Bella opens her mouth to speak, a scared look on her face. Probably thinks I'll get her fired or killed. I won't, I'm not that kind of person, and I'll make sure Tony doesn't either. I just keep on walking.

Tony opens Draven's office door for me. Draven looks up from his paperwork with the biggest smile on his face. “Baby girl, what are you doing here?” He tips his head toward the door, silently telling Tony to get the hell out of the room and close the door behind him, which he does instantly with a nod of his head.

“I just wanted to see you for a moment,” I tell him. He pulls me into him, kissing me passionately. I groan loudly against his mouth. Shit, I'm so horny. My pussy has been aching all morning. Hell, my whole body has. I can't meet my sister when I'm like this. I'll be anxious, and my mind won't be on our day together, and that wouldn't be fair. “I need you, Draven.”

He smirks, grabs my arms, spins me around, and bends me over his desk so fast I don't even have time to blink.

“Oh, god,” I gasp in surprise, my skirt sliding up and over my ass, his fingers touching my bare skin as he goes.

“I can't get enough of you.” My thighs shake as he strokes my pussy through my panties. I push back against him. I need him so badly right now. I whimper and shudder the second his fingers slide into the side of my panties and right inside of me. “Baby, you're so wet.”

“Draven! Don't tease me, please. I need you inside of me.”

“You don't like these panties, do you?”

“Draven, for fuck's sake, just fuck me!” He chuckles to himself, fists my panties and tears them from my body. So. Fucking. Hot!

I hear the zipper of his pants sliding down, sense him releasing himself, feel him slamming into my tight pussy, taking him to the hilt on the first thrust. It takes my breath away. He's never slammed into me like that before. He always slides into me slowly, no matter how wet I am. But I don't care; I want this, want him, it doesn't stop me screaming, though.

My right-hand grips the chrome lamp that's glued to his desk, and I hold on for dear life as he rides me to orgasm, and it's a damn powerful orgasm!

He rocks hard and fast, thrusting into me so hard that I can't even scream. My orgasm won't end, fuck, it's never ending! He comes with me, hard, fast, powerful, and it's not the first time we've come together. We seem to be so in sync of late.

Talk about quickie!

God, I've fallen so fucking hard for him that I don't know what to do with my heart anymore.

He holds me around the waist, kissing my neck, and I'm trying not to cry. I don't even know why I'd be crying; I'm not sad. I push those stupid tears away as Draven pulls me back against his chest, both of us still fully dressed, but his cock still inside of me. He kisses my temple tenderly, and I smile.

“God, I've missed you.”

“I missed you, too,” I tell him.

Slowly, Draven pulls out of me, and I instantly feel the loss of him inside of me. We clean ourselves up in his private bathroom at the back of his office. A bathroom that looks like it was modeled on a restroom in the grandest of all hotels.


We chat the whole time. It's so easy to talk to Draven, and I feel like we've known each other forever.

“Tony will drop you home,” He tucks my hair behind my right ear and kisses me softly. “I don't want you walking. I wish you'd just take the car. You have a driver for a reason.” A minder more like. I'm just not as trusting with drivers after Stefano.

“Draven,” He's taking over my life like it's his right to do so. Draven made damn sure I could never drive my car again; he had it crushed. He told me that he'd never allow me to drive such a death trap, and no wife of his would be seen dead in such a car. Over his dead body would he allow it.

I was so angry at first, but I soon came around to his way of thinking. I swore I would never embarrass him, and driving that car would most definitely have done that. Draven has that power over me already – the ability to make me do exactly what he wants of me. It's manipulation really, but I don't question it. Maybe I should, but Draven has given me a good life since I came to live with him, and he's allowing me to be a mother to my child when generations of Don's before him never did. So who the hell am I to complain?

“I just felt like a walk. Tom did drive me most of the way, but I asked him to pull over a couple of blocks away.” Because I was panicking being in a car with another of his men, even my bodyguard, but I won't tell Draven that. “I have no doubt that he followed me here to make sure I was okay. My feet carried me here to you.” I touch Draven's face, and he smiles. He may be able to manipulate me, but I do the same to him.

