I don't know why I thought this would be a good idea. Since when do I act like a pussy and ask anybody for anything? But what other choice do I have? I swore that I would do anything to keep my girl safe, and I won't back down now. I need to end the cunt avoiding me. I say me because everyone else in that stupid little club is dead.

But that one fuck, Jimmy, VP of the club has gone into hiding. Ain't stopped him from sending me threats. Threats on what he'll do to my girl when he catches her alone. Won't happen, fuckin' stupid piece of shit! He's got fuck all in his life now, no club, no family. All he's got is words.

It's those words that are driving me insane. I won't have anyone threatening Willow, she's been through enough in her life. Finding her by Cindy's grave only reinforced that I have to do whatever it takes.

I've tried fuckin' everything to find the fat sack of shit, but I keep coming up empty-handed. Of course, the guys are keeping their eyes and ears peeled, but it's like he's disappeared. Ain't stopped him getting the word out that he'll end me and my family. Stupid cunt. All this bullshit because I refused to hand over the gun run I'd set up with a Russian arms dealer.

Who in their right mind would hand over thousands of dollars worth of guns and ammo to a small time biker club?

The truth is, that's how all this small time bullshit started. Motherfuckers. Going up against the big boys? We'll fuckin' end anyone who tries. Just that fat sack of crap to deal with and this bullshit will be done with.

Until the next one comes along.

But right now, I need the help of my Mafia Don big brother in order to find that cunt and end him. It's all well and good having pride, but there's no room for that when I need to protect Willow. I'll get down on my fuckin' knees and beg the motherfucker for help if that's what he wants. I'll humiliate myself just as long as he helps me with this.

I don't care what he has me doing as payment, 'cause there'll be something he wants me to do in return for his help. As much as I don't wanna do this, I swore to Shepard that I'd keep his daughter safe no matter what.

So, Vidal, it is.

Fuck my life.

Chapter Twenty-One


I'm staring into the eyes of my biker half-brother as he stands in my office, the office in my huge ass house. I wasn't expecting him to come to me any time soon, yet here he is. My men were warned months ago not to touch one hair on my brothers head. Biker or not, he's my blood, and blood is everything to me.

Sure, I got shit from the famiglia about the damage it would do to my reputation if I claimed this biker as my brother. But I won't deny him, no fucking matter what it might look like to those outside the family. And if anyone in my company, anyone who works for me, no matter their rank goes against me, I'll not only kill them slowly and painfully, I'll make damn sure they watch the torture and deaths of every member of their family first. Every fucking one.

No one crosses Draven Vidal and lives. No one.

“What can I do for you, little brother?

I notice the slight sneer curving on his lips, but he hides it well. He hates me, and I can't say as I blame him, I'm the worst kind of bastard. I have to be in my position. There's no room for friends in my business. Can't seem to make myself hate him, though. It's not like me, I can cut my feelings off like a light switch. But when it comes to my sister, my cousin, and now my brother, I can't seem to turn them off.

Of course, I know this is dangerous, many have tried to use this against me many times already. My family. It always ends badly for those fuckers. But don't mistake this and think I slack on security where my sister and cousin are concerned, I don't, never will. Whatever I have to do to keep them safe, I'll do it. Don't matter to me that Avery's now with a biker who's quite capable of taking care of her. My mind would never quit nagging me if I didn't have her safety covered.

Christ, the shit I got from the family for allowing Avery to be with a biker. I thought they were going to try and overthrow me at one point. Sad that I had to kill a handful of my men to make the rest of them understand that I am the Don, what I say goes, in the end.

As for Maria? Never in this life will I allow anyone, and I mean anyone to get close enough to notice the color of her eyes before he or she'd die. I have big plans for that beautiful girl, plans my mother would be proud of. I may not have saved Avery from falling for a filthy biker, but I'll make damn sure the same doesn't happen to my baby sister.

Yes, my brother is a biker, doesn't mean I agree with his lifestyle, any more than he does mine. But we can't have everything.

“I don't wanna be here, Draven. This ain't a social call,” Of course it's not. Why the hell would it be? “But you're my brother and I need your help.”

