“I told you,” He says while tipping my head up with his knuckles under my chin. “You, this baby,” I smile automatically as he touches my stomach as if he's touching our baby. “And these little ladies,” My babies squeal happily as Draven lifts them into his arms and kisses their heads one at a time. “Are the most important people in this world to me. There is nothing I wouldn't do for you.”

“You are amazing, Draven Vidal.”

“Well...” I laugh loudly. God, he's so cocky, but I love him regardless.

“Daddy? Are we getting married?” I laugh again at Lydia. He's cocky, and she's cute.

“Baby?” She turns her pretty brown eyes to me. “Mommy and Daddy are getting married. You and Amber are going to be mommy's bridesmaids.” Her little eyes widen, and she gives me the most beautiful smile I have ever seen on her face. “What do you think about that?”

“Mommy!” Her little hands clap together excitedly. I stroke her face and kiss her cheek. I love seeing her this happy.

“Me too, Mommy.” I laugh and kiss Amber's cheek.

Draven wraps his arm around my waist, pulling me into him as best he can with Lydia and Amber in his arms. I don't even know how he's doing it, but he is doing it. I take Amber from him when she whimpers. She hates loud noises, but Draven isn't to know that yet, and there is a lot of noise in this room right now.

“Baby, are you sure you should be holding her in your condition?”

“No, but she's not heavy, as you might have noticed, and she's a little scared right now. I just want to comfort her.”

He smiles and kisses my head. Then he turns to the room full of people. “Can I have everyone's attention, please?!” He yells loudly, and all eyes turn to him, to us, if most of them had even left us in the first place. Amber whimper's again and turns her head into my shoulder, I rub her back and kiss her head. Draven looks at me apologetically, I just smile and let him kiss my lips.

It's so weird to see this clubhouse filled with children. This place is not the kind of place for kids. Men fight and die here. Although, according to my sister, this isn't such a bad club. Not the kind where all the men are drunk whores, who fuck anything that moves. Even though I do not believe that crap for one moment, I don't know whom she was trying to kid, me or herself.

However, these men are faithful to their women if they have them, and Shepard, the clubs president is dangerous, but a family man. Just like my Draven. Plus, both Draven and I have ties to the club, both of us have family here. That makes it some kind of special place to be.

“I would like to introduce you all to my daughter's, Lydia Catherine Vidal and Amber Brooke Vidal!” People start cheering, clapping, welcoming my daughter's, and the girls are in their element. Especially Lydia. She's not shy at all; she loves attention. Amber doesn't.

I note the tears in my sister’s eyes. She had no idea I'd named Amber after her. Now she does. She's as honored as I was when I found out that she'd given Gabriel my middle name. The masculine form, of course.

We spend another hour getting to know everyone, Lydia is making so many friends it's unreal. That's what she needs right now, friends. So does Amber, and she sticks to Lydia like glue. Lydia always includes her sister in whatever game she's playing with her new friends.

They both love their cousins so much, and Lydia was excited to hold baby DJ in her little arms. Amber squealed with delight when Brooke allowed her to hold DJ. She's never held a baby before, everyone she'd ever been around treated her like a leper because of her condition. Brooke treats her the same way as any other child, and it makes my heart burst. All I ever wanted for Amber was for her to be treated just like everyone else.

Amber is smitten with Gabriel, and he seems to love her so much. When Amber got a little grizzly because of the noise, I sat her in a quiet corner with a book to read, she can't read yet, but she likes to read the pictures and make up her own stories. Don't most kids?

Gabriel toddled over to her and sat down beside her, listening to her stories and holding her hand. She'd bring his tiny hand to her mouth every now and again and kiss it. He'd smile up at her, and I could see just how much they love each other.

However, it's with Ember, Tank and Nova's little girl, whom Lydia is instantly best friends with. They're almost the same age, and I love how well they get along. They play for hours, laughing, brushing each other’s hairs, and even talking like they've always known each other. Lydia even laughed happily about the fact her new best friends name is almost the same as her twin sisters. I hadn't thought about it before that moment, but she was right. It made Nova and me laugh.

