“I want your cock inside me, Draven. I need it. Need you so badly right now. You are my one and only. No one has ever or will ever again make me feel the way you do. You are my everything, and I need you.”

Draven growls in my ear. I can feel him hardening against me. “Get the hell inside. Go to our room and wait for me. I'll follow you in a few minutes. They won't miss us.” They might, but I don't give a shit right now. “Let me tell Maria to keep an eye on Lydia and Amber.”

“Don't be long. I don't know how long I can last.”

He growls again while slapping my ass, making me laugh. “Go!” And I do, as fast as I can.

Chapter Twenty-Seven


Marnie passed my little test. She passed as only a Vidal could. Maybe it was cruel to send Piero over to my new wife and have him act like he wanted to sleep with her. I only sent him because I know he's gay and would never do anything he shouldn't where my wife is concerned.

Marnie handled herself perfectly. She yelled at Piero like he was shit on her shoe, demanding respect for both herself and me. Fucking perfect.

I wanted the elders to see that Marnie is not the weak woman they had her down for. I wanted them to know that she can hold her own against my men. They're never going to be fully on board with my choice in a wife, but at least now they know she won't stand back and take anyone's shit, no matter who they are.

I sent Marnie up to our room after she practically begged me to fuck her. Who the fuck am I to refuse? After leaving Lydia with Maria, and Amber with Hammer, because she seems to love him so damn much she always wants to be near him when he's around, and getting a full speech about rushing off to fuck my bride from my brother, I make my way to my wife. I find her in our room in nothing but her wedding underwear. Virgin white lace panties, matching bra, stockings... Goddamn, she's beautiful.

“Do you like?”

“Like?” I raise an eyebrow while stalking toward her. She bites her lower lip, takes a step back and bumps into the glass doors that open up to reveal a huge balcony. I grab her hips, pulling her close to me. Marnie giggles and wraps her arms around my neck. “I love,” I growl and kiss her with all the passion I possess inside.

Her taste is intoxicating, sweet, saccharine. Without breaking the kiss, I tear my jacket and shirt from my body, followed by her bra. I need to feel her soft skin against mine. Damn woman could bring me to my knees with just the touch of her skin.

Marnie whimpers as I push my fingers inside her panties, sliding them through her silken folds. She's soaked! Fisting those tiny panties in my hand, I literally tear them from her body. Her head falls against my shoulder, and my fingers twist inside her tight little cunt.

The more I push in and out, the deeper she takes me, the harder she crushes my fingers. “Ooh... Draven!” She cries out, but I'm not listening. I'm hot, and I'm hard, I want her, but not until I've made her come, not until I've tasted her.

She claws at my shoulders as she comes, calling my name and trying to keep her shaking legs from collapsing.

Within seconds, I've spun her around, her hands on the plate glass windows, and her body bent over slightly. “Don't move, baby.”

“Draven, what if someone... Oh, god!”

That's right, baby, feel me.

I'm on my knees with her ass in my hands, spreading her wide open, tasting her from ass to clit. Her perfect, juicy, soaking wet pussy is like nectar from the Gods. Feasting on her tight cunt is something I can't get enough of. I feel like a wild wolf feasting on its prey, or a vampire drinking dry, the body it lured to its lair. The more I have, the more I want, and it's never fucking ending. It's like being stuck in the desert with no water for a year!

I lap at her like a dog lapping at water in its bowl. “Fuck. Draven, please. Please, fuck me, I can't take anymore. I need you inside of me.”

Not until you come for me, baby girl.

I don't stop, I slide my tongue inside her asshole, my fingers inside her pussy, the fingers on my other hand rub at her clit, so fast and hard it isn't long before she's calling out to the heavens as her pussy squirts her pleasure all over the damn place. That's what I like to see, her gushing all over the fucking place for me.

She's shaking all over; her forehead pressed hard against the glass. I get to my feet and strip the rest of my clothes as fast as I fucking can. I need to be inside her hot cunt. I need to feel her squeezing me. I need to feel that sweet sensation that has me coming so fucking hard for her.

“Draven, what if someone sees us?”

I slip inside her hot little body, and we both cry out at the feeling. She's too sensitive, and my cock isn't much better off. With my hands on her hips, I tell her, “I don't give a fuck who sees or hears us, Marine. You belong to me, every fucker out there knows it. If I want them to see you like this, then they'll see you.”

“Draven! Fuck me!”

“You want me to fuck you, baby? I'll fuck you. I'll fuck you and never stop.”

Deeper and deeper, harder and faster I fuck her. I'm too close; I can't hold back. Her cunt is so hot and tight. My dick feels like it's being crushed inside her body!


I grab the back of her neck and pull her up and against me. She turns her head towards me, and we kiss as we fuck. “Fuck, baby. I'm gonna come!”

“Come inside me, Draven. I want to feel you flood me.”


I let out a primal roar as I shoot my hot seed inside of her. Her pussy contracts and she comes right along with me. I'm pumping slowly in and out of her for long minutes after I've come. Marnie is just too perfect for me to want to stop this. Truth is, I'm still a little hard. Always am for this girl. My girl.

She strokes my face with her little hand. “That was out of this world.”

“You're out of this world, baby.”

“We should get back to our guests before they think we've gotten lost.”

I groan, and she laughs. Although, she's right, we should get back, I could happily stay here all day fucking my beautiful wife.

Plenty of time for that later, fucker. Let her enjoy the rest of her day; she's all yours from here on in.

Chapter Twenty-Eight


I am in so much pain right now. I have no idea what's going on inside of me, but it hurts like hell. I'm uncomfortable and irritable. I've taken a hot bath to see if that would ease the pain in my back, but it didn't. Lydia has been asking when Daddy is coming home every five minutes, and I'm trying not to snap at her because I would never do that to her. However, I just don't know when Draven is coming home, so I don't know what to tell her.

I've made dinner and fed Lydia and Amber, put Draven's in the oven, we'll eat together when he gets home. I've bathed my daughter's, read them a story and put them to bed. Amber was asleep before I'd finished the first page, just like always.

Now I'm sitting on the floor of my bedroom trying not to cry. Something is so very wrong inside. The baby isn't due for another six weeks, and to be honest, I haven't felt it move all day. I am fucking terrified!

Everything has been going well since Draven, and I got married, no problems with us, and the threats from Paul's mother stopped suddenly. I don't know how when I hadn't even told Draven about it. I know I should have, and I swore I would, but he's been so damn happy of late that I didn't want to spoil it. Then they stopped so there was no point in telling him anything. I figured Paul must have gone home, meaning he's still alive. I haven't heard anything from him, and I doubt Draven wouldn't have found out and killed him, but that's the only thing that makes sense.

I'm so confused about it all. I just know something bad is going to happen, Julia Simpson would not just give up this easily. She's planning something, and I'm just waiting for the other shoe to drop. I have to tell Draven the truth. He'll be angry that I kept this from him, but I also know he'll sort the whole thing out. Then I'll be able to relax and not worried whether or not I'm going to be attacked without warni
