“I'd be fuckin' honored, son.” I watch 'em hug like men do, then sit the fuck back down.

“Now that's all out the way,” I interrupt. “Wanted to ask my little brother something.” Tank looks directly at me. “You're getting married in eight days.”

“I know, it's been a long time coming.” We all laugh.

“Wanted to know how you feel about a double wedding.”

“You and Willow?” I nod my head. Can't wait any longer to marry the woman I love. I won't wait. “Might as well, brothers marrying sisters. We knocked up near enough the same time, might as well marry 'em on the same day.”

“That was probably the weirdest shit I've ever heard.” I chuckle at Roman. The man hasn't got a romantic bone in his body.

Fucked if I give a shit if you don't.

We knock back a couple more drinks, talk, laugh, just what we all needed after the shit we've put up with of late. Draven has made sure we've got a little peace around here, even if Jimmy the cunt is still out there. But to be honest, I don't think he's much of a threat. He's all talk with no one to back him up.

Speaking of Draven. “Hello, big brother.” It's sarcastic, but it gets me a laugh from my friends.

“Where are you?”

“Clubhouse, why?” Probably wants a job done in return for what he's doing for me. I can't deny the job because I told him I'd do anything.

“You need to get back to your house. Now.” I'm at full attention now. “I found who you were looking for, literally on your doorstep dragging your girl with him.”

He doesn't get to say anymore. I'm outta my seat and heading toward my bike, yelling for my brothers to follow me. They do without question.

Please let Willow be okay.

Fuck, how much more am I supposed to take?

How much more is she supposed to take?

The convoy of bikes now parking outside our house is crazy. Even the Prez is here, and our VP. I don't know who called them, but I guess they would be here as they're Willow's father and brother.

I don't wait for anyone, don't even acknowledge the huge ass black car parked in the driveway, I'm off my bike and inside the house faster than they can blink.

“Draven?!” I yell his name as I rush through the house.

I spot him in the kitchen with three of his men. He's holding baby Ember.

Fuck, Willow was taking care of the little girl while that cunt attacked her!

Tank rushes toward Draven and snatches his little girl from his arms. She laughs loudly as he kisses her little face over and over. She hasn't realized anything happened here today. I'm grateful for that.

I don't hesitate, I need to know where Willow is!

“Draven?!” He turns to look at me and the ten or so bikers behind me. “Where is she?!”

“Calm down.”

“Don't tell me to calm down! Where the hell is she? Oh, God,” I shake my head.

Oh fuck, what if she's dead?

What if that cunt killed her?

I can't live without her, I can't!

I'm raking my hands through my hair, Tank trying to talk to me, Shepard wanting to know where his daughter is, but I can't make myself snap out of this trance I'm suddenly in.

Draven grabs my hands and pulls them away from my head. “Look at me, little brother,” I do, reluctantly. “Willow is just fine, I promise you.”

It's not just my gasp of relief I hear, it's everyone else's too.

“I came by to give you some information. You know I don't like going to that clubhouse.” I watch his eyes slide to my brothers in arms. He can't bring himself to even try to like them.

I don't give a shit about that right now, I need to see Willow with my own eyes to know she's okay!

“Jimmy had Willow, a cloth over her face, she was struggling against him. Son-of-a-bitch didn't even hear me pull up. I got out of the car, and well, he's gone now.”

“You killed him? Right in front of the neighbors?”

“I am Don Draven Vidal, I do what I damn well please. No one saw or heard anything, I had my men check the surrounding houses to make sure. Hardly anyone was home. The only ones who were are an elderly couple who were in their garden. The pop from a silencer couldn't be heard by them.”

I don't know whether to punch him for stealing my thunder or hug the shit outta him for saving Willow. He protected her the best way he knows how, just like he promised.

“She's being checked out right now by a doctor I trust. Just give her a few more minutes and she'll be out here telling you everything is okay.” He squeezes my shoulder affectionately, and I don't know why, overwhelmed maybe, but I grab him, hug the shit out of him for what he's done. He holds me just as tightly.

I never wanted this man to be my brother. I wanted those damn tests to be wrong, but they weren't. I thought he was bullshiting me when he said he'd do anything for me, anything to help me protect the woman I love. But he's gone

above and beyond to do just that. And I will be forever grateful to him... My big brother.

“It's okay, little brother.”

“Thank you. Thanks for being there when I needed you.”

“Always.” He whispers in my ear.

I pull away from him and notice everyone staring at me.

They don't understand this shit, but they don't need to.

I can deny Draven all I like but it won't change the fact that he is my brother. I can let him into my life and be happy, or I can cast him out like nothing and act like I never met him.

But I won't. Just as I won't Tank. I may not have known Draven as long, but he's my brother just as much as Tank is.

“Where's the body?” Shepard pipes in. “How the fuck do we know you even killed the guy, that you ain't keeping him somewhere so you can use him against us in the future? I don't give a damn who's brother you are, I don't trust you at all.”

“You don't need to trust me, Shepard. I didn't do any of this for you or your little club. I did this for my brother and the woman he loves. No matter what I have to do, no matter how many orders I have to give, how many favors I have to pull in, I will never let my little brother suffer the loss of the woman he loves again. I may not have been around when he lost Cindy, but I am here now, and as long as I have breath left in my body to keep Willow as safe as Maria and Avery, trust me, I will.

“Jimmy is very much dead, I'll take you to his bloated carcass soon enough and let you see for yourself. His club is ended, by your hands with my help, and I will end any other club who directly threatens my brother and Willow. That is a fuckin' promise.”


Shepard seems stumped. He simply nods and turns away, directing his attention to Jett and BlackJack.

“He reminds me of you.” Both Draven and I look at Tank. “We haven't been formally introduced.” Tank holds his hand out to Draven, who looks at it like it's a bomb about to go off. “I'm Tank, Hammer's little brother.”

Draven shakes Tanks hand, I think more for me than for himself. “Draven, his big brother.”