My eyes narrow. I don't want to gloat, but I can't help it. He's finally acknowledged that I am his brother.

“Take a seat.”

He does.

“What do you need from me, brother?”

He rubs his hands over his tired face before pulling on his cut. My brother is a tall fucker, bigger than I am, and I'm a big guy, makes this man a damn giant.

“I can't afford to be proud right now, Draven. You said that if I ever needed your help, you'd give it to me.”

“And I meant it. Whatever it is, just name it.” I'd do anything for my brother, no matter what that might be.

“I need help finding the fucker who's threatening my woman. I need to keep her safe. You have the power to find anyone.”

“And your club doesn't?”

“I wouldn't be here if we could. There is nothing I wouldn't do to protect her, Draven. She's pregnant with my child. I can't lose her.”

Every man's weakness is his family. They'd be a liar or a full-on psychopath if they said it wasn't. That's why many Mafia Don's and bikers alike don't get too attached to people, including family. If people think you don't give a fuck, they won't bother. Or they will, depends how crazy the asshole is. The only people I'm attached to are my family, looks like my brother and his club are the same.

“I'll get on my knees if that's what you want.”

“You really must be desperate.”

“I am. I almost lost her once, I won't - can't go there again. I ain't ashamed to say that I won't survive if anything happens to her. I'm asking you as my older brother to help me. No matter what I have to do, I'll do it, just help me end this so I can keep my family safe. I know there's no love lost between you and my club, but help me with this and we'll be at your disposal whenever you need us.”

I lean back in my chair and take in the giant that is my brother. There's no doubt in my mind that I'm going to help him, but he must be really fucking desperate to come to me with this offer.

It's no secret that I fuckin' hate bikers. I'd wipe the slimy fuckers off the face of the earth without blinking if I could. Well, I can. But I'd be a liar if I didn't say I know there are one or two clubs out there who fight for the rights of innocent people. My brother's club included.

I've heard over the years how they've avenged women who've been abused, sex trafficked, even kids who've been hurt in the same way. As for pedophiles? Yeah, my brother and one of his men, Roman, I think they call him, I've heard the stories of what they personally do to those men. The fuckin' torture they inflict upon those people.

My God, could I be any prouder of this man?

No, I don't think I could.

I'm honored that he'd come to me for help, no matter how much he didn't want to. He needs me. Despite how hard he might have prayed that this ain't true, that we're not really related, we are, and if he can't come to his big brother for help, who can he go to?


n, Hammer, I know you'd rather be asking anyone other than me for help,” He shifts in his seat, the big leather chair on the opposite side of my large oak desk. Large. Jesus, he dwarfs the fucking thing. “But you came to me because you knew I'd help you.” His face gives nothing away, his shoulders, on the other hand... “Whatever you need, I'll help you with. There is no doubt about that. Give me names, places, it will be dealt with. That I can promise you. I know it's that Jimmy fuck that's getting to you the most. Trust me, I will find him, and when I do...” I leave the sentence hanging in the air. He knows what I mean, I don't have to verify it.

He sighs, leans forward in his seat with his hands on his face. I can't say I know what it's like to be terrified something bad will happen to the woman I love, I've never been in love. But I know what that girl means to Sam, I see the depth of what he feels for her written all over his face.

He's gonna marry that girl, they'll have more than one child, their life will be a happy one. Even if he is a biker. A bikers life ain't for kids, but then neither is a mafia life. Kids adapt well to what they know, my brother turned out all right, so did Avery, and Maria turned out perfect.

“Thank you... Brother. I mean that.”

“No thanks necessary. I'm your brother, I'd do anything for you, Hammer.”


Chapter Twenty-Two


“Yay! You're such a clever girl, Ember.” Pretty little thing is clapping her hands wildly at me. We're building blocks while her mom is out on business. I never ask what she's up to, it's easier on my conscience if I don't. It's probably something terrible knowing her.

I agreed to watch Ember for her. I love taking care of my niece, she's amazing. Always smiling, always happy. I've never known a little girl to be so happy in my life. That's saying something when my mom always says what a happy child I was growing up.