she doesn't know. Old bitch picked Lydia's bear up, said something while wiping the mud off it stomach with a hankie, and smirked while she slowly handed it back to my daughter, who said thank you happily. She doesn't know Paul's mother, and my baby girl is polite to everyone. Just the way I taught her to be.

However, I yanked Lydia behind me next to her sister, she held onto me, she knew in that second that something wasn't right. Lydia is a very smart little girl.

Paul's mother told me that she hoped I enjoyed my children while I still could. I had no idea what she meant by that, but I knew it wouldn't be anything good. I know that my stomach was turning over and I just wanted to get away from her. Besides, my bodyguards were soon by my side asking if I was okay. Draven has made sure they know to check with me if I'm okay as soon as anyone, and I mean if anyone so much as says hello to me.

God, where the hell is Draven?!

I've tried calling him so many times, but there is just no answer. What the hell could he be doing? He promised always to answer my calls where possible, or to call me back right away in case of an emergency, but he hasn't, not once. He's been working hard all week on something I don't even want to know about, and he has been working late hours. However, he always answers me eventually.

I clutch the bottom of my stomach, and I feel the salty tears hitting my lips. I can't take this pain. It feels like I've pulled a muscle in my back, right at the bottom. I can't imagine how I've done it, but I think that's why I haven't felt the baby move, all I can feel is pain.

I try calling Draven again, and again it rings off and I get his voicemail. “Draven, please answer the phone. I don't know what's taking you so long... I guess business, but I need you to come home,” I'm trying to sniff back the tears, but they just keep falling. “I'm not feeling so good.” I end the call. There's nothing else for me to say.

I drag myself up onto my bed and climb under the covers. However, no matter what I do, I can't get comfortable, my back hurts too damn much, and now my stomach.

Okay, if I'm honest with myself, I've been having cramps in my stomach for a while now, but I don't think it's anything serious.

Yeah, who the hell you tryin' to kid, Marnie?

I'm sweating like a guy! I kick off the sheets and more pain sears through me. So badly, in fact, that I have to bite my tongue in order not to scream. Jesus Fuck! I need to throw up. I pull myself out of bed as fast as I can, only just making it to the bathroom but not to the toilet bowl. I throw up hard in the sink.

I'm clutching the ceramic tightly, my knuckles white as I try to hold myself up on shaky legs. Once I know I'm not going to vomit again, I wash the sink out as best I can. I then quickly brush my teeth and tongue before looking at myself in the mirror. I look like shit and then some. My throat feels like there's a lump stuck in it, and I can hardly swallow.

God, I think I'm coming down with something. Pulling a muscle in my back hasn't helped any, and I think that's why I'm feeling the cramps in my stomach because I pulled my back.

“Mommy, are you okay?”

“Lydia, what are doing up?” I turn slowly, wincing at the pain in my back, as face my daughter. She's beautiful, and I do mean literally. Her deep dark eyes are so mesmerizing, they sparkle and make her look like a little fairy, and her smile captivates me. Yes, I am so very in love with my little girl, with both of them, they're my whole world. As is the baby inside of me, the baby I still haven't felt move. The baby I fear I may have already lost.

“Mommy, you've been sick!” Lydia points to the sink. Ugh. I hadn't realized there was still sick around the basin. I'll clean it later.

“It's okay, sweetheart, I'm okay. Is your sister still asleep?”

“Yes, Mommy.”

“Let's get you back to bed then.” She slips her tiny hand into mine. I want to lead her back to her bedroom, but I can't even walk without wincing. My poor little girl's eyes are so wide. I don't want to scare her, but I don't know what to do.

“It is okay, Mommy, I'm here.” A tear slips from my eye. My five-year-old is helping me towards my bed so that I can sit down. Lydia already knows how to help take care of another person. She's always helping her sister get dressed or brush her teeth. She's always helping Draven cook dinner – yes, my new husband still cooks when he has the time – she even helps put my shoes on during the times I can't do it myself. It makes me smile, I don't really need the help, my stomach isn't very big, but she loves being helpful.

“You need some water, Mommy.” I smile as she presses her little hand to my forehead and tells me I feel too hot. I'm sweating so much now that I'm soaked with it.

