I've thought a lot about all the bad stuff that comes with being with someone who doesn't love you in return, someone who kills and rules those around him with an iron fist. Someone who will demand and order me to do things I might not want to do, but if I keep thinking about that shit, I'll never be happy the way I need to be. I want to be happy. It's time I was happy.

“Hi,” I acknowledge with a smile from my seat on our new couch. Draven had it delivered a couple of days ago when I told him the old one was a little hard on my back. He gave it to charity, so someone else could get use out of his $3,000 couch. He then had this plush, dark green one delivered. Just more proof that he's amazing. “I made dinner for you. It's in the oven, but if you've already eaten, that's okay.”

“I haven't.” He smiles. “Thank you, beautiful.” He always thanks me with a smile, always tells me that I'm beautiful. Paul never told me that I was beautiful. I'm not vain, but every woman needs to hear someone tell her she's beautiful once in a while. “Your sister will be joining us for dinner tomorrow.”

“She will?”

He nods. “She came to see me earlier. She's worried about you. Brooke seems to think I'm keeping you a prisoner.” Draven chuckles, and I smile. I should have known she'd confront him. I shouldn't have kept her at arm’s length for two weeks. “I told her you'd been under the weather, but she wants to see for herself that you're okay.”

“So you invited her to dinner? Thank you.”

Draven winks at me and walks away, and into his huge kitchen to warm the lasagna I made for him. He shouldn't really be eating something that heavy at 11: PM, it'll lay heavy on his stomach. However, Draven is always so busy he never gets to eat early enough, and I know he'll be hitting the gym on the second floor of this house once he's finished. Well, a man doesn't get a body as hard and ripped as Draven Vidal's by sitting on his ass.

I hear Draven rinsing off the plate before putting it in the dishwasher ready for the cycle at breakfast tomorrow, before jogging upstairs to the gym. Once he's done there, I know he'll shower. If I can keep my eyes open another hour and a half, I'll wait for him.

Yeah, sitting here waiting for him is working real good, I'm crying to myself, and I don't even know why. God, these hormones are the pits! I'm not thinking about what happened a couple of weeks ago, I'm not thinking about anything from the past; it really is just my hormones hating on me.

“Hey,” I jump and turn my head to face Draven as he takes a seat beside me, concern etched all over his handsome face. I didn't hear him come down the stairs. He's so damn quiet; it makes me wonder how when he's the size he is.

“What's wrong? Is it the baby?” I shake my head and lay my hand over his on my swollen belly. Everything is wrong with me right now. I miss people so much it's killing me. People I can't talk to him about, I can't talk to anyone about them, and that hurts me more than anything.

I can't talk about them because I'll be putting them in danger, and I don't know how Draven would react to what I told him. However, if I don't tell him and he finds out from someone else, he'll be so angry with me. I just don't know what to do anymore. I'm tired, scared, and I just want...

“Then what is it, beautiful?” Here I go again with the damn tears. “Marnie, you're kinda worrying me here.”

“I'm sorry, Draven. I guess my hormones just aren't my friend today.” I shrug.

He smiles and strokes my face with his other hand because he hasn't let go of my stomach yet. “I'm sorry. I can't imagine what it's like to feel so up and down all the time. I only know what my sister told me, and trust me, she cried constantly with Jessica. She's not much better this time.” We both laugh. “She once told me the only thing that made her feel better was having Jett hold her.”

Funny he should say that.

“Can I ask something of you?”

“Anything. You know that.”

“You've done so much for me. So much for our baby,” Like the beautiful nursery, he's having fixed up with the best of everything for our child. The nursery I designed and drew out. Draven saw my drawing and set about making it a reality. I hold his big hand across my belly, still looking into his beautiful eyes. “I haven't been feeling so great this past couple of nights. I know it sounds stupid, but when I go to bed, I just lay there wishing that I could just lay with you, have you hold me so I can sleep well.”

He smiles knowingly, and if I was feeling myself right now, I'd slap him for being so cocky, but I'm emotional, and I need him to comfort me. No one ever comforted me in my life before. Not when I needed them the most, at least.

“Come on, sweetheart,” Draven takes my hands and helps me to my aching feet. “Let's go to bed.” He turns to leave.

“Wait,” I pull him back a little. “I just want to lay with you. I don't want to lead you on or make you think this is anything more right now. I'd be a liar if I said I wasn't attracted to you, and yes, you were right, I do want you,” I thought he'd smirk cockily, but he isn't smirking, he's just looking at me. “But for right now, can you please just hold me?”

“Marnie, we never have to do anything you are not ready for.” No one's ever said that to me before. If I didn't want it from Paul, he'd just take it. I know in my heart Draven would never force sex on me. “And if you want me to hold you every night in my arms for the next year and do nothing more, then that's what I'll do.”

Is it any wonder that I'm falling for him?

“Thank you,” I tell him as he kisses my forehead and leads me to his room. We could've gone to my room, but his room is just as good. His room is pretty much like mine only more manly and a bit larger. Plus the TV in his room is massive on a level I didn't know was possible outside of a movie theater.

I'm too tired right now to take in the beauty of the room, but there's not much in here, less is more and all that.

“Climb in, baby.” When he calls me that it sends shivers down my spine! Draven pulls back the soft cotton sheets. He watches me with a raised eyebrow as I remove my pajama pants, leaving me in my panties and tank top that just covers my growing bump. I'm not shy to strip down like this in front of him. He's going to be my husband; he's going to see me in a lot less. Might as well get used to it now.

“I never sleep in bottoms,” I tell him with a shrug and without shame, before climbing into the most comfortable bed, I've ever been in.

Draven removes his sweats and t-shirt and climbs into bed. He's wearing nothing but boxer brief's, which showcase just how large the man is, and his sculpted body is making my mouth water. Every inch of him is ripped with muscle. He smirks at me. He knows damn well what he's doing to me.

Draven pulls the sheet over us, lies back on his pillow, then grabs me and pulls me against him. I wrap my arm around his waist and snuggle into him, my head in his neck. He's so warm and smells so good, and the feeling of his hard body against mine has me throbbing.

Oh, come on, what girl can honestly say she wouldn't be turned on by a bad boy? One with so much power? The power to give or take life with a snap of his fingers? One with so much muscle, perfect pecs, washboard abs, thick thighs, and... Well, you get the point.

Lying bitch is what she'd be!

Draven stays on his back, playing with my scalp at the back of my head, and it feels so good that I moan without meaning to.

God, this isn't going to be easy. Upset I may have been, but now I'm just full blown horny. I know Draven is getting erect, I can sense his cock growing, and I can feel myself getting wet.

Hell on earth is being pressed up against an almost naked godlike man, whom you said you didn't want to have sex with when you're so horny you could fuck a cucumber!

Chapter Ten


Ah, shit. If there was ever a bad idea, this is it. When I saw Marnie crying earlier, I thought something was wrong with her, with the baby. She hasn't been one hundred percent after what happened, but she seemed to be doing better. Thankfully, the only thing wrong was her hormones. She asked if I could hol

d her in bed, hold her, but that's all.

Hey, I could do that.

I knew it would be torture, however. How could it not be when I've spent the past couple weeks taking care of myself – if you get what I mean – because of how badly I've wanted Marnie?

A month without so much as touching a woman?

Not heard of when it comes to me.

But for her, I did it.

When I first saw Marnie that night at her sister's wedding, I had to have her. She was so fucking beautiful it stifled me, but pregnant? She's something else entirely. Fuck, I've never known anyone as beautiful as Marnie.