“You're crazy. Do you know that?” There's no anger in his voice, a little amusement maybe.

“I'm not the same girl you met at Brooke's wedding, Draven. There is nothing I won't do to protect our children.”

I didn't hear or see him get out of his seat and walk around to me, but I feel his hand on the back of my head, then his kiss. “You have no idea how perfect you are.” His breath against my ear sends a shiver down my spine. “We're all so lucky to have you.” I turn to face him. He's sitting beside me, stroking my hair. Draven always says such beautiful things to me. This monster of a man, this killer says things I only ever dreamed of before now.

I never dreamed I deserved to be loved like this, and as I cup Draven's face, I know he thinks the same thing. “We're lucky to have you, Draven Vidal. You have made me a strong woman, who will stand by her man no matter what.”

That beautiful smile hits me square in the chest, and it's so infectious that I smile back. He leans into me, his hand on the back of my head pulls me closer. I smile and bite my lip seductively right before his lips hit mine. My eyes roll as we kiss like our lives depend on it. It's been too long since he kissed me. It feels so good.

I hear myself moaning shamelessly. I shouldn't be turned on when I'm recovering from the hell I've been through, but that's what Draven's kisses do to me.

“Mommy! My Mommy!” Draven and I pull away from each other and laugh, we've been caught by our little girl's yet again. We stare into each other's eyes for just a few seconds. There's so much love flowing between us. This beautiful, big bad Don is the love of my life. There is no doubt in my mind about that.

Chapter Thirty-Four



Six Months Later.

I love my job, I really do, but I love nothing more than nights like this. Nights where I'm home early enough to help my wife bathe our growing boys before putting them both down for the night. Right on time for me to read Lydia and Amber a story.

The boys have only been home for five months. It did take a further month for them to be able to come home. Dray couldn't maintain his feeds and need extra help for a while longer. In that time, Marnie made sure they had the best nursery imaginable ready for them. They're now eight months old and cheeky little monkey's, always a smile on their faces.

Lydia made a full recovery over the days passing her poisoning. I had her thoroughly checked over by a professional. She wasn't left unscathed; she now has mild asthma. Marnie was cut up about it, but Lydia handles it all so well.

Amber is doing really well, and she's loving having baby brother's to help take care of. I also got her a German Shepherd of her own, and it has given her so much confidence in everything she does. Scout, as she calls the dog, is highly trained, and helps Amber with everyday tasks. I'm so proud of Amber for all she's achieved so far in life.

Maria gave birth to another little girl, Aya. A beautiful little girl who looks just like her mother in every single way. My crazy sister is already planning her next child. She's insane if you ask me.

Marnie and I have decided four is enough for us. We don't need anymore; we're complete. Plus, I don't think her body could handle another pregnancy. She wasn't left unscathed by what happened to her. Not at all. However, she's living happily as if nothing had ever happened because she's so damn strong.

Marnie is such a beautiful woman. I'm watching her now standing in front of the mirror in our room, wearing nothing but panties and a babydoll night slip, she has her figure back, back to the way it was the night we were first together. Hot. As. Fuck. She's fresh from the shower and plastering her arms in moisturizer. She has no idea how badly I desire her every minute of every day.

She's my perfect piece of heaven — the woman who owns my heart, mind, body, and soul. Every inch of her is mine, and she's like a drug to me. My god, if I don't have her at least once a day, I feel like a heroin addict going cold turkey — no fucking joke.

Jesus, the shape of her ass, the plumpness of it drives all the blood from my head right to my dick. Not only her ass, fuck, but every part of her hot body also.

“Are you checking me out, Mr. Mafia Boss?” Our eyes lock through the mirror as she finishes fixing her hair. It's draped over her left shoulder, full blonde locks cascading down her chest.

“You know I am,” I tell her with a smirk.

“Well,” Marnie swings around to face me. “Why don't you get over here and ravage me?” She's already stripping her clothes. Fuck me; she is everything.

I'm out of my clothes before she can even blink. I grab her wrist and swing her around. “Hands on the mirror and keep your eyes on me. I want you to watch as I take you.”

Her eyes close with a roll. I slap her ass, and she gasps, opening her eyes just as fast. I slide my hand over her ass cheek, creeping towards her already soaked pussy. “Draven,” She whines my name like a child. “Please touch me. I can't stand it anymore.”

I smirk and slap her ass again, and she cries out. “Not so loud,” I hiss down her ear. “You don't want to wake the kids. At least, not till I've fucked you senseless.”

“Oh god, yes. Fuck me, Draven. Put your cock deep inside of me. Fuck me hard.”

I slide the tip of my cock against her folds, parting them with my girth. She's so fucking wet! One of these days, I'm going to take her somewhere we can be completely alone, so I can worship her body the way I did before the kids came along. It's not so easy with little ones in the house. They're liable to wake any moment.

Marnie calls out my name when I enter her, stretching her wide open. She's still so fucking tight that her pussy grips me like a fucking vice. Her pussy sucks on my cock the way her mouth does, and it feels so good that I have to slow my thrusts so that I don't come like a damn fourteen-year-old virgin!

I grab her hair and pull her back against me. She turns her head, searching for my mouth and we kiss as we fuck. I'm pinching her nipple with one hand and circling her clit with the other. It's too much for her. She's finding it hard to even kiss me. Marnie presses her forehead to mine, her ass slamming back against me, fucking me as hard as I'm fucking her.

A shrill cry rings out. Little Dray is awake; I can always tell the boys apart. It's just fucking typical; it's like that boy has ESP, he knows when I'm touching his mother, and he doesn't like it. Jealous little shit!

I groan and move to pull out, but Marnie grabs the back of my neck. “He can wait a couple more minutes. Please don't leave me this close... Oh god!” I push her forward aga

inst the mirror, grab her hips and ram her as hard and fast as I can. She's screaming my name and clutching that damn mirror like her life depends on it.

My son’s screams get louder, and Luka has now joined in. My head is so fuckin' tight; my eyes are burning! “Draven, I'm cumming!” Yeah, she is, all over my fuckin' cock.

I rut her even harder. I'm about to come! “I wanna cum inside you, baby.” She's on the pill, so I know it's all right, but I like to hear her tell me that it is. Trust me; she's had me pull out before now.

“Cum inside me, Draven. I want to feel you cum inside of me!”

My fingers dig into her hips as I shoot my load inside her, so fucking deep I can feel my cock hitting her womb!

Once I'm done, my head falls against Marnie's back, she's all sweaty and smells like sex, of her and me, I fucking love it. I kiss her head and pull out of her tight body. She lifts and turns to face me, her arms around my neck. “I love you.”

“I love you, too. However, the boys need feeding, and they're not going to wait much longer.” Marnie chuckles and I kiss her softly. “Go shower. I'll go warm the bottles.”

A knock on the door makes Marnie jump. “Mommy? Daddy? Can you please wake up? I'm only five; I can't make the babies stop crying by myself. I'm very tired, and I have school tomorrow!”

We both burst out laughing, typical Lydia. “There's never a dull moment.”

“Never will be, Mrs. Vidal.”

About the Author

So, heres the thing. I’m quirky and crazy, and I’m not afraid to be just who I am. Why should anybody have to be afraid of who they are?

I live in London, England with my man and three children, whom I love more than life itself.

I am also a teacher of history and I enjoy every aspect of it. I love children, they can teach you just as much as you can teach them.