Lorenzo and Tony pull their guns and point them at fat fuck. One wrong move from anyone and my men will kill you. Their loyalty to me is paramount, and much appreciated. Although not needed right now.

I hold my hand up. I don't need their help.

“You first,” I smirk, put my gun to fat fucks head, and pull the fucking trigger. Bullet right between the eyes, perfect shot.

I should feel an instant sense of relief, but it doesn't come. I've blown the back of that motherfuckers head out. His brains are splattered against the back wall of this warehouse hellhole — payback for hurting my pregnant fiancée. Yet I feel no relief. I feel more anger than I can possibly hold inside of me.

Why the hell didn't Marnie tell me about her daughter's? The most important thing in her life and she didn't tell me! Hell, I don't even know if there really are any daughter's. However, if there are, I will move heaven and earth to find them and bring them home. They belong with their mother, with me. I just need to speak to Marnie first and get the truth.

* * *

I've been thinking this past hour about everything, but I just can't believe it. What that son of a bitch told me cannot be true.

How can it?

However, if it is, then how did Marnie keep it to herself for so long?

How has she not cracked?

Marnie knew where I was going tonight and what I would do, so why didn't she tell me? God, maybe she was trying to when I shut her down.

According to what that cunt gave away, Brooke doesn't even know about these little girls. Which would make sense because I know that girl would have asked the MC for help in finding those kids so she could bring them back to the sister she worships. I have not one doubt about that.

I have no choice but to ask Marnie about this. I have to know if it's true. I have to know if what they've put her through is the truth. I pray to God that it isn't. Because if it is, if they truly made her suffer in that way, then I swear to God above, no one will be safe from my wrath.

The only good thing is that Peter along with his fucked up racist father is already dead. However, to keep a child from its mother means there are more people involved. I'll find them. I'll find them and kill them all!

Marnie is sitting up in bed watching some old film, eating popcorn, giggling at the funny scene before her. I thought she'd be asleep. After being let out of the hospital, I've made Marnie stay in bed. I won't have her doing anything for a while. She needs to bathe; I'll bathe her. She needs to use the bathroom; I'll carry her. She hasn't let what happened to her get her down. She's strong. She's perfect. She also wants to attend Tony's wedding, and I won't stop her. Marnie deserves some happiness after everything, and I know how much she is looking forward to seeing Tony and Amy marry.

The wedding is the perfect opportunity to forget what happened for a few hours. She was so upset at the hospital. Marnie had every right to breakdown, and the first thing she said to me when she woke was, ‘Draven! Please tell me my baby is okay. Please.’ The look of sheer terror and pain in her eyes cut me to the core. After what Peter told me, I know why it was made so much worse for her.

It finally hit me just now why this baby means so much to her. It's more than the average new mother. It's more than just wanting a child. It's needing to know you won't lose another one.

I step closer into the bedroom, amazed that she hasn't noticed me before now. Her beautiful smile the second she lays eyes on me proves what Brooke said to be true. Marnie has fallen for me, and I can't believe I didn't see it before now.

“Daddy's home, little one.” She giggles to herself while talking to her belly. It makes me smile as I remove my suit jacket and place it across the rocking chair beneath the window. The one Marnie insisted I buy ready for when the baby comes so she can nurse. “I wasn't expecting you home yet. Is everything okay?”

Marnie knows where I've been, what I've done, yet she's still happy to see me. My ex-wife couldn't bear it. Every time I came home, it was the same thing, screaming, shouting, crying, emotional blackmail. Pity the blackmail never worked. I never even tried to give a shit. I was that kind of bastard.

“Everything is fine.” I smile, even though nothing is fine right now. I wonder if she's noticed that I came home wearing a different suit? If she has, she hasn't said anything. I would never come home covered in blood. Not to Marnie, I would never frighten her like that. That's why I showered and changed before coming home.

I slip off my shoes and socks, my shirt and pants, and then make my way over to Marnie. I take a seat on the bed beside her, my hand on her beautifully swollen stomach, hers over mine, holding me there. “We need to talk.”

“You want to talk looking like that?” She licks her bottom lip. Little vixen. She knows I can't resist her.

She also knows there will be no sex for a couple of weeks. Not until she's fully healed. I can't even believe she's looking at me like that after what she knows I've done.

I take her roaming hands from my bare chest and hold them in mine. I kiss her knuckles. “What did you call them?”

Her eyes narrow in confusion as I stroke her stomach. “Draven Vidal, I swear to God, if you found out the sex of our baby, I'll...”

“I didn't.” She lets out an exaggerated sigh and rolls her eyes playfully. “I wasn't talking about our baby,” I pull my eyes away from her stomach and lock them with hers. “I mean the babies you had taken from you.”

Her eyes are suddenly darting from side to side in swift succession. She looks like a deer caught in the headlights. “How? I mean... um...”

“It's true.” My eyes close for a second. I knew deep down that it was, but actually having her confirm it without confirming it hit me like a ton of bricks.

“Draven,” My names slips from her pretty pink lips. “Please don't.”

“Tell me what happened, Marnie.”

Chapter Seventeen


I need to know if what that cunt told me is true.”

How am I supposed to answer this?

Peter told him?


“Tell me, Marnie. If we're to have any kind of future, I need to know what happened.”

“You're going to leave me?!”

Yeah, yeah, I know, panicking when I have no real reason to, but I'm still concussed and not able to really think about things the way I usually would. My breathing is becoming erratic. I'm going to cry!

Draven takes my face in his big strong hands, bringing his lips to my forehead. “I didn't say that, but I need to know the truth, Marnie. Tell me, baby.” He encourages calmly.

What the hell do I have to lose? And it's not like I could, in all honesty, keep it to myself forever. Plus, I've wanted to tell him about my little girls for months now. I'm scared, but it's time. I need to do this for my little girls. I need to know if I can bring them home.

“Promise me that you won't think badly of me, Draven. I didn't want to do it. I tried so hard to keep them with me, but I'm not like Brooke, I had no one to run to, no one to help me.”

“Nothing you tell me will make me think badly of you, Marnie. Let it out, sweetheart.”

I nod and take a deep breath.

Here goes.

“Six years ago, when I was still in college, I met a man. I knew of him already, I'd seen him around campus, and we had a couple of classes together. Every girl wanted to be his girl, but he asked me directly if I wanted to attend a party with him. Every girl in the room gave me the evilest look.” I chuckle to myself. “I was shocked because no one ever asked me to go anywhere with them. People stayed away from me because of my family, but he didn't care.”

Full on truth. Everyone knew my racist daddy and brother's, and they all stayed the hell away from my sister and me, even though we didn't share the same views.

It was the same in high school, I had no real friends, and those few I did have couldn't stand my family because they were racist. They weren't alone in that, though. Brooke and I hated it; all we wanted was to be normal.