
I used to love titty bars. Fuckin' loved lap dances from the more voluptuous girls. Skeletons never did it for me. I like women with real curves, real breasts. Girls who haven't had work done to their faces, trying to make themselves look beautiful. Never works, always makes them look like a melted Barbie Doll. Shame they don't see they're already beautiful.

I also like my women to be drug-free. Can't fuckin' stand a druggie. What that shit does to the skin and body is sickening. But the girls here are not druggies, Shepard won't stand for that shit, and as the club owns this place we vet the women who work here. We don't give a shit what they do as long as they don't take drugs or fuck the customers on our time.

I used to love these places, they were like a second home to me. Now? I feel like I'm cheating on Nova just sitting at the damn bar. I'm here with Gunner, Jett, Red, and Ace. It was Jett's idea. He's the only one out of the five of us who ain't attached. Gunner, Red, and Ace's wives don't care that they come to the titty bar, they all trust their men. They have no reason to doubt them, not one of those men would cheat on his wife.

I'm not sure Nova trusts me enough yet to know I won't let anything happen here. She trusts that I won't touch one of these women, but she seems to be always looking at other women, trying to figure them out and what they're thinking when they look at me.

I wouldn't say she's insecure, but I would say she's possessive. Trust me, she threatened to slap me a good one because I spoke to a young woman who bumped into me at the supermarket while Nova and I were shopping with Ember. All the girl did was apologize to me, I said it was okay, then I turned to put something in the cart, Ember laughing at me at the same time. Nova ground her teeth at me, eyes glaring at the young woman, who quickly scurried away.

Nova told me then and there what she'd do to me if I ever did that in front of her again. There was just no talking to her. Something as simple as me saying two words to another woman set her off badly. She didn't talk to me for the rest of the day.

I don't know what that's all about, but I soon made her see that I wouldn't stand for it. Of course, I don't like the idea of other men chatting her up and flirting with her, and I will kill any man I see doing it, so yeah, she has every right to tell me the same thing. But for simply accepting someone’s apology? Not a chance in hell.

We fucked hard and long that night. It wasn't making love or even simple fucking, it was pure unadulterated mating. Two wild beasts attacking each other in the night. We needed it, whatever pent up frustration she was feeling, I fucked it out of her real good.

You'd think Hammer would come out once in a while with us, wouldn't you? My brother hasn't left the clubhouse for anything other than club business since Cindy was killed. I've tried to get him to move on with his life, but he's told me on more than one occasion that he could easily rearrange my face.

Nice, right?

It's not my place to tell my brother what to do and when he should feel ready to move on, but he is my brother and I don't want this lonely life he's built for himself to take over. The club can't be the only thing he's living for.

One of the usual dancers, Mix, shimmies up to me, plopping herself on my damn lap. Thank god Nova can’t see this. She'd kill the girl. I fully believe that.

Every part of this woman is fake, inside and out. She's the ultimate bitch, and almost every unmarried brother has fucked her. Except me.

Like I said, fake doesn't do it for me.

Hasn't stopped Mix from trying to get on my dick every chance she gets.

“Hey, sexy,” She drawls while sliding her hands up my chest. “Want a private dance? I could give you a dance like you've never had in your life.”

What is it with this woman?

“I don't think so,” I tell her while taking her arms and pulling her away from me. My eyes lock with Red's and the fact he's laughing to himself. He knows how hard this bitch tries to get me to fuck her. He's even joked that I must be dead from the waist down not to want to fuck her.

Yeah, she's beautiful in her own right. Most men's fantasy. Huge tits, big butt, curves in all the right places. And you can call me a pussy all you want, but the only woman I want is Nova. She's fuckin' changed me in ways I never knew possible. I don't need anyone else but her.

I ain't never really been the relationship kinda guy. Like I said before, I never connected with anyone. I wanted to, I looked for it, but it never happened. There was always too much pussy and all that. But I connected with my girl the second I laid eyes on her. I felt it deep inside of me, and making Nova mine means I don't need any other pussy but hers. She's it for me. Mine. And no one else could even come close to what we have. No one ever will.

“Come on, Tank,” Mix huffs and folds her arms around herself while pouting. It's fuckin' comical to look at. I have no idea how old this woman is but I doubt she's any younger than thirty. Why the fuck she has to act like she's eighteen is beyond me. Jesus!

“I think you should go find someone else, Mix.”

“This is none of your business, Ace!” She snaps at him. Silly girl. He may have fucked her a couple times before he got with his old lady, but that doesn't mean this bitch has the right to speak to him that way.

I grab her arms and shake the bitch back and forth. “You don't speak to my brother that way, bitch. You're a fuckin' whore, here to dance and show the damn customers a good time. You wanna keep your fuckin' job?”

She nods, eyes wide, skin paled.

Bitch knows the rules, needs to remind her-fucking-self that she's nothin' but a stripper! That's the profession she chose, no one else did it for her.

“I suggest you apologize to Ace and mean it. You don't want...” And that's as far as I get before the bitch is ripped away from me by her hair. All eyes are looking at what's happening behind me, all eyes wide, mouths hanging open.

I don't know why, but I know who it is before I even look. And I know she's pissed. I knew she would be if she saw Mix on my lap. Point is, I didn't think she even knew I was here.

The fuckin' music has died, every damn person is watching my woman beat the shit outta Mix. Fuck, she's insane!

“What is it with you sluts!” Smack. “Always touchin' what don't belong to you.” Smack. “Other bitches might turn a blind eye,” Smack. “But I won't. You ever touch what's mine again,” Nova grabs Mix's chin in her hand. The girl can hardly stand. Her face is covere

d in blood, she's hunched over from where Nova punched her in the stomach. “I'll kill you!”

I think I'm a little in shock. Yeah, I've seen women fight before now, but I ain't ever seen anything like this. Who the fuck taught her to fight like this?

Fight? That's a laugh. Mix hasn't got one hit in.

“You might need to get over there, brother.”

Jett's right, I need to stop this. Although, I don't see him trying to stop his little sister from killing the girl.

Why is Nova even here?

She spyin' on me?

Even if she was, she caught you red-handed with a fuckin' stripper on your lap. If she suspected you of something, she found it to be true, huh, dickhead?


I jump out of my seat and race over to my girl. I grab her around the waist and lift her off of Mix, who's now curled up in a ball, trying to protect herself from Nova's beating, snivelling and sobbing. Wouldn't have killed her to try and fight back, the dumb bitch.

“Touch my man again, and I'll kill you in the worst way!” Nova screams at Mix.

“Calm down!” I hiss in her ear. She fights me as I drag her the fuck outta the club. Good thing we own this place and can keep this shit on the lowdown. Anyone calls the cops? I'll kill them. Simple.

“Let go of me, you cheatin' bastard!”

I chuckle to myself while dragging her down the alleyway beside the club and pushing her against the wall, holding her there with the weight of my body. “Wanna tell me what the fuck that was?”

“Don't go there with me, Tank! You think it's fuckin' funny that I find you with a whore on your lap? You think I don't know where that was heading?”

“Look at me,” She rolls her blue eyes and turns away from me. I grab her face, “I said, look at me!” She does. “First off, that bitch was already getting a piece of my mind.” She rolls her eyes again.

Why the hell should she believe me? I'm a guy, she's already told me plenty of times how she's scared I'll find somebody better, how I'll leave her when I realize she's not what I want. Took me a while to get it out of her, but after the supermarket incident, I wanted to know what was going on in her mind.