Draven gets out of his chair and sits down on the bed in front of me, my hands in his. “Listen to me, I know they scared and hurt you, and if I could bring them back from the dead and kill them all over again, I would. I want you to know that no one will ever take this baby from you, Marnie.” He lays his hand protectively on my stomach.

“How do I know that you won't?” It's not like I haven't heard about how Mafia Don's take their firstborn sons from the mother so the elders can raise them. How am I to know if my child is a boy I'd be able to keep him? It's not like I could go against Draven, he'd kill me. Not that I would give my child up willingly, but people like Draven are not people you take lightly.

“Marnie, I know it's going to be hard for you to trust me for a while, and maybe you want to get as far away from me as possible, but I promise on everything I love that I will not take this child from you. My father tried to take me from my mother the moment I was born. She never hid from me the pain that caused her. I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy.”

I stare at Draven, my mind wondering how his mother coped with almost losing her child to the Mafia. I also wonder how she persuaded them not to take him. She must have been a very strong and determined woman.

When I look in Draven's eyes, I see the truth; he won't take my baby from me. I feel in my heart that he won't let anyone hurt me again. He will do everything in his power to protect me. I'm not saying I love the man, I hardly know him, and I know that he doesn't love me, but I'm hoping I mean more to him than just the woman carrying his child.

“Would you like me to call you sister?” I shake my head. I don't want Brooke or anyone else knowing about what happened. I don't want to hear, ‘I told you so.’

I don't know how I really feel at the moment. I have a lot of them rushing through me, anger being one of them. However, I don't want to give into it. I don't want to tell Draven that I want to walk away because I know I'll regret it in the end.

We have so much to talk about, but I am so tired.

“Marnie, I'll understand if you want to leave, and I won't stand in your way. I will always look out for you, and I will always be in my child's life, I won't be the Dad who never sees his child.”

I don't know why that makes me smile, but it does. We both want the same thing for our baby, two parents who will always put him or her above everyone and everything else.

I squeeze Draven's hand. “I would never stop you seeing our baby, Draven. I'm not going to lie to you, I'm still angry about what happened, but you dealt with those men. I'm still scared, and I think I will be in some way for a little while, but I will get over it.”

I will because I'm stronger than this. Either I succumb to constant fear, always looking over my shoulder for the next person to attack me, or I can put this behind me. I won't let my guard down so easily with Draven's men, but I can make myself stronger in their presence. I can't let fear take over my life, because if I do, I'll be no use to this baby at all. I cannot fail as a mother. I won't let my child down, not when I've been enough of a failure in the past.

Moving forward with Draven, I know he can be the father mine never was. I don't believe he meant for anything to happen to me, although I do believe he should have warned me that the council wanted to test me.

“Being my wife won't be easy, Marnie. There will be times when you feel suffocated, but I need you to know that I will never physically hurt you.”

“I know that. All my life, I have been controlled by one man or another. I never had a chance to use my voice when it came to Paul and my father. I know you have your reasons for doing the things you do, for expecting me to behave a certain way,” The Don's wife cannot be seen to cause disrespect or shame to the Don. I've heard terrible things about what happens to wives who do either thing. “I have no problem with respect, Draven. I will show you respect every day, and I know you'll give me the same grace. I like to think we're friends.”

“Of course, we are. You're the most loyal woman I've ever known, Marnie. Thank you.” Draven smiles.

“You don't need to thank me.”

“I'm so sorry for what they did to you.”

“Stop apologizing.” I smile at him. He doesn't need to keep saying he's sorry, nor does he need to keep thanking me for my loyalty. “Draven?”

“Yeah?” He runs his thumb over my hand, and it's soothing to the point it's making me sleepy.

I smile and force my eyes open. “I care about you.” I see the smile creeping across his face through my tired eyes. “I'm going to...stay with you...” My eyes close, and I can't open them again. “Don't let...anyone...”

“I won't,” He cuts me off because he knew exactly what I wanted to say. I sigh sleepily as Draven kisses my lips softly. “I care about you too, beautiful.”

* * *

Ugh! This tastes awful.” Draven chuckles, and I playfully narrow my eyes at him while smiling. This soup really is awful though.

After falling asleep last night, I slept without disturbance. Weirdly, I didn't have nightmares. Don't get me wrong, I dreamt about the men who hurt me, but in my dreams, I saw Draven killing those men. In my dream, I stood to the side and watched my future husband as he committed murder, and my heart pounded in my chest. Watching Draven at work, beating, stomping, cutting, killing, something inside of me was thrilled, and a little turned on.

When I woke up and saw that Draven was still with me, I couldn't help the smile creeping across my face. I lay there watching him sleep; he looked so handsome, and I couldn't help biting my lower lip. Does it make me some kind of freak to be feeling the way I am about Draven after everything that happened?

Maybe I have a screw loose. Most women in my situation would have taken the out offered to them and never looked back. Me? I took Draven's hand in mine and kissed his knuckles. I then stroked my cheek against the back of his hand, and I laughed when I realized he was watching me curiously. Draven smiled at me, and I felt my heart opening to let him in.

Draven is more than the man I've heard about. I know that now. I see the real man in his eyes when he looks at me. I also do not yet want him to know that he was right; I think I'm falling for him.

“I can get you something else.”

“No,” I shake my head. “Thank you, but this is fine. Did the doctor say when I can go home?”

Draven smiles as I push the tray away from me, and he climbs onto the bed in front of me. He takes my hand in his. “Home. I like how that sounds.” I smile shyly. It came naturally for me to say that. “The doctor said you have no serious injuries, no lasting damage, but you do need to take it easy for a few days. That means no work, no lifting, no...”

“Draven,” I laugh and cut him off with my finger against his lips. “When can I go home?”

He smiles, and I move my finger. “An hour or so. They wanted to make sure you can keep the food down.”

Thank God. I really want to take a long, hot bubble bath, and then lie on the couch and watch a film. I'd like to at least pretend to be an ordinary woman who can do as she pleases for a little while.

“Marnie, are you sure you're okay after everything that happened?”

“I'm fine, Draven. Honestly. You seem surprised that I'm not hysterical.”

“With all due respect, Marnie, but most women who went through what you did yesterday would be.”

I bite the inside of my cheek and study him. Draven seems concerned that I'm not a basket case. What does he think is going to happen? I'm not going to have a breakdown over the past. I am a little surprised if I'm honest that I am handling this so well. Maybe the only reason I'm not a basket case is due to the things I've already been through. Whatever the reason, there is no point trying to figure it out.

“I guess I'm stronger than people give me credit for.”

“That you are. That you are.” Draven leans in and kisses my head. “I'll go find the doctor.”

I grab his hand, stopping him from leaving just yet. He looks at me curiously. “Thank you

for everything.” He knows why I'm thanking him, that's why he smiles, only then do I let him leave.

I lean back and close my eyes, hands on my stomach, and a smile on my face. Everything will be okay. I know it will.

Chapter Eight


I wouldn't say I was a total psychopath. I wouldn't say I was completely sane either. I take pleasure in hurting those who deserve it, and I do mean l love it.

What man wouldn't love to have ultimate power over another human being?