Shit, is that really me?

There's nothing rushed about his kiss, it's soft and gentle, kind of like he's savoring every touch of our lips, tongues. I've never been kissed like this. Might have something to do with the fact I have touch issues and I don't kiss people. But with Tank, I can't help myself.

His hand slides around the back of my head, pulling me closer. I grab the front of his cut and lift my leg over his thighs and straddle him. I slide my hands around his neck, our lips still fused together as I grind into the hard length of him. And my god is he hard. So hard my pussy is throbbing against it.

With his hand on my face, he gently pulls out of our kiss and rests his forehead against mine. I bite my lower lip, trying hard to hide the smile on my face. I have wanted him to kiss me from the moment I first laid eyes on him. “Your dad is gonna kill me.”

I can't help the giggle that escapes me. “He won't kill you.”

“I swore I wouldn't fall for you.”

I swallow hard. “You've fallen for me?” I ask while pulling away from him a little in order to look at him.

He opens his mouth to answer me, but he's cut short when a loud wailing sound echoes through the whole house. “It's okay, you can do this.” I nod in agreement even though I have no fucking clue if I can do this.

I follow her to the bedroom. I offered to leave but she begged me to stay. She needs support right now and I am honored that it's me she wants to support her.

I've tried so damn hard to fight what I feel for her, the more I fought it the deeper I fell for her. Nova is a dangerous beauty.

Yes, that's what I said, dangerous. I see it in her eyes.

How dangerous?

I haven't worked that much out yet, but I will.

But she's also a mother, a scared mother who needs a little help to realize that she is everything this little girl needs. The little girl now on her stomach looking right at us. The little girl who is the image of Nova. God, those big blue eyes of hers are looking right at me.

Ember blinks while looking at Nova. She recognizes her mother, even after being away from her for a month. The baby blinks again before a huge smile erupts across her gorgeous little face. “Mamma.” She points a tiny little finger at Nova and Nova sucks back a sob.

The baby repeats the word, again and again, giggling happily, wanting her mother to lift her.

“She definitely knows her mommy.” I chuckle.

“I used to whisper in her ear while I nursed her. I used to tell her, “Mommy loves you, Ember.” She first said the word, “Mamma” the day before I left my apartment to come here. Mandy was walking toward her house carrying Ember. I tried to avoid them like I had for a while. Then I heard it, “Mamma.” My head shot up and my baby was pointing at me like she is right now. My heart broke and I ran.” She hangs her head.

I clasp her shoulder and kiss her head. “I'm here, baby. Take strength from me.”

She nods and takes a deep breath.

I watch her reach for the baby, who's now squealing in delight. “Hi, baby girl. Mommy missed you.” The baby squeals happily while clapping her tiny hands. Nova laughs and clasps the back of the baby's head, bringing it down and kissing her forehead. “I love you so much, Ember.” She says while sitting down on the edge of her bed.

“Mo-ca-be-be.” Ember's baby talk makes me laugh.

“This is Tank. He's a very nice man.” I smile and take a seat next to Nova on her bed. “He's mommy's very good friend.”

Ember holds her arms out to me while trying to climb out of her mother’s arms. She's a forward little thing. So trusting. I take her and hold her awkwardly. Never held many babies in my life before this one.

“Don't look so worried, you won't hurt her. She likes you.”

“I like her too, she's beautiful just like her mom.” Nova shyly bites her lower lip while tucking her hair behind her ear. “How old is she?”

“Ten months.”

“You're a tiny little thing, aren't you?” Ember just looks at me while chewing on her fist. Her big trusting eyes watching me, never faltering. Between the two of them, I am totally fucked. Prez is gonna kill me for what I'm about to say, but I'll be a cunt if I don't say it. “I think your mommy should give uncle Tank a chance. What do you think, Ember?”

“A chance at what?” Nova asks quietly.

I turn my head towards her, baby Ember rests her little head on my shoulder. “A chance to prove I can be everything you ever needed.”

“You mean... Like a relationship?”

“Yes, a relationship. I want you to be my old lady.” I cup her face with my free hand. I have no fuckin' clue what I'm doing, but I'm gonna end up with my goddamn nuts in a vise for this.

“Your dad will more than likely kill me, but I can't deny what I feel for you, Nova. This little girl, the moment I saw her, I knew I wanted to protect you both from everything. And yes, I know you're quite capable of taking care of yourself, but you can lean on me, Nova.”

“I've always been alone, Tank. It's just who I am. I don't even know if it would work between us. You don't even know me.”

“Then we'll get to know each other. Let me take you out.”

“And what about Ember? What do you suppose I do with her?” She smiles as I chew on my lip trying to think of a solution.

“We could just have dinner. We don't even have to go anywhere.” I look down at the baby girl stroking my chest with her tiny hand. I smile and kiss her head. “I just wanna spend some time with you both. Get to know both of you. I won't hurt you, Nova. That's not what I'm about. But I will protect you with my life.” I tuck her hair behind her ear. “I've wanted to make you my old lady since the first moment I saw you.”

She sucks in a deep breath and closes her eyes for a second. When she opens them again she smiles right at me. “It's weird, but I've never thought about being anybody's anything. But when I met you, I imagined myself belonging to you. Then I thought, how could I belong to a man whose name I don't even know? What about family? Parents, siblings?”

It's not wrong of her to want to know these things. If I am to make her mine – and I do want to make her mine – then I need to tell her about myself. Even though I've never told any woman anything about myself that mattered. Even though Shepard will kill me when he finds out what I have planned for his daughter.

“My name is Haiden Marshall. I'm twenty-eight years old. I have

one brother, no parents.” She narrows her eyes slightly. “They died before I reached sixteen. My brother, Sam, was twenty at the time. He took care of me. Without him, I don't know what would have happened to me.

“My father was a member of the Snakes Henchmen. Your grandfather, Apollo, was the president at the time. My dad, Titus, was a higher member of the club back then, Sergeant-At-Arms. My father, Blackjack, and Shepard were more than brothers. They bled together, shed blood together. We had many good family days together. After my mom and dad died, Shepard took my brother and me in for a while. My brother was already a member, already patched, working his way to earning a higher rank,”

I take a deep breath as she takes my hand in hers.

Why does this feel so right? Baby in my arms, Nova by my side?

This little girl isn't of my blood, I've known about her two hours, yet I feel my heart swelling with love for her. Love I have for her mother.

Did I really just say the fuckin' L-word?

I did and I mean it whole-heartedly. I love Nova. How it happened I have no idea. I've known her a month and she's already ingrained in my heart and mind. God, the two of them already mean everything to me. I could love this baby as if she were mine. I don't give a damn where she came from. I could love her mother as my old lady, my wife.

Ah, hell, where the fuck did that come from? My wife? I know I said I was ready for it, but I've always loved getting my dick wet and not caring a shit which tight pussy that made it happen. I love fuckin' hard, fast, forcefully. I like to fuck women into the damn mattress, the fuckin' floor, wherever I can.

That's why you haven't touched another woman since you met Nova?

When I look at Nova, I realize I'm not that man anymore. I haven't been that man since I first set eyes on her. I have to make her mine, there's no maybe's about it. She's mine and I have to make her see why. Even if Shepard does castrate me for it. She's worth it. She's the girl I've been waiting for all these years. The girl I have yearned for since my parents passed away and left me with no real family but my brother.