My dad laughs while wiping his eyes. I never thought I'd see my father emotional like this. Not the big bad biker he is.

“This is your grandma.” Lynette gasps and clasps her chest dramatically. It makes me laugh inwardly. I really like her, and my brother refers to her as, “Mom” so why shouldn't she be a grandma to Ember? And Willow is legally my sister, and they've both been so kind to me since I came here. I want my little girl to know them as her grandma and her aunt.

I introduce Ember to Willow, who cries when I introduce her as Ember's new aunt. I hope my younger siblings have the same reaction to my baby girl.

I walk up to my brother, my little girl on my hip as she pulls at her left pigtail. She's always either pulling at her hair or biting her little fist. “This man is your uncle Jett. He's a very brave and strong man, whom mommy loves very much.”

I feel my brother’s hand on my face. I look up at him. He's smiling at me in a way I've never seen before. I have always looked up to my big brother. I have always loved him so much, he was always my hero growing up. That hasn't changed.

“Can I hold her?”

“Of course.” I smile and hand Ember to him. She sticks her little pointer finger in his mouth playfully and squeals happily when he pretends to bite it. I then watch as Jett hands her to my father, who Ember seems to love instantly, laying her head on his shoulder and biting at the patch sitting there.

Once Lynette and Willow have taken a turn holding Ember and kissing her little face like they'd die if they didn't, my baby starts grizzling, whining, and waving her little arms in Tank's direction. She always wants him when she's tired. Which amazes me.

He smiles and takes her from Willow, kissing her little chubby cheek before she lays her head on his shoulder like always. Like that's her safe place.

I notice my dad’s eyes narrow as he watches Tank with Ember. The way my baby lays her head on his shoulder and strokes the side of his neck with her tiny little fingers. The way Tank is stroking her back and rocking her gently from side to side. My dad is not happy.

My dad’s eyes lock with mine and I bite my lower lip nervously. He knows. I know he does. My father is a smart man, he's worked out what's going on between Tank and me. I just know he has.

God, please don't let my dad kick Tank's ass, or worse, shoot him dead like he swore he would if any man touched me.

“Mamma, moo-me-ban-ba.” I chuckle to myself. That's my baby girl’s way of asking me to nurse her.

“Come on, baby girl.” I take her from Tank's arms. “Could you please excuse me for a moment? I just need to nurse her. Tank, could you get everyone a drink?” He nods and winks at me. “Thanks. I'll be right back.”

When I was inducted into The Snakes Henchmen MC, I made a pledge to honor and protect the club, my brothers, their old ladies, and their kids. Well, those who had them, at all costs. I have followed the rules and lived for my club since I was nineteen. I've fought, killed, and almost died for my club multiple times. I'm the man who takes charge in situations that require punishment to be doled out. My brother may be Sergeant-At-Arms, but I enforce the rules of the club. New members, old members. I am someone in this club. But looking at the Prez right now, I may well be on my way to the grave.

I didn't want to do this right now. Now is neither the time nor place to do this. Especially when Nova told me point blank that she wanted to go slowly. But I know he's not going to let me walk out of this room until he's had his say.

“You were warned to stay away from my daughter.” Shepard stands his full height with his arms folded across his big chest. The man might be fifty-one but he's as strong as a man half his age. He's also as dangerous as they come and not afraid to kill a man in the worst way. Even a member of our own club.

“She's needed a friend these past few days.”

“A friend.” He hums while scratching his cheek with his thumb. Ah hell, he's more pissed than I thought he would be.

How pissed did you think he'd be, Tank? This is his daughter you're messing with.

But I'm not messing with her, not at all.

I know I was once a fuckin' dick, a man who fucked for fun whenever and wherever, but I've given it all up for Nova. I never lied about that.

“And the fact my granddaughter clings to you as though you were her father? You don't see that as a problem?”

No, but I can see you do.

“What is it you want me to say, Prez? I know what you told us all about staying away, and I have tried really hard, but I can't.”

“You're willin' to go against me, boy?! You're willin' to risk a bullet to your stupid brain over this?!”

“Dad!” Jett steps between us, his hand on his father’s chest. I don't need Jett to stand up for me. Although I don't particularly want to square up to the Prez either. The man has never made a threat he didn't carry out. “Don't do this here. There's a baby in the damned house. An innocent child. Just because he has feelings for Nova doesn't mean she reciprocates.”

“I didn't mean to fall in love with your daughter, Shepard.” Four sets of eyes burn holes into me. “I love her, I want to make her my old lady.”

“Not happenin'!” Shepard takes another step towards me. Any closer he'll be within punching distance. “You think me a stupid man, Tank?”

“Of course not.”

“I asked one thing of you. You went against me and you know what's comin' now, don't you?” I do know. I'm gonna get a damn good beat down for this.

“Nothing is coming.” We each turn our heads in Nova's direction. She was quick. Ember couldn't have fed much, she's only been gone ten minutes. “I understand your rules and regulations, Dad. I respect them. But you don't get to choose who you allow to love me. I have my own mind. I can choose for myself.”

“Not one of my boys you don't. He defied a direct order and he knows...”

“If you do anything to hurt him,” she cuts him off, “I will never forgive you. Ember and I love having him here with us.” She rubs her forehead in frustration. “I love him, Dad. I want to be his old lady.”

I smile while puffing my chest out like some kind of lion. I fold my arms around my chest, pride filling me. This beautiful woman loves me just as I love her, and she wants to be my old lady.

Well, fuck me.

She walks over to me and slides her arm around my back. I unlock my arms and wrap my left around her waist, holding her close to me. Shepard's eyes widen in anger. Jett is shaking his head at me. He knows as well as I do that I'm pushing Shepard in a way I shouldn't push him. Lynette and Willow are saying nothing. Then again, they know not to get involved in Shepard's business.

“I know you're angry, Daddy, and I am so sorry you feel that way. But Tank is a good man. He thinks so much of you. He didn't want to give into his feelings for me. Believe me, he tried to deny them because he didn't want to go against the man he feels saved his life as a child.” Shepard looks to me for a moment.

I've never told him how thankful I am to him for what he did for me when I was a kid. I tried once but he shooed me away.

“When Mandy brought Ember here, I was terrified, Dad. I had no idea what I would do. I thought it would be best to try and find my baby another new family. But Tank showed me that I can be her mother. If it wasn't for him helping me see what Ember really means to me, god only knows where she would be now.

“In all the years I was without you, I was never taught what love really was. Yes, Celia said she loved me a couple times. Butch told Celia he loved her once or twice, but that's it. I never really saw love between two people, so I didn't know what that was. Then I saw how you are with Lynette, the way you tell each other how much you love each other so effortlessly and not caring who hears it. I see Willow and Jordan and how much they love each other.” Jordan is Willow's boyfriend, a prospect with the club. “I see the other guys with their women, and I don't know, I guess, I started to believe I could feel that too.

“I was the one who initiated this whole thin

g between us. I was the one who chased after him. Tank told me more than once that nothing could ever happen between us because he wouldn't go against you. But he loves me, Dad, and I love him. I don't want you to hurt him when he's done nothing wrong.”

“We'll talk about this back at the clubhouse,” Shepard says to me.

I nod in his direction.

“If you hurt him, I promise you will never see me or Ember again. I will never forgive you if you do anything to hurt my old man.” Hot Damn.

Shepard's eyes widen, but before he can say anything, I take Nova's face in my hands. I can't have her speaking to him like this, it will only make things worse. “What will be, will be.” I kiss her forehead before walking out of there, Shepard and Jett following closely behind me.