“I know.” I hear Tony laugh.

“My first wedding was taken care of without my input. I didn't care about that then, but this time, I wanted to do everything. At least have a say in things like my dress, the venue, guest list, even the cake. I wanted to do it all with Draven,”

“But everyone's taken over?” Marnie nods at Tony, and I close my eyes and shake my head.

How could I have not realized how Marnie was feeling? I'm an insensitive bastard, of course, she'd want to organize her own wedding. I should have seen it when Brooke was banging on about Avery making the dress.

“All you have to do is tell Draven how you're feeling. Believe me; he won't have realized anything is wrong. He didn't organize anything for his first wedding either; it was all done for him. People taking over things like this is normal for people like us. Mothers, sisters, aunts and even grandmothers take over because they just want you to have the best day. Some people like leaving everything to others, but if you don't then you must say something.”

“I don't want to cause problems, Tony. I am so grateful to everyone, but I guess you're right, I have to say something. This wedding is important to me. I know all of these things are inconsequential to most people, especially men,” She laughs. “But I want Draven and I to choose the flowers together, the color scheme, and all those little things that go with it. I guess I've just dreamed about it since I was a little girl.”

If that what Marnie wants, then that's what Marnie will get. I don't give a damn if she wants horses and carriages, and a fucking hot air balloon, I'll give her it all.

I make my way into the kitchen, Marnie looks up at me, blushing and trying to smile. She looks worried that I may have heard what she's been saying. I wouldn't say I'm happy that she confided in someone other than me about this, but I'm not angry with her either.

“We need to talk.” Marnie cast her eyes downward, and Tony gets out of his seat and tells me he'll leave us to talk. Once he's gone, I sit down next to Marnie and take her hand in mine. “Why didn't you tell me you were feeling like this?”

“I'm sorry, Draven, I didn't want to make a fuss. I see that was stupid of me now.”

I stroke my thumb over her knuckles. “Baby, you are not stupid. You are allowed to take something for yourself, Marnie. This is our wedding, no one else's. Tell me what you want, Marnie. To hell will everyone else.”

She swallows a lump in her throat. “I just want to pick my own dress. I don't mind Avery making it, she's amazing at what she does, but I want to design it. I know Brooke was just trying to help, but I've had no say in this wedding at all. I know it's not your thing, but I kinda hoped you and I could pick the flowers, and the cake, and all the little things. I don't mind handing off some of the work to others, but certain things, you and I should do.”

I smile at how passionate she is right now. The fire in her belly has ignited. She has every right to demand people back the fuck off; this is our day, not theirs. It's easy for a man like me to stand back and let others do all the work, but Marnie isn't like that. She's down to earth, and even though she married a man with money, and he took over her life and organized everything, she doesn't want that with me.

“Tomorrow, you and I are going to start organizing our wedding. I'll let everyone know that if you want help, you'll ask them for it.” I tuck her hair behind her ear. “Whatever you want is yours.”

“All I want is you.” I smile at that. “I don't need anything fancy, big venues, food fit for kings, and fancy cars. I just want you to be waiting for me at the end of the aisle with a smile on your face because you truly want to be there.”

“And you will have it all, Marnie. You and I can choose everything together. Don't be afraid to tell people no to things. I don't ever want you to feel pressured into things.”

“I know. I'm sorry I've been kind of a coward of late. I don't know what got into me.”

“I just want you to be happy, sweetheart.”

“I am happy.” She leans in and kisses me, then pulls away sharply. “I do want Avery to make me an outrageously expensive dress, made from the best Italian silk and lace, though.”

I laugh loudly and kiss her. “Anything you want, beautiful. Anything you want.”

Chapter Thirteen


These past few weeks have been the best of my life. Literally. Draven is just amazing. He treats me like a queen, his queen. What happened with Carlos and Louis will never come between us. It happened, it left me scarred, but I won't hold it against Draven.

I've moved into Draven's bedroom permanently. Well, come on, we have sex every damn night, and almost every morning. We're getting married soon; there's no point putting off the inevitable. Besides, I don't want those around him, the people who work for him, to think badly of our relationship. I don't want to cause him any embarrassment if anyone finds out were have separate bedrooms. I'm going to make him proud. I'll be the best wife any Don could wish for.

Now that Draven and I are organizing the wedding ourselves, everything is perfect. I should have been brave enough to just tell him how I was feeling instead of letting things get out of hand. It's done now, and I'm enjoying every moment of it.

I sat Brooke, Maria, and Avery down and explained how grateful I was for their help, but that I wanted to make my own decisions. That lead to all three of them getting upset because they never wanted to make me feel like I had no choice. Each one of them had been there in some way in the past, and they knew how it felt. They all felt terrible, but that's not what I wanted.

I hugged them all, told them that I loved them, and that I wanted their help, but that somethings I wanted for just Draven and me.

Avery and I talked through what I wanted for my dress, then Maria and I talked about what I wanted when it came to my jewelry, and Brooke draw it all out. By the time we'd finished, my perfect dress was staring at me from A3 paper.

Tony and I have become good friends over the past few weeks, and I really like his almost wife, Amy. She's not one to be messed with. Anyone can see that just by looking at her. Aside from Nova, I don't think I've ever seen a woman with real abs before. Not that she'll have them much longer with a pregnant belly coming along. It's nice that we'll both have babies who will become friends. Draven and Tony are close, so making friends with Amy came naturally.

Tony left Amy and me alone the other day to talk. I think he wanted me to open up to her, which meant Draven had put them up to it. I wasn't sure what I was supposed to be opening up about. However, the conversation was easy, and the words just kept falling from my mouth. I

hadn't realized until that moment how badly I needed to get things off my chest with someone neutral.

Amy listened to me babble on about my father, my upbringing, and Paul. I seemed to have verbal diarrhea and couldn't stop talking. By the time I stopped talking, Amy was cradling me as I cried.

I felt foolish, but strangely, I felt like so much baggage had been lifted off of me, and it felt so good. I saw the world through different eyes at that moment.

The subject was changed to Amy's love for Tony, and she feels his love saved her. She can't wait to be his wife and the mother of his child. We joked how our hardened men would become soft as teddy bears when they see they newborns for the first time.

Then Amy told me how the whole Famiglia, including the elders, had been talking about my loyalty to Draven, and how any other woman would have cracked going through what I did, let alone a pregnant one. I've met the approval of the Famiglia, and every member will now make sure I'm safe, not only because Draven ordered it, but because they have much respect for me.

I felt such pride fill me. I'll never be important in the eyes of most, but in the eyes of men and women like Tony and Amy, I mean something. I mean something because I belong to Draven, and those men and women would give their lives for Draven in a heartbeat. Now they'd give their lives for me also.

Amy asked me if there was a chance I'd ever love Draven. She told me that the man who will be my husband has to make hard choices every day, not all are those he wants to make. I felt how much love Amy had for Draven in the way she spoke so highly of him, and Tony talks about Draven with the same pride. I knew at that moment they were the most loyal of Draven's soldiers. I told Amy honestly that I love Draven, and I won't even pretend that I don't. Am I scared of this life I've found myself in? The life of mobsters, killers, and God only knows what else? Of course, I am. Only someone with a screw loose would say they're not scared. However, I know that with men and women like Tony and Amy on my side, I'll be as safe as I possibly can be.