My girls are going to be just fine here. I know they are.

Tony drives us home, where my amazing man shows our little girls the bedroom he had fixed up for them a few weeks ago, when all this, me wanting to find them, and him promising he would, started. I've never seen either of them so excited before.

Their new room is painted a pale lilac color, with a bed of white wood with a pink canopy for each of them. The window seat is padded in lilac and pink. Pictures of fairies and princesses hang on the walls, and their names are plastered across the wall over their beds. The letters are made from wood; I made them. Each letter is painted with little butterflies. Lydia loves butterflies, and Amber loves princesses.

Draven also bought the girls a closet full of clothes, shoes, everything they could possibly want and need. He also got them some toys, things they've never had, never been allowed before.

Draven hands Amber a new teddy bear with a pretty pink tutu and tiara on its head. She laughs loudly and hugs him tightly before hugging the bear she's name Baby to her chest.

Lydia eyes the brand new teddy bear on her bed with the butterfly wings, and gets a little upset when Draven suggests she throw away her old one. The one she carries everywhere she goes. Unlike Amber with her old bear, Lydia got very attached to hers.

“No!” Lydia yells and beings to cry so heartbreakingly that it cuts me up inside. She only ever cried like this when I had to leave her after our visits. When she used to cling to me and beg me not to go, she's always been a strong little girl, strong for Amber, and I hate seeing her upset like this. I notice Amber watching from her perch on her new bed, and I hope this doesn't set her off.

I crouch down to Lydia's level and stroke her little face as she holds her bear tightly to her chest. A tear slips from my eye as I pull her into me. “It's okay, baby.” I hold her close to my chest.

“I'm sorry. I didn't mean to upset her.” Draven looks so hurt. He didn't do anything wrong here. He did everything right.

“It's okay, Draven, she didn't mean it.”

“Daddy,” She pulls away from me slightly. “I'm sorry. Please don't hurt Amber 'cause I'm bad.” My heart falls to my feet, and my stomach turns over. I look from Lydia to Amber. What the hell happened to my baby girl?

“Lydia, Daddy will never hurt Amber, or you.”

I ignore Draven and cup my baby's face. “Who hurt Amber, Lydia? Tell Mommy.”

“Leave it, Marnie.”

He knows I know he does. I won't leave this. He’s crazy if he thinks he can keep this from me. “Tell me, Lydia.”

“Miss Ada, she beat Amber lots and lots if I was bad. She locked her in the basement in the dark by herself. She cried and cried, Mommy. I tried to help her, but I couldn't get her out. Amber was so frightened all the time.”

I'm trying not to cry, I don't think I even remember how to talk, but I force myself to ask for more. I need to know what that bitch did to my little girl.

“Baby,” I take her little arms in my hands. “Why did Ada beat Amber?”

“'Cause I was bad. She didn't feed us sometimes, and Amber cried 'cause her tummy hurt so much. I stole food, and Miss Ada beat Amber because of it. I'm sorry, Mommy, please don't stop loving me.”

Jesus Christ.

I pull her to me and stroke the back of her head. “Lydia, Mommy will always love you. No matter what you do, I will always love

you. It wasn't your fault that Ada hurt Amber, you were just looking out for your sister, and Mommy is so proud of you, Lydia.” She nods her little head against my shoulder and sniffs.

“Miss Ada called Amber names all the time, and it hurt my heart. Amber is not a mongol, Mommy.” I close my eyes tight and hold my daughter tighter. Why the fuck are people so damn cruel?

“Lydia?” She lifts away from me and walks into Draven's arms. I hold mine out to Amber, and she runs to me, and I hold her close to me and kiss her head. “Your sister is perfect just like you. No one has the right to say those things about Amber, and I am so very proud of you for standing up for her the way you did.”