“Do you think Mommy will like my new dress?”

“Your mommy will love it, Lydia.”

She giggles happily and hugs me hard, her little hands around my neck, and I know instantly that this little girl and the little girl now hugging my legs are going to be my world. Blood or not they are mine as much as their mother is.

I lift Amber into my arms just as Lydia asks. “Are you our daddy?” The question comes out of nowhere, catches me off guard a little, but the answer is so easy for me to give. I love their mother more than life itself. These little girls are an extension of the woman who holds my heart. Of course, I'm their daddy.

I nod my head in response to her question.

She wraps her arms around my neck again and holds on for dear life. “It's okay, sweetheart. It's gonna be okay.” She's crying into my neck. How can one so small cry so hard? Because she's lived five years of hell, holding it all in, hoping every day that she'll be able to see her mommy, to be with her where she's safe. It's okay for her to let it out now.

“Amber, this is our daddy.” Lydia hiccups while wiping her eyes.

“Daddy?” I nod at Amber, she blinks, smiles and lays her little head on my shoulder. “My daddy,” God, she pulls at my damn heartstrings.

“I didn't know what to tell Lydia when she asked me in the bathroom.” My sister shrugs. “I am so proud of you, Draven.” I stare at my sister while rocking my daughter's, trying to comfort them. “I have always been proud of you, but since meeting Marnie, you have changed so much in the way you don't hide from love the way you used to.”

“I'm proud of you, too.” I pull her against me and kiss her head.

“Can we see Mommy now, Daddy?” Lydia doesn't lift her head to look at me when she asks this. However, I smile and tell her how we're going to see her mommy right now.

Chapter Twenty-Two


I am so tired it's beyond unreal. My back is starting to ache sitting on this damn stool. Draven's been gone all day, doing God only knows what. I can't say that I haven't had fun with my sister and some of the girls from the Snakes Henchmen because I have. However, I really wanted to go home after our shopping spree so I could rest. Brooke dragged me to the clubhouse, and for some reason, she's refusing to let me leave. Draven won't like that I'm here, he hates this place and doesn't believe I should ever set foot in it. God knows what he's going to say when he finds out I came here.

I sip my diet coke. It's cooling on my dry throat. It's not a hot day being as it's November, but I'm boiling in this room with all these people and kids running around. The kids aren't always here, it's not a place for children, not really, but they're having some kind of family day.

Not that I mind spending time with my nephews because I don't. DJ is sleeping in his baby seat. Cutie pie. Gabriel's such a lovely little boy, and he's growing so fast. He's changing too. I'm so glad Brooke gets to watch Gabriel grow every day. I'm glad that she gets to see all the changes a baby goes through as they enter toddlerhood. I never got to see any of this with Lydia and Amber.

I've been thinking about them more than usual since Draven, and I talked. I think about what it would be like to bring them home, to share every day with them without having to worry about leaving them ever again. I think about holding them close to me and telling them how much I love them. I think about the things we'll do together, and how proud I'll be to tell the world they're mine. I'm also worried something could come along and spoil things. Meaning they'll be taken from me for good, even though I know Draven would never allow it.


“Mommy!” The room goes deathly quiet, and all eyes turn to the two little girls with the pigtails running in my direction. For a second, I thought one of the kids had hurt themselves. But no, it's my little girls! Both of them!

I'm only just off my stool and on my knees in time to catch them in my arms.

Their little arms are tight around my neck, their legs around my waist above my baby belly, either side of me. I grab their faces and pull them away gently. I just want to look at them, make sure they’re real. My fucking heart is bursting, and I can't help the tears of joy falling from my eyes.

They giggle as I kiss their little cheeks one at a time over and over again. “My babies.” I hold them tightly, swaying them softly. I can't believe they're here in my arms. My eyes catch Draven's and the knowing smile on his face. He did this for me, just as he said he would, and I love him so much for it. Now I know why I was brought here, on Draven's orders to keep me out of the way. I can't even be angry with him for it.

“Daddy brought us to live with you, Mommy!”

Daddy? That was fast!

Don't question it, Marnie, just be happy.

“Amber and me are really, really going to live with you forever, Daddy said so!”

“Really, Mommy.” Amber mumbles.

“I am so happy that he did.” We smile widely at each other. “I am so sorry, my baby girls. Mommy is so sorry.”

“You don't got to be sorry, Mommy. I love you.” Lydia smiles.

“I love you, Mommy.” Amber smiles also.

“Oh,” I hiccup a sob and smile. “Mommy loves you so much.”

“Marnie?” I turn my eyes to Brooke now on her knees beside me, stroking the back of my hair gently. She turns her eyes to my baby girls one at a time, both looking at their new aunt in wonder. “How is this possible?”

“I know you're confused,” I say while pulling Lydia and Amber closer to my body, one hand under Lydia's backside, the other on the back of Amber's head, as she lies with her head against my shoulder. She's so tiny for her age, they both are. They're so delicate, and I'm too scared to let them go. I'm scared that this is all a dream, and if I let them go, they'll disappear. Everyone in the room is watching us, but I don't look at anyone but my sister and my daughter's. “I would be surprised if you weren't. Remember all those years ago when I told you that I was pregnant?”

“Yes. You lost the baby.”

I shake my head, tears slipping from my eyes, and I kiss my baby girls heads. I lean my cheek against Amber's head and look at my sister. The shock is written all over her beautiful face.

“You had twins.” I nod, even though it wasn't a question. “Oh, Marnie, I am so sorry. Hank did this. He took them from you, didn't he?” I nod my head. She sobs as she wraps her arms around Lydia, Amber, and me, holding us close to her. “Where have they been all this time?”

“Hank gave them to a friend of his. He made me because of... You know.” She smiles slightly and nods. “He was angry because of that reason and because of the way Amber is. He called her such horrible names, Brooke.”

“Oh, Marnie. He was wrong – a vile, mean man. Amber is just beautiful.” I smile at that.

“I told Draven all about them, and he brought them back to me, Brooke.”

“That's because Daddy loves us, Mommy.”

I smile at Lydia as she looks at me, big brown eyes sparkling. My man has made my little girl's feel so loved, so soon, there is nothing more I could ask for.

“Daddy loves us very much, Lydia.” She nods, and we both turn to look at Draven. He's smiling at us, and I see so much love in his eyes. What did I do to deserve him?

“Mommy, is this our baby?” Lydia points to my stomach, and I nod with a laugh. I hadn't had the chance to tell her about the baby before because I was denied my visitation. “Amber, we're having a baby!”

“Baby in Mommy's tum

my!” Amber yells happily, making me laugh.

“Mommy, we want a brother!” Lydia yells excitedly. I can't help but laugh with her. Then she looks at me with a little smile on her face and asks, “You happy to see us, Mommy?”

“More than happy, baby girl. I am so happy that my heart is bursting.” She giggles playfully. She's always like this when she sees me, always so happy. I don't deserve the amount of love my beautiful girls give me, but the Lord knows how much they deserve my love.

“Aunt Brooke is happy to see us, too, Mommy.” She giggles at my sister.

“They know me,” Brooke states in wonder.

“I told them all about you, and I showed them pictures.” I stroke my sister’s cheek and the tears away from them. “My best friend. I love you.”

“I love you, too. Go see your future husband. I think he deserves a huge kiss for what he's done.” He deserves so much more, and I am going to give it to him.

I set Lydia and Amber on their feet and get to mine. With my baby girls hands in mine, many eyes on me as I walk – waddle – toward the man I owe everything to, the man I love with all that I am, I have no idea what to say. No words can express how I feel, how grateful I am to Draven for bringing my babies back to me.

He stares at me with a huge smile on his handsome face. I let go of my baby girls hands and wrap my arms around Draven's neck. “I will never be able to thank you for what you've done.”

“You don't need to thank me for anything.” He takes my face in his hands as I pull away from him only slightly. “All I want is to see you happy, Marnie.” I close my eyes for a moment just to absorb all of this. It somehow feels surreal. Like if I open my eyes, none of this will be real, and my babies will disappear.

However, when I open my eyes, they're still beside me, hand in hand as they swing their hips from side to side, happy smiles on their beautiful little faces. “I can't believe they're really here, Draven. Three days before our wedding!”