“I know it might be hard with Amber being the way she is, but she's not stupid, Draven. She's bright and beautiful, they both are, and they have so much love to give. I just need to know that you'll try to let them into your heart.”

He takes my hand from his face and kisses my knuckles. “I already love them, Marnie. They are a part of the woman I love. How can I not love them?”

I wrap my arms around his neck and climb onto his lap. Straddling his waist, I kiss him softly. He's made it quite clear that he won't sleep with me until the doctor gives me the all clear, and that's not really what I want right now. All I do want is to lie in his arms while I sleep. He loves me, and he loves my girl's, and I don't know how I'll ever be able to thank him for everything he's done for me.

“You have no clue what this means to me.” I kiss his shoulder tenderly. “I love you so much, Draven Vidal.”

“I love you, too.” He whispers in my ear before lifting me as he gets to his feet, all to lay me down and climb into bed next to me, where he holds me in his arms, stroking my hair and whispering his sweet words into the night.

Only time will tell if we can really bring Lydia and Amber home. They know that I'm their mother; they've always been told that I am. I even gave them a picture of myself a couple of years ago so they could keep it in their room. Lydia told me that she and Amber needed to see me every day so they could kiss the picture and tell me they loved me. I held them so close to me that day.

I have a picture of them also, in a private place where no one could find it. I'll show Draven tomorrow, and I'm excited to finally be able to let someone see the little girls who own my heart.

I'm even more excited for Draven to meet them. Lydia talks and talks, but my Amber doesn't say much. She can talk well enough, she knows her own mind, and I won't have anybody thinking she's different from her sister just because she has Down's.

Soon you'll be home with me baby girls. Once you are, Mommy is never going to let you go again. I promise.

Chapter Eighteen


I'd like to make a toast to the happy couple. So if you'll all raise your glasses?” I wait until everyone in the room has their glass aloft, waiting in anticipation to hear what I have to say about my best friend and his beautiful wife.

I've got to admit that Amy looks beautiful, and the smile on her face has stayed the whole day. I've never seen the girl look so stunning as she does today. It was hard to imagine her in any sort of dress, probably because I've never seen her in one, but she is a vision in white today.

It's nice to see Tony so happy and in love, but I can see him still eyeing the room just in case anything is amiss. His mind is still on work, it never shuts down, just as mine doesn't. However, there are plenty of men to keep watch right now, and I want Tony to relax a little, this is his wedding day!

Tony has a huge family, and every one of them is here today. Amy has a smaller family; her adopted family, all of them are here too. The venue is packed out, so I have to be extra vigilant, especially with Marnie. She's right beside me looking like a million dollars in her blue cocktail dress, looking like the Don's wife.

“As you all know, Tony and I have been friends a long time. It's no secret that Tony is the only man other than my brother whom I trust with my life and the life of my fiancée.” I smile at Marnie, and her smile is so bright it warms my heart. “It's also no secret that I don't allow anyone who works for me to date, let alone marry.”

There's complete silence in the crowd. They don't know if they should laugh or stay silent. It's a damn wedding what do they think I'm going to do, kill them?

“However, when I saw the love between these two,” I point to Amy and Tony. “I knew I couldn't stand in the way. I wish them health and happiness, and many babies.” Laughter fills the room, and Tony's mother blows me a kiss.

I have much respect for that woman. Alessia De Luca was a good friend to my mother, her husband, Armondo was loyal to my uncle, the Don before me until he was assassinated protecting my uncle. Alessia is a strong woman, who is not afraid to kill if needed. She's as loyal as her son to the Vidal family, and I have a lot of time for my surrogate aunt.

“Congratulazioni!” I yell while raising my glass higher.

“Congratulazioni!” Fills the air, and I retake my seat.

One or two others stand to make speeches, but I'm not listening to them, my eyes are firmly on Marnie as she looks out over the room with a smile on her face. She's glowing today, every part of her. She notices me watching as she turns to look at me, and she leans in and kisses me.

I wrap my arms around her for a moment, noticing Alessia watching us. She tips her head, and I nod. It's time I introduced Marnie to Alessia.

“Come with me. There's someone I'd like you to meet.” I help Marnie to her feet.

“Wait! Before you take off with her.” Amy pulls Marnie away from me. I roll my eyes and fold my arms around my chest. “Thank you so much for being here. Today wouldn't have been the same without you.”

“I wouldn't have missed it for the world.” I watch the two of the hug.

Tony bumps my shoulder. I look at him. “It's been a good day.”

“It would be even better if you relaxed enough to really enjoy it. You're off the clock, Tony, you don't need to keep a lookout.”

“I'm never off the clock, Boss.” I knew he would say something like that. “When did we get so lucky, Draven? Men like us; we don't deserve to be as happy as they make us.”

“Speak for yourself.” We both laugh, but he's right, we don't deserve them. “You know, they both might think the same about us.”

“Oh, they do. They've each told me at one time or another.”

I should have known Marnie would confide in Tony. I shouldn't be jealous of something so simple, but I am. I shake it off because this isn't the time to be annoyed; this is Tony's big day. I'm not about to make it all about me.

“I was about to take Marnie to meet your mother, but it seems the girls are deep in conversation.”

“I wonder what the hell women find so fascinating to talk about? Have you ever listened to them talking?”

I shake my head. “I can't say that I have.”

“They literally talk about anything. The damn trees would be a huge talking point for a woman.” I roll my eyes and shake my head. He has no clue. “It's nice to see Amy with a friend she can trust. God knows she finds that shit hard.”

By rights, my employee's should not be getting close to Marnie. They are to be loyal and respectful to her at all times, but my wife is not their friend. Marnie knows this, I've made it clear that she can be as polite as she likes, but she isn't to befriend my workforce. How am I meant to stop Marnie being friends with Amy though when I'm friends with Tony?

Marnie is a friendly person, and people are attracted to her personality, but not everyone can be trusted. Even those who work for me can turn on you with the flick of your finger. Most, especially the older members of the family, believe their loyalty is to me and not my wife. They'll soon learn their lives won't be worth living if they ever turn on Marnie.

Looking at Marnie and the way she's talking happily with Amy, I know I can't force them not to be friends. Everyone needs someone they can talk to. Marnie may have Brooke and the girls of the Snakes Henchmen, but I can't have my wife around those people for any reason other than family events. I won't have Marnie going over to that clubhouse willy nilly either, she is not one of them and never will be. She'll be a Vidal, and as my wife, she'll behave in a manner fit for the Don. No exceptions!

“Draven? Come dance with me.”

“How can I say no to such a beautiful woman?” Tony laughs and takes his wife to the dance floor. I take Marnie's hand and follow them. In my arms, I sway her to the sound of love song with a slow beat. She looks up at me, and I feel her power over me sinking deeper. “I love you.”

Her smiles brightens. “I love you, too. Whenever you say those words to me, my heart fi

lls with more love for you. I never knew I could feel like this, Draven.”

“All of this,” I move my eyes around the room. “Doesn't scare you?”

“There's nothing scary about a wedding.” Marnie laughs. “Although, there is a lot of security and bodyguards here. Will there be as many at our wedding?”

“More. I'm the Don, and you, my beautiful bride,” She smiles at me. “I will keep you safe. No matter what I have to do, even if I order a hundred men and women to cover our wedding, no one will get in or out without me knowing.”