“But, I would be very grateful if Tony could give me a ride home.” Because I need to take a shower before I meet with my sister, I cannot meet with her smelling of sex; I'd never live it down. Moreover, this is real life, who the hell actually has sex, doesn't even wash, gets dressed, goes out with people, and no one smells sex on them?

That's right, no one.

After saying goodbye to my man, and him promising he won't be late home tonight, Tony drops me home. I shower and change into fresh clothes, baggy pants, and a t-shirt because I'm feeling a little uncomfortable at the moment, just in time for Brooke to pick me up. She called me half an hour ago to tell me she'd be picking me up. Her husband doesn't demand she has a driver. I envy her sometimes.

We spend a couple of hours shopping and talking about my wedding dress. It's going to be simple, elegant, ivory, floor-length, silk, strapless, beautiful. We shop for baby things because we can't seem to find the right dress for my sister yet. So I buy stuff for her little one as well as mine, and not forgetting Gabriel. Brooke is a bit annoyed that I spent so much on her children. I just laugh and tell her to enjoy it; it's Draven's money. That makes her laugh.

She drops me home, kisses my cheek, and waits for me to close the door before driving away. It makes me smile when she does that. I'm the elder sister, yet Brooke is the one looking out for me.

I've only put my shopping bags on the floor by the couch when the door knocks. I look through the peephole to see who it could be because Draven doesn't like me answering the door to just anybody. He also doesn't like people in the house when he's not here. Not unless it's a family member come by to visit.

It's strange really because no one other than family should be able to get through the gates in order to be able to knock the door. So, naturally, my heart sinks when I see who it is. My big brother. Peter. I don't want to see him, but I open the door in case he has news for me. News I've been waiting months for. Maybe he's taking me to see them? I suddenly get a flutter in my heart. God, it's been so long since I saw them.

“Marine,” His tone is clipped, and the second he's over the threshold, I know he's not here to talk about what I hoped he'd come to talk about.

“How did you find me?” I hadn't called him to tell him where I was. I figured as he hadn't taken me to see them in a while, and I wouldn't be seeing them until their birthday in a couple of days, that I had time to call him. Hell, I was actually going to call him

the day before their birthday. He's my only link to them now.

“Easy. Paul told me you were knocked up by another fuckin' dago.” The sneer in his voice makes my stomach turn. If what he's saying is true, he must have seen Paul, and Draven will hit the roof to know he's still around and somehow managing to avoid us. “Didn't take me long to figure out where it lived.”


Did he really just refer to Draven as it?

“Get your fuckin' stuff; I'm taking you home to your husband.”

I won't let him do this to me. I won't let him drag me away from Draven. He'd fucking find me in minutes, seconds if I wasn't here when he got home. There's no way on this earth Draven would just give up. He'd find me and kill everyone around me to bring me back here.

“No,” I fold my arms around myself in defiance. “I'm divorcing Paul. I'm marrying Draven.”

“Like hell you are!”

“Yes! I am. I don't want to be with Paul anymore.”

He takes a step toward me, and I swallow hard. “You're really willing to risk those little ones for a filthy Italian prick?”

I swallow back another lump. “You know who Draven Vidal is, Peter. You know what he'll do if he knows you've been here like this.”

He laughs maniacally, and it takes less than a second for me to know nothing good will come of this. I turn and run up the stairs. This won't end well, but there's no way he's taking me anywhere. My heart sinks when he yells while chasing me, how he'll never take me to see them again. How they'll forget all about me, because if I don't go with him, I really will never see them again, and is that what I really want? To lose them for good?

He knows just how to play on my emotions, my love for them. What the hell do I do? I can't lose them for good. I can't not see them when I'm supposed to. I made them a promise that we'd be together soon, that I'd bring them home with me, and that nobody will ever take them away from me again.

I had hoped I'd make it to my room to press the panic button on the wall, the one Draven told me should I ever touch, will have someone with me in seconds. I hoped I could push it, someone would be here, and that they'd force my brother to tell them where they are so, they could finally be with here with me.