I'm all but screaming in agony by the time she comes back with a cold glass of water. I'm holding my back and rocking like crazy. This isn't labor, I've felt labor, and it felt nothing like this. But something is wrong, and yeah, I probably sound like a winging little kid, but this hurts!

I hear my little girl say something about my phone, but I don't answer, I can't do anything but concentrate on the pain. What is it people tell you? Don't think about the pain; it will hurt less. Who the fuck ever said that was a lying motherfucker!

“Mommy, you need a bandaid.” I look to where my daughter is pointing. Now, do I scream in fear? Or do I try and keep my cool so that I don't frighten my little girl further?

I opt for the latter.

“Baby, I need for you to do something for me. Can you call uncle Jett for me?”

“Yes!” She smiles wide at me.

Now, a child her age shouldn't know how to use a cell phone. However, since Draven insisted that I upgrade to a better cell phone, she likes to play games on mine, and she loves to help Amber learn new things, and Draven wanted Lydia to know what buttons to press to call the important people in our lives should it ever come to that. Not that either of us ever believed she'd have to, but right now, I am so glad he insisted.

“Ask him if he could come over.” I nod encouragingly. Lydia smiles and nods.

I'm bleeding. It's not a lot but enough to panic me. I think I may have pulled something more than my back muscle. But then, for all I know, this is my baby's way of letting me know that he or she couldn't hold on. I'm panicking, and I'm scared to death. I don't know what to do!

“Mommy needs you to come over.” When did I close my eyes? When did I lie down? “She has been sick in the sink... No, I gave her some water... Her back hurts, and she needs a bandaid... 'Cause she is bleeding on her legs...”

God, my head is heavy; I can't lift it. Everything feels strange. My body is numb, but there's a tingling in my head, an indescribable buzzing of sorts.

Maybe I just need a little sleep. Nothing hurts now, so I can rest a little. Lydia will lay beside me and fall asleep, and if Amber wakes up, then she'll come lay with us. Then when Draven arrives, he'll put them in their own bed and then climb in with me. Just a little sleep, that's all I need.

Chapter Twenty-Nine


This cannot be happening! I've been so damn busy sorting some shit out that I was late home. Again. Every day this week, I've been late home. I leave before Marnie wakes up in the morning, and I'm home when she's asleep. I haven't seen her. Of course, I hold her in bed each night, but it's not the fuckin' same as seeing her, making love to her.

I haven't spent much time with our daughter's either, which hurts their little feelings. Especially Lydia, she understands more than Amber. So when they do see me, they're all over me. Amber for a couple of seconds before she runs off to play, but Lydia clings to me, telling me how much

she's missed me. I hate having to hurt her feelings when I have to leave again. I know it hurts her more when I don't make it home to put her to bed. I hear it in her disappointed voice whenever we talk on the phone.

I got home tonight after 10: PM. I thought I could check on Lydia and Amber, shower, then get into bed with my wife and hold her in my arms all night. Lydia and Amber's beds were empty when I checked their room. It made me smile because there have been a couple of times I've gotten home to find my girl's cuddling in bed.

They weren't in bed. In fact, they were nowhere to be found. My heart plummeted; I literally felt it fall to the pit of my stomach, and my hands began to sweat. Where the hell could they have gone?

Marnie's bodyguards were nowhere to be found either, so I figured they'd be with her. At this fucking hour, she should've been in bed, they all should have been in bed! Marnie knows not to leave the house at night unless she's with me, or someone to safeguard her, at least. If anything has happened to her and Tom didn't call me, I'll kill him.

Strike that. I'll kill him anyway for not being outside where he's supposed to fucking be until I get home! The fact he's not answering my calls...

I called Tony. I needed him to go to every place Marnie might've gone with Lydia and Amber at this time of night. I don't trust anyone else right now because I'm becoming a paranoid fuck.

It wasn't until I tried to call Marnie that I realized her phone was still in the bedroom. I also had five voicemails. I checked them, it was Marnie, each message asking when I'd be home. The last one? Her voice was filled with panic. She was scared, I could tell. I felt like shit because I should have followed through with my promise and answered her calls! I should not have let myself get so involved with work that my wife had to take a